TTL index on oplog or reducing the size of oplog? - mongodb

I am using mongodb with elasticsearch for my application. Elasticsearch creates indexes by monitioring oplog collection. When both the applications are running constantly then any changes to the collections in mongodb are immediately indexed. The only problem I face is if for some reason I had to delete and recreate the index then it takes ages(2days) for the indexing to complete.
When I was looking at the size of my oplog by default it's capacity is 40gb and its holding around 60million transactions because of which creating a fresh index is taking a long time.
What would be the best way to optimize fresh index creation?
Is it to reduce the size of oplog so that it holds less number of transactions and still not affect my replication or is it possible to create a ttl index(which I failed to do on several attempts) on oplog.
I am using elasticsearch with mongodb using mongodb river
Any help to overcome the above mentioned issues is appreciated.

I am not a Elastic Search Pro but your question:
What would be the best way to optimize fresh index creation?
Does apply a little to all who use third party FTS techs with MongoDB.
The first thing to note is that if you have A LOT of records then there is no easy way around this unless you are prepared to lose some of them.
The oplog isn't really a good idea for this, you should probably seek out using a custom script using timers in the main collection to do this personally, or a change table giving you a single place to quickly query for new or updated records.
Unless you are filtering the oplog to get specific records, i.e. inserts, then you could be pulling out ALL oplog records including deletes, collection operations and even database operations. So you could try stripping out unneeded records from your oplog search, however, this then creates a new problem; the oplog has no indexes or index updating.
This means that if you start to read in a manner more appropiate you will actually use an unindexed query over these 60 million records. This will result in slow(er) performance.
The oplog having no index updating answers another one of your questions:
is it possible to create a ttl index(which I failed to do on several attempts) on oplog.
As for the other one of your questions:
Is it to reduce the size of oplog so that it holds less number of transactions
Yes, but you will have a smaller recovery window of replication and not only that but you will lose records from your "fresh" index so only a part of your data is actually indexed. I am unsure, from your question, if this is a problem or not.

You can reduce the oplog for a single secondary member that no replica is synching from. Look up rs.syncFrom and "Change the Size of the Oplog" in the mongodb docs.


how to choose best mechanism for delete logs saved to mongodb

I'm implementing a logger using MongoDB and I'm quite new to the concept.
The logger is supposed to log each request and Its response.
I'm facing the question of using the TTL Index of mongo or just using the query overnight approach.
I think that the first method might bring some overhead by using a background thread and probably rebuilding the index after each deletion but, it frees space as soon as the documents expire and this might be beneficial.
The second approach, on the other hand, does not have this kind of overhead but it frees up space just at the end of each day.
It seems to me that the second approach will suit my case better as it would not be the case that my server just goes on the edge of not having enough disk space, but it will always be the case that we need to reduce the overhead on the server.
I'm wondering if there are some aspects to the subject that I'm missing and also I'm not sure about the applications of the MongoDB TTL.
Just my opinion:
It seems to be best to store logs in monthly , daily or hourly collection depends on your applications write load , and at the end of the day to just drop() the oldest collections with custom script. From experience TTL indices not working well when there is heavy write load to your collection since they add additional write load based on expiration time.
For example imagine you insert at 06:00h log events with 100k/sec and your TTL index life time is set to 3h , this mean after 3h at 09:00h you will have those 100k/sec deletes applied to your collection that are also stored in the oplog ... , solution in such cases is to add more shards , but it become kind of expensive... , far easier is to just drop the exprired collection ...
Moreover depending on your project size for bigger collections to speed up searches you can additionally shard and pre-split the collections based on compound index hashed datetime field(every log contain timestamp) with another field which you will search often and this will allow you scalable search across multiple distributed shards.
Also note mongoDB is a general purpose document database and fulltext search is kind of limited to expensinve regex expressions , so in case you need to do fast raw fulltext search in your logs some inverse index search engine like elasticsearch on top of your mongoDB backand maybe a good solution to cover this functionality.

MongoDB Internal implementation of indexing?

