iOS 5 Facebook Integration - facebook

I am writing an app and for the first time I want to integrate some Facebook SDK functionality. I want to have the user login to their Facebook account, then be able to choose one of their friends to "compete" against in the app.
I am following the instructions on the Facebook developers site for iOS but what I can't seem to figure out is how to present a "login with Facebook" view when the app is launched and then never again while the Facebook SSO is authorized or unless the user logs out of the app.
The example I'll use for this is like the DrawSomething app's workflow for authentication.
Any ideas of how to accomplish this? Tutorials or examples would be awesome! I am using iOS 5 with storyboards for the app if that makes a difference.

First authenticate :
Facebook API/SDK integration


Facebook login integration with phonegap

I'm new using facebook for developers, I want to use Facebook Login for my app developed in phonegap, where I want that when users want to login, it opens facebook standard page for them to continue with the process and return data to my app. But the first thing I found was that there were many solutions:
The Login Flow for iOS
The Login Flow for Android
The Login Flow for Web (without JavaScript SDK)
But none for what I want. I also found facebook github's solutions but, it seems to be only for Android or iOs, but not both of them:
So I have some doubts:
¿What solution should I use for phonegap integration?
I know that I need an app-id that I can find it at facebook's developers page , but if that key is locally saved, at the devices, would it be safe?

Facebook integration in xcode 4.5 with ios6?

I need to integrate Facebook login page in my app.i.e I m providing user various login options like he can login with my website account or facebook account and continue the activities with in our app thats it.I dont want him to perform any other activities with facebook.He can just login.
So I have through some of the tutorials which say to drag and drop FBConnect and write some code.But when I drag and drop FBConnect Im getting errors when I complile project saying FBConnect/FBSession.h not found etc .
And sometimes Facebook tutorials say to use Appkey and AppSecret when using FBConnect.But sometimes they dont use, when importing FacebookSDK.framework
I couldnot understand how could I proceed further.
Should I use FBConnect ?Is AppKey neccessary?I just want to give option to user that he can login through Facebook also in my app
Please guide me in this aspect..
Yes even for giving user a option to login with facebook , you need to integrate the facebook sdk and the app id is required.
Since you are using xcode 4.5 then you have to use facebook sdk 3.1 not 3.0.(it will give errors).
See the, they have provided all the details you want.
First you need to set up environment for your app:-
Then implement the login feature:-
I hope this might helps you.

How to do login with TWRequest in a user friendly manner?

After having a look at Apple TWRequest class (and example), I was surprised it has no possibilities for presenting a user with a login screen. The only way is to check if a user has entered its credentials with [TWTweetComposeViewController canSendTweet] and if no then give a message like
"Hey, you have manually to go to settings->twitter and enter the credentials. Then you should find and open our app manually and continue on"
I'm wondering does anybody use such crap functionality :) For example, Facebook iOS SDK 3 has implemented Single Sign On (SSO) that opens Safari with Facebook login screen and returns to your app after login... I guess I will need to fallback to old styled twitter integration with a lot of 3rd party stuff.
ps. I would give a try to ShareKit but I need to integrate my app with google+ which is not currently supported in ShareKit.

Facebook applications and WP7

I need to perform facebook post into the user wall from wp7 (but without using the nice built-in ShareLinkTask of mango, please don't ask me why, its a requirement).
So, lets say I must do it as I was in Wp7 before mango, the only way available I found, is based on building a facebook application and using that applicationId with the facebook sdk.
It works but I need to use an ad-hoc or a company account to create the app, I was not able to do both, it seems that comapny account cannot create apps, ad-hoc account are prohibited.
Is there a way to create a facebook app withouth using a personal account ?
Is it really necessary to create a facebook app to make a wp7 app post to facebook (without using the ShareLinkTask of mango).
thanks to all
There is no other way to post on somebody's wall. You have to use the SDK and to register your app on Facebook because the user has to explicitly authorize your applications to post on his wall.
Even if you post a message from the built-in Windows Phone features, you'll see on Facebook that the message has been posted with the application Windows Phone. And you can retrieve the settings of that application in your facebook account settings:

Logging in using facebook/twitter account

I am developing an iPhone application, which has a registration feature as well. Now, I would like to enable those users who already have account with facebook or twitter to login directly using their FB/Twitter credentials.
Pl. help me with this.
Here is the SDK for facebook connect for the iPhone: Facebook iPhone SDK
For Twitter, you could try this? MGTwitterEngine
Twitter's offering is called Sign in with Twitter, and Facebook offers Login with Facebook.
These links should get you started.