Eclipse - Pydev Code Completion (Unable to create the selected preference page) - eclipse

I recently noticed that while using Eclipse, every keystroke I typed caused the code completion to kick in. I checked the PyDev --> Editor --> Code Completion tab, where it should have the time delay setting for auto-complete.
I get this error:
Unable to create the selected preference page.
cannot be found by org.python.pydev_6.3.1.201802272029
I tried uninstalling/re-installing the PyDev module from within Eclipse, but I still get the same issue. I can access the Code Completion setting for Java/JavaScript/..., but not PyDev any more.
Eclipse Oxygen.2 Release (4.7.2)
PyDev for Eclipse

Sorry about that. This is a bug in PyDev 6.3.1.
I'll make sure it's fixed in PyDev 6.3.2.


PyDev 5.3 and Eclipse Neon 4.6 - loacation (OSx)

I switched from Eclipse Mars to Eclipse Neon today. The Pydev plugin was not installed at the place where it was in Eclipse Mars (/Applications/eclipse/cpp-neon/
Does anyone know where the is located on OsX.
The easiest way to know where the PyDev debugger is located is by opening a PyDev editor, writing pydevd and requesting a code completion just showing the templates (ctrl space twice)... A template for creating a programmatic breakpoint will be shown (and it adds the debugger to the PYTHONPATH, so you can see where it's located).

Why is my System.out.println not printing anything in my eclipse plugin?

Using eclipse PDE, I'm running into this very strange error. I start up my plugin by right clicking on the project, Run As -> Eclipse Application.
The target eclipse seems to start up just fine, and in my development eclipse, a console view shows up but it's empty. I can't see any System.out.println's or any exception stacktraces or any of the usual stuff in there.
Answer to my problem below.
It turns out, a different feature I have installed in my eclipse, Scala IDE, is the culprit. For some reason, when it's active, it causes my console to be blank.
To disable it in the target eclipse:
right click on the project
Run As -> Run Configurations
Select the Eclipse Application configuration you've been using.
Go to the Plugins tab
Uncheck everything in sight with "Scala" in it.
Console came back after doing this!

latest pydev "Invalidate title" memory leak issue?

I can't seem to find a support place for PyDev, so feel free to point me towards it.
When upgrading to the latest PyDev, I get a constantly increasing memory footprint for my window manager if I go into Window -> preferences. In addition, I when I click on subsections in the preferences window, the right side doesn't refresh. There is an "Invalidate title" task in the progress tab for eclipse that never seems to end. I've tried resetting all settings, downgrading eclipse, etc. Is there a way to grab an older version of PyDev?
PyDev for Eclipse
Eclipse 4.4.0 and 4.4.1
I use the C++ CDT install of eclipse and do have the dark style preferences selected (I do recall that PyDev would complain about a lack of a dark stylesheet before).
For PyDev the issue tracker has moved here. You can report your possible bug over there.
As for general support, you have chosen the right palce to come. The PyDev forum title asks everyone to go to Stackoverflow and ask with PyDev tag.
The "Invalidate Title" task seems to be meant to always run. It checks for duplicate editor names.
If you are looking for older PyDev versions, you can download them at the sourceforge project

Eclipse Juno cannot make new project after update

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, and to install Eclipse Juno I downloaded it from the official site (I don't use apt-get nor software center)
After updating it from help > check for updates menu, my Eclipse cannot make new project. When I hover File > New, there isn't any menu to select (as the usual Java Project, C++ Project etc.), only an unselectable text like this:
< No Applicable Items >
Anyone know what causes this?
nitind's answer above helped solve my problem. I was using eclipse java ide juno on windows and i could not see any items under File -> New or under Window -> Show View. I noticed eclipse had defaulted to using the Java-EE perspective. Following nitind's suggestion I changed it to the Java perspective and can now see all the menu items. thank you!
I had the same error when i first started the program, but i looked into it, and I saw that the workspace already had .cpp and compiled files in it which i had compiled earlier with a different program. To fix the error, I just changed the workspace to the default, and it worked fine.
I was using eclipse CDT Kepler with java 1.6.0_27. I then tried it with java 1.7.0_25 and eclipse Juno and this method resolved the error in any of these instances.
Try using the default workspace and it should work.

Eclipse failed to response under Fedora 12

i tried fedora12 yesterday, but i find eclipse doesn't work. at first i thought this problem is related to SELinux, but after i turn off selinux, i still can't
create a project, i press the "next" or "finish" button, there is no response. well the "cancel" button works. there is no error popup, or error logs.
i tried eclipse -debug -console; but there is no log output when i click the button. it is so weird, is this happened to anyone before?
environment: fedora12, JDK 1.6.0_17, eclipse Galileo.
computer: t400.
This is a bug due to a change introduced in GTK 2.18, see Bug 291257. The current workaround is to export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true before to run Eclipse. I actually use the following startup script:
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/mozilla/
export ECLIPSE_HOME=/opt/IBM/eclipse
$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $*
I can't install plugins from update sites, either.
In a blank eclipse install, adding a new update site (es: jboss tools) using the keyboard works; also, it's possible to select a release to install from the available software list.
The new plugin gets installed, but won't appear in perspectives (es: jboss devel) after restart.
After that, adding new update sites and trying to install their releases won't work, the available software list remains empty.
Using Fedora 12 Eclipse 3.5..
By the way, "Fedora