I've learned a lot of things about indexing and finding some stuff from
Indexes support the efficient execution of queries in MongoDB. Without indexes, MongoDB must perform a collection scan, i.e. scan every document in a collection, to select those documents that match the
query statement. If an appropriate index exists for a query, MongoDB can use the index to limit the number of documents it must inspect.
But i still have some questions:
While Creating index using (createIndex), is the Record always stored in
Is every time need to create Index Whenever My application
is going to restart ?
What will Happen in the case of default id (_id). Is always Store in RAM.
_id Is Default Index, That means All Records is always Store in RAM for particular collections?
Please help me If I am wrong.
I think, you are having an idea that indexes are stored in RAM. What if I say they are not.
First of all we need to understand what are indexes, indexes are basically a pointer to tell where on disk that document is. Just like we have indexing in book, for faster access we can see what topic is on which page number.
So when indexes are created, they also are stored in the disk, But when an application is running, based on the frequent use and even faster access they get loaded into RAM but there is a difference between loaded and created.
Also loading an index is not same as loading a collection or records into RAM. If we have index loaded we know what all documents to pick up from disk, unlike loading all document and verifying each one of them. So indexes avoid collection scan.
Creation of indexes is one time process, but each write on the document can potentially alter the indexing, so some part might need to be recalculating because records might get shuffled based on the change in data. that's why indexing makes write slow and read fast.
Again think of as a book, if you add a new topic of say 2 pages in between the book, all the indexes after that topic number needs to be recalculated. accordingly.
While Creating index Using (createIndex),Is Record always store in RAM
No, records are not stored in RAM, while creating it sort of processes all the document in the collection and create an index sheet, this would be time consuming understandably if there are too many documents, that's why there is an option to create index in background.
Is every time need to create Index Whenever My application is going to
restart ?
Index are created one time, you can delete it and create again, but it won't recreated on the application or DB restart. that would be insane for huge collection in sharded environment.
What will Happen in the case of default id (_id). Is always Store in
Again that's not true. _id comes as indexed field, so index is already created for empty collection, as when you do a write , it would recalculate the index. Since it's a unique index, the processing would be faster.
_id Is Default Index, That means All Records is always Store in RAM for particular collections ?
all records would only be stored in RAM when you are using in-memory engine of MongoDB, which I think comes as enterprise edition. Due to indexing it would not automatically load the record into RAM.
To answer the question from the title:
MongoDB indexes use a B-tree data structure.

Intercept or filter out oplog transactions from MongoDB

There is a MongoDB which has interesting data I want to examine. Unfortunately, due to size concerns, once every 48 hours, the database is purged of "old" records.
I created a replica set with a secondary database system that has priority 0 and vote 0 so as not to interfere with the main database performance. This works great as I can query the secondary and get my data. However, there are many occasions that my system cannot process all the records in time and will lose some old records if I did not get to them within 48 hours.
Is there a way where I can cache the oplog on another system which I can then process at my leisure, possibly filtering out the deletes until I am ready?
I considered the slavedelay parameters, but that will affect all transactions. I also looked into Tungsten Replicate as a solution so I can essentially cache the the oplogs, however, they do not support MongoDB as a source of the data.
Is the oplog stored in plain text on the secondary such that I can read it and extract what I want from it.
Any pointers to this would be helpful, unfortunately I could not find much documentation on Oplog in the MongoDB website.
MongoDB oplog is stored as a capped collection called '' in your local DB:
use local
If you want to store more old data in oplog for later use, you can try to increase the size of that collection. See
Alternatively, you can recreate as an uncapped collection (though this is not recommended since you will have to maually clean up oplog). Follow the same steps to increase the size above, but when recreating the oplog, use this command
db.runCommand( { create: "", capped: false})
Another solution is to create a cron job with the following command dump oplog into the folder YYYYMMDD:
mongodump --db local --collection -o $(date +%Y%m%d)
Hope that helps.
I wonder why you would do that manually. The "canonical" way to do it is to either identify the lifetime or expiration date of a record. If it is a lifetime, you'd do sth like
db.collection.insert({'foo':'bar' [...], created: ISODate("2014-10-06T09:00:05Z")})
By doing so, a thread called TTLMonitor will awake every minute and remove all documents which have a created field which is older than two days.
If you have a fixed expiration date for each document, you'd basically do the same:
db.collection.insert({'foo':'bar' [...], expirationDate: ISODate("2100-01-01T00:00:00Z"})
This will purge the documents in the first run of TTLMonitor after the expirationDate.
You could adjust expireAfterSeconds to a value which safely allows you to process the records before they are purged, keeping the overall size at acceptable needs and making sure that even when your application goes down during the purging work, the records are removed. (Not to mention that you don't need to maintain the purging logic yourself).
That being said and in the hope it might be useful to you, I think your problem is a conceptual one.
You have a scaling problem. You system is unable to deal with peaks, hence it occasionally is unable to process all data in time. Instead of fiddling with the internals of MongoDB (which might be quite dangerous, as #chianh correctly pointed out), you should rather scale accordingly by identifying your bottleneck and scale it according to your peaks.

