pydev can't presente code completion as a list - pydev

I've installed eclipse Kepler Release and pydev 2.7.5.
The problem is when I use the code completion by alt+/, even if there are several possible choices, it will not display a list.
How to solve that ?Thanks in advance


Eclipse - Pydev Code Completion (Unable to create the selected preference page)

I recently noticed that while using Eclipse, every keystroke I typed caused the code completion to kick in. I checked the PyDev --> Editor --> Code Completion tab, where it should have the time delay setting for auto-complete.
I get this error:
Unable to create the selected preference page.
cannot be found by org.python.pydev_6.3.1.201802272029
I tried uninstalling/re-installing the PyDev module from within Eclipse, but I still get the same issue. I can access the Code Completion setting for Java/JavaScript/..., but not PyDev any more.
Eclipse Oxygen.2 Release (4.7.2)
PyDev for Eclipse
Sorry about that. This is a bug in PyDev 6.3.1.
I'll make sure it's fixed in PyDev 6.3.2.

Syntax errors for keywords in pydev plugin for Eclipse

I'm using the Pydev plugin for Eclipse Luna for Java EE.
The python code runs correctly, but errors are showing up for built in keywords like print.
Error: Undefined Variable: print
I looked on stackoverflow for other answers, and the suggestions have all been to manually configure an interpreter. I changed my interpreter to point at C:/python34/python.exe, but this has not fixed the problem. I also made sure that I was using grammar version 3.0.
Update: I think it might be a problem with aptana instead of pydev. I uninstalled aptana, and installed pydev without any issues. But when I tried to reinstall aptana, I can only do it by uninstalling pydev. I need a way to try a previous version of aptana or else a way to install aptana and pydev separately
It seems like Eclipse Luna does not provide support for PyDev when it's installed with Aptana. I was able to install Aptana without PyDev and do a separate install of Pydev on its own and this solved the problem.

code completion do not work in Nodeclipse 0.4

Are there something that I messed up, when installing Nodeclipse 0.4 so I can not do code completion since my code is worked.
as you can see at picture,
- the red one is Node mode in Eclipse Kepler which enable after Nodeclipse installed
- the blue one is Java EE IDE in Eclipse which I use as to installed Nodeclipse
- the yellow one is Node code in Eclipse which default exist if I chose the example
- the green is Node code class representative.
if I press CTRL+Space in console., there is not any code completion showed up which should showed up cause I already have JsHint v. 0.9.6
if I follow instructions of installation.. then..
I got this list.. (note: the disables means I already installed it.)
then.. I got this message..
as the comment of Nodeclipse developer,
if I reproduced but to installed JSHint alone then it goes with this message..
There is work in progress on content assist for Node.js modules
Content assist for Eclipse JSDT based Editor
fork with work in progress:
Code completion is depending on what code you have. Could you please share your snippet?
Version 0.4 has Eclipse JSDT standard functions. Node.js specific libraries support is not yet implemented.
Opened issue for new feature is #50 support for node.js style module definitions
console is defined inside node.js, and as such is not yet supported.
For second part of the question (about installation using Enide .p2f file):
if I follow instructions of installation.. then..
some update sites like StartExplore are not stable and often unavailable
So if there is problem installiing, The recommendation would be to install less plugins in one time (only 1 at a time, for example)
(Then there is way to know what exact plugin update site is unavailable at this time)
For nodeclipse itself latest Eclipse (Like 4.2.2 IDE for Java EE Developers) is recommended & enough.

Eclipse (Juno) hangs on JSF EL Expression Auto Complete

I am working with Eclipse Juno and a JSF 2.1 Project.
Auto-Complete for EL Expressions inside a Facelets file is excruciatingly slow.
Slow to the point where if I try to auto-complete a JSF Bean with 20 or so methods, Eclipse editor will hang for 10-15 seconds until I see the members/properties list.
The way I see it I have 2 solutions, I don't know how to implement neither, so help on any would help. (With preference to the first)
Resolve the slowness problem. My guess is Eclipse is doing a bunch of stuff I don't need when I press ctrl-space and if could disable those that should make it faster. (Educated Guess)
Disable Auto-Complete for El Expressions completely and install JBoss Tools (Which I must say, works flawlessly but when in conjunction with the native auto-complete support, It still hangs on every ctrl-space).
So, either solution would help - Resolve slowness or Disable Auto-Complete all together.
Thanks in Advance!!
Well.. Since no one is answering..
I removed the JSF facet and installed jboss tools.
Works fine since I build my project from outside of eclipse.
There are some caveats like support for certain content but all in all that's the "lesser of evils" solution.
Here is what worked for me :
Window -> Show View -> Error Log
if there are errors about a timeout to find javadoc for the JRE, do this :
Project Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries
remove the JRE, add the JDK
(or maybe you can configure the Java-doc for the JRE)

Eclipse Juno cannot make new project after update

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, and to install Eclipse Juno I downloaded it from the official site (I don't use apt-get nor software center)
After updating it from help > check for updates menu, my Eclipse cannot make new project. When I hover File > New, there isn't any menu to select (as the usual Java Project, C++ Project etc.), only an unselectable text like this:
< No Applicable Items >
Anyone know what causes this?
nitind's answer above helped solve my problem. I was using eclipse java ide juno on windows and i could not see any items under File -> New or under Window -> Show View. I noticed eclipse had defaulted to using the Java-EE perspective. Following nitind's suggestion I changed it to the Java perspective and can now see all the menu items. thank you!
I had the same error when i first started the program, but i looked into it, and I saw that the workspace already had .cpp and compiled files in it which i had compiled earlier with a different program. To fix the error, I just changed the workspace to the default, and it worked fine.
I was using eclipse CDT Kepler with java 1.6.0_27. I then tried it with java 1.7.0_25 and eclipse Juno and this method resolved the error in any of these instances.
Try using the default workspace and it should work.