how to choose best mechanism for delete logs saved to mongodb - mongodb

I'm implementing a logger using MongoDB and I'm quite new to the concept.
The logger is supposed to log each request and Its response.
I'm facing the question of using the TTL Index of mongo or just using the query overnight approach.
I think that the first method might bring some overhead by using a background thread and probably rebuilding the index after each deletion but, it frees space as soon as the documents expire and this might be beneficial.
The second approach, on the other hand, does not have this kind of overhead but it frees up space just at the end of each day.
It seems to me that the second approach will suit my case better as it would not be the case that my server just goes on the edge of not having enough disk space, but it will always be the case that we need to reduce the overhead on the server.
I'm wondering if there are some aspects to the subject that I'm missing and also I'm not sure about the applications of the MongoDB TTL.

Just my opinion:
It seems to be best to store logs in monthly , daily or hourly collection depends on your applications write load , and at the end of the day to just drop() the oldest collections with custom script. From experience TTL indices not working well when there is heavy write load to your collection since they add additional write load based on expiration time.
For example imagine you insert at 06:00h log events with 100k/sec and your TTL index life time is set to 3h , this mean after 3h at 09:00h you will have those 100k/sec deletes applied to your collection that are also stored in the oplog ... , solution in such cases is to add more shards , but it become kind of expensive... , far easier is to just drop the exprired collection ...
Moreover depending on your project size for bigger collections to speed up searches you can additionally shard and pre-split the collections based on compound index hashed datetime field(every log contain timestamp) with another field which you will search often and this will allow you scalable search across multiple distributed shards.
Also note mongoDB is a general purpose document database and fulltext search is kind of limited to expensinve regex expressions , so in case you need to do fast raw fulltext search in your logs some inverse index search engine like elasticsearch on top of your mongoDB backand maybe a good solution to cover this functionality.


Best way to query entire MongoDB collection for ETL

We want to query an entire live production MongoDB collection (v2.6, around 500GB of data on around 70M documents).
We're wondering what's the best approach for this:
A single query with no filtering to open a cursor and get documents in batches of 5/6k
Iterate with pagination, using a logic of find().limit(5000).skip(currentIteration * 5000)
We're unsure what's the best practice and will yield the best results with minimum impact on performance.
I would go with 1. & 2. mixed if possible: Iterate over your huge dataset in pages but access those pages by querying instead of skipping over them as this may be costly as also pointed out by the docs.
The cursor.skip() method is often expensive because it requires the
server to walk from the beginning of the collection or index to get
the offset or skip position before beginning to return results. As the
offset (e.g. pageNumber above) increases, cursor.skip() will become
slower and more CPU intensive. With larger collections, cursor.skip()
may become IO bound.
So if possible build your pages on an indexed field and process those batches of data with an according query range.
The brutal way
Generally speaking, most drivers load batches of documents anyway. So your languages equivalent of
var docs = db.yourcoll.find()
will actually just create a cursor initially, and will then, when the current batch is close to exhaustion, load a new batch transparently. So doing this pagination manually while planning to access every document in the collection will have little to no advantage, but hold the overhead of multiple queries.
As for ETL, manually iterating over the documents to modify and then store them in a new instance does under most circumstances not seem reasonable to me, as you basically reinvent the wheel.
Alternate approach
Generally speaking, there is no one-size-fits all "best" way. The best way is the one that best fits your functional and non-functional requirements.
When doing ETL from MongoDB to MongoDB, I usually proceed as follows:
Unless you have very complicated transformations, MongoDB's aggregation framework is a surprisingly capable ETL tool. I use it regularly for that purpose and have yet to find a problem not solvable with the aggregation framework for in-MongoDB ETL. Given the fact that in general each document is processed one by one, the impact on your production environment should be minimal, if noticeable at all. After you did your transformation, simply use the $out stage to save the results in a new collection.
Even collection spanning transformations can be achieved, using the $lookup stage.
After you did the extract and transform on the old instance, for loading the data to the new MongoDB instance, you have several possibilities:
Create a temporary replica set, consisting of the old instance, the new instance and an arbiter. Make sure your old instance becomes primary, do the ET part, have the primary step down so your new instance becomes primary and remove the old instance and the arbiter from the replica set. The advantage is that you facilitate MongoDB's replication mechanics to get the data from your old instance to your new instance, without the need to worry about partially executed transfers and such. And you can use it the other way around: Transfer the data first, make the new instance the primary, remove the other members from the replica set perform your transformations and remove the "old" data, then.
Use db.CloneCollection(). The advantage here is that you only transfer the collections you need, at the expense of more manual work.
Use db.cloneDatabase() to copy over the entire DB. Unless you have multiple databases on the original instance, this method has little to now advantage over the replica set method.
As written, without knowing your exact use cases, transformations and constraints, it is hard to tell which approach makes the most sense for you.
MongoDB 3.4 support Parallel Collection Scan. I never tried this myself yet. But looks interesting to me.
This will not work on sharded clusters. If we have parallel processing setup this will speed up the scanning for sure.
Please see the documentation here:

How to insert quickly to a very large collection

I have a collection of over 70 million documents. Whenever I add new documents in batches (lets say 2K), the insert operation is really slow. I suspect that is because, the mongo engine is comparing the _id's of all the new documents with all the 70 million to find out any _id duplicate entries. Since the _id based index is disk-resident, it'll make the code a lot slow.
Is there anyway to avoid this. I just want mongo to take new documents and insert it as they are, without doing this check. Is it even possible?
Diagnosing "Slow" Performance
Your question includes a number of leading assumptions about how MongoDB works. I'll address those below, but I'd advise you to try to understand any performance issues based on facts such as database metrics (i.e. serverStatus, mongostat, mongotop), system resource monitoring, and information in the MongoDB log on slow queries. Metrics need to be monitored over time so you can identify what is "normal" for your deployment, so I would strongly recommend using a MongoDB-specific monitoring tool such as MMS Monitoring.
A few interesting presentations that provide very relevant background material for performance troubleshooting and debugging are:
William Zola: The (Only) Three Reasons for Slow MongoDB Performance
Aska Kamsky: Diagnostics and Debugging with MongoDB
Improving efficiency of inserts
Aside from understanding where your actual performance challenges lie and tuning your deployment, you could also improve efficiency of inserts by:
removing any unused or redundant secondary indexes on this collection
using the Bulk API to insert documents in batches
Assessing Assumptions
Whenever I add new documents in batches (lets say 2K), the insert operation is really slow. I suspect that is because, the mongo engine is comparing the _id's of all the new documents with all the 70 million to find out any _id duplicate entries. Since the _id based index is disk-resident, it'll make the code a lot slow.
If a collection has 70 million entries, that does not mean that an index lookup involves 70 million comparisons. The indexed values are stored in B-trees which allow for a small number of efficient comparisons. The exact number will depend on the depth of the tree and how your indexes are built and the value you're looking up .. but will be on the order of 10s (not millions) of comparisons.
If you're really curious about the internals, there are some experimental storage & index stats you can enable in a development environment: Storage-viz: Storage Visualizers and Commands for MongoDB.
Since the _id based index is disk-resident, it'll make the code a lot slow.
MongoDB loads your working set (portion of data & index entries recently accessed) into available memory.
If you are able to create your ids in an approximately ascending order (for example, the generated ObjectIds) then all the updates will occur at the right side of the B-tree and your working set will be much smaller (FAQ: "Must my working set fit in RAM").
Yes, I can let mongo use the _id for itself, but I don't want to waste a perfectly good index for it. Moreover, even if I let mongo generate _id for itself won't it need to compare still for duplicate key errors?
A unique _id is required for all documents in MongoDB. The default ObjectId is generated based on a formula that should ensure uniqueness (i.e. there is an extremely low chance of returning a duplicate key exception, so your application will not get duplicate key exceptions and have to retry with a new _id).
If you have a better candidate for the unique _id in your documents, then feel free to use this field (or collection of fields) instead of relying on the generated _id. Note that the _id is immutable, so you shouldn't use any fields that you might want to modify later.

MongoDB fast deletion best approach

My application currently use MySQL. In order to support very fast deletion, I organize my data in partitions, according to timestamp. Then when data becomes obsolete, I just drop the whole partition.
It works great, and cleaning up my DB doesn't harm my application performance.
I would want to replace MySQL with MongoDB, and I'm wondering if there's something similiar in MongoDB, or would I just need to delete the records one by one (which, I'm afraid, will be really slow and will make my DB busy, and slow down queries response time).
In MongoDB, if your requirement is to delete data to limit the collection size, you should use a capped collection.
On the other hand, if your requirement is to delete data based on a timestamp, then a TTL index might be exactly what you're looking for.
From official doc regarding capped collections:
Capped collections automatically remove the oldest documents in the collection without requiring scripts or explicit remove operations.
And regarding TTL indexes:
Implemented as a special index type, TTL collections make it possible to store data in MongoDB and have the mongod automatically remove data after a specified period of time.
I thought, even though I am late and an answer has already been accepted, I would add a little more.
The problem with capped collections is that they regularly reside upon one shard in a cluster. Even though, in latter versions of MongoDB, capped collections are shardable they normally are not. Adding to this a capped collection MUST be allocated on the spot, so if you wish to have a long history before clearing the data you might find your collection uses up significantly more space than it should.
TTL is a good answer however it is not as fast as drop(). TTL is basically MongoDB doing the same thing, server-side, that you would do in your application of judging when a row is historical and deleting it. If done excessively it will have a detrimental effect on performance. Not only that but it isn't good at freeing up space to your $freelists which is key to stopping fragmentation in MongoDB.
drop()ing a collection will literally just "drop" the collection on the spot, instantly and gracefully giving that space back to MongoDB (not the OS) giving you absolutely no fragmentation what-so-ever. Not only that but the operation is a lot faster, 90% of the time, than most other alternatives.
So I would stick by my comment:
You could factor the data into time series collections based on how long it takes for data to become historical, then just drop() the collection
As #Zaid pointed out, even with the _id field capped collections are not shardable.
One solution to this is using TokuMX which supports partitioning:
Advantages over capped collections: capped collections use a fixed amount of space (even when you don't have this much data) and they can't be resized on-the-fly. Partitioned collections usage depends on data; you can add and remove partitions (for newly inserted data) as you see fit.
Advantages over TTL: TTL is slow, it just takes care of removing old data automatically. Partitions are fast - removing data is basically just a file removal.
HOWEVER: after getting acquired by Percona, development of TokuMX appears to have stopped (would love to be corrected on this point). Unfortunately MongoDB doesn't support this functionality and with TokuMX on its way out it looks like we will be stranded without proper solution.

MongoDB - single huge collection of raw data. Split or not?

We collect and store instrumentation data from a large number of hosts.
Our storage is MongoDB - several shards with replicas. Everything is stored in a single large collection.
Each document we insert is a time based observation with some attributes (measurements). The time stamp is the most important attribute because all queries are based on time at least. Documents are never updated, so it's a pure write-in-look-up model. Right now it works reasonably well with several billions of docs.
We want to grow a bit and hold up to 12 month of data which may amount to a scary trillion+ observations (documents).
I was wandering if dumping everything into a single monstrous collection is the best choice or there is a more intelligent way to go about it.
By more intelligent I mean - use less hardware while still providing fast inserts and (importantly) fast queries.
So I thought about splitting the large collection into smaller pieces hoping to gain memory on indexes, insertion and query speed.
I looked into shards, but sharding by the time stamp sounds like a bad idea because all writes will go into one node canceling the benefits of sharding.
The insert rates are pretty high, so we need sharding to work properly here.
I also thought about creating a new collection every month and then pick up a relevant collection for a user query.
Collections older than 12 month will be either dropped or archived.
There is also an option to create entirely new database every month and do similar rotation.
Other options? Or perhaps one large collection is THE option to grow real big?
Please share your experience and considerations in similar apps.
It really depends on the use-case for your queries.
If it's something that could be aggregated, I would say do this through a scheduled map/reduce function and store the smaller data size in separate collection(s).
If everything should be in the same collection and all data should be queried at the same time to generate the desired results, then you need to go with Sharding. Then depending on the data size for your queries, you could go with an in memory map/reduce or even doing it at the application layer.
As yourself pointed out, Sharding based on time is a very bad idea. It makes all the writes going to one shard, so define your shard key. MongoDB Docs, has a very good explanation on this.
If you can elaborate more on your specific needs for the queries would be easier to suggest something.
Hope it helps.
I think collection on monthly basis will help you to get some boost up but I was wondering why can not you use the hour field of your timestamp for sharding . You can add a column which will hold the HOUR part of time stamp and when you shard against it will be shared nicely as you have repeating hour daily basis. I have not tested it but thought it will may help you
Would suggest to go ahead with single collection, as suggested by #Devesh hour based shard should be fine, Need to take care of the new ' hour Key ' while querying to get better performance.

Is there any way to register a callback for deletions in a capped collection in Mongo?

I want to use a capped collection in Mongo, but I don't want my documents to die when the collection loops around. Instead, I want Mongo to notice that I'm running out of space and move the old documents into another, permanent collection for archival purposes.
Is there a way to have Mongo do this automatically, or can I register a callback that would perform this action?
You shouldn't be using a capped collection for this. I'm assuming you're doing so because you want to keep the amount of "hot" data relatively small and move stale data to a permanent collection. However, this is effectively what happens anyway when you use MongoDB. Data that's accessed often will be in memory and data that is used less often will not be. Same goes for your indexes if they remain right-balanced. I would think you're doing a bit of premature optimization or at least have a suboptimal schema or index strategy for your problem. If you post exactly what you're trying to achieve and where your performance takes a dive I can have a look.
To answer your actual question; MongoDB does not have callbacks or triggers. There are some open feature requests for them though.
EDIT (Small elaboration on technical implementation) : MongoDB is built on top of memory mapped files for it's storage engine. It basically means it's an LRU based cache of "hot" data where data in this case can be both actual data and index data. As a result data and associated index data you access often (in your case the data you'd typically have in your capped collection) will be in memory and thus very fast to query. In typical use cases the performance difference between having an "active" collection and an "archive" collection and just one big collection should be small. As you can imagine having more memory available to the mongod process means more data can stay in memory and as a result performance will improve. There are some nice presentations from 10gen available on that go into more detail and also provide detail on how to keep indexes right balanced etc.
At the moment, MongoDB does not support triggers at all. If you want to move documents away before they reach the end of the "cap" then you need to monitor the data usage yourself.
However, I don't see why you would want a capped collection and also still want to move your items away. If you clarify that in your question, I'll update the answer.