MongoDB fast deletion best approach

My application currently use MySQL. In order to support very fast deletion, I organize my data in partitions, according to timestamp. Then when data becomes obsolete, I just drop the whole partition.
It works great, and cleaning up my DB doesn't harm my application performance.
I would want to replace MySQL with MongoDB, and I'm wondering if there's something similiar in MongoDB, or would I just need to delete the records one by one (which, I'm afraid, will be really slow and will make my DB busy, and slow down queries response time).
In MongoDB, if your requirement is to delete data to limit the collection size, you should use a capped collection.
On the other hand, if your requirement is to delete data based on a timestamp, then a TTL index might be exactly what you're looking for.
From official doc regarding capped collections:
Capped collections automatically remove the oldest documents in the collection without requiring scripts or explicit remove operations.
And regarding TTL indexes:
Implemented as a special index type, TTL collections make it possible to store data in MongoDB and have the mongod automatically remove data after a specified period of time.
I thought, even though I am late and an answer has already been accepted, I would add a little more.
The problem with capped collections is that they regularly reside upon one shard in a cluster. Even though, in latter versions of MongoDB, capped collections are shardable they normally are not. Adding to this a capped collection MUST be allocated on the spot, so if you wish to have a long history before clearing the data you might find your collection uses up significantly more space than it should.
TTL is a good answer however it is not as fast as drop(). TTL is basically MongoDB doing the same thing, server-side, that you would do in your application of judging when a row is historical and deleting it. If done excessively it will have a detrimental effect on performance. Not only that but it isn't good at freeing up space to your $freelists which is key to stopping fragmentation in MongoDB.
drop()ing a collection will literally just "drop" the collection on the spot, instantly and gracefully giving that space back to MongoDB (not the OS) giving you absolutely no fragmentation what-so-ever. Not only that but the operation is a lot faster, 90% of the time, than most other alternatives.
So I would stick by my comment:
You could factor the data into time series collections based on how long it takes for data to become historical, then just drop() the collection
As #Zaid pointed out, even with the _id field capped collections are not shardable.
One solution to this is using TokuMX which supports partitioning:
Advantages over capped collections: capped collections use a fixed amount of space (even when you don't have this much data) and they can't be resized on-the-fly. Partitioned collections usage depends on data; you can add and remove partitions (for newly inserted data) as you see fit.
Advantages over TTL: TTL is slow, it just takes care of removing old data automatically. Partitions are fast - removing data is basically just a file removal.
HOWEVER: after getting acquired by Percona, development of TokuMX appears to have stopped (would love to be corrected on this point). Unfortunately MongoDB doesn't support this functionality and with TokuMX on its way out it looks like we will be stranded without proper solution.

MongoDB very slow deletes

I've got a small replica set of three mongod servers (16GB RAM each, at least 4 CPU cores and real HDDs) and one dedicated arbiter. The replicated data has about 100,000,000 records currently. Nearly all of this data is in one collection with an index on _id (the auto-generated Mongo ID) and date, which is a native Mongo date field. Periodically I delete old records from this collection using the date index, something like this (from the mongo shell):
db.repo.remove({"date" : {"$lt" : new Date(1362096000000)}})
This does work, but it runs very, very slowly. One of my nodes has slower I/O than the other two, having just a single SATA drive. When this node is primary, the deletes run at about 5-10 documents/sec. By using rs.stepDown() I have demoted this slower primary and forced an election to get a primary with better I/O. On that server, I am getting about 100 docs/sec.
My main question is, should I be concerned? I don't have the numbers from before I introduced replication, but I know the delete was much faster. I'm wondering if the replica set sync is causing I/O wait, or if there is some other cause. I would be totally happy with temporarily disabling sync and index updates until the delete statement finishes, but I don't know of any way to do that currently. For some reason, when I disable two of the three nodes, leaving just one node and the arbiter, the remaining node is demoted and writes are impossible (isn't the arbiter supposed to solve that?).
To give you some indication of the general performance, if I drop and recreate the date index, it takes about 15 minutes to scan all 100M docs.
This is happening because even though
db.repo.remove({"date" : {"$lt" : new Date(1362096000000)}})
looks like a single command it's actually operating on many documents - as many as satisfy this query.
When you use replication, every change operation has to be written to a special collection in the local database called - oplog for short.
The oplog has to have an entry for each deleted document and every one of those entries needs to be applied to the oplog on each secondary before it can also delete the same record.
One thing I can suggest that you consider is TTL indexes - they will "automatically" delete documents based on expiration date/value you set - this way you won't have one massive delete and instead will be able to spread the load more over time.
Another suggestion that may not fit you, but it was optimal solution for me:
drop indeces from collection
iterate over all entries of collection and store id's of records to delete into memory array
each time array is big enough (for me it was 10K records), i removed these records by ids
rebuild indeces
It is the fastest way, but it requires stopping the system, which was suitable for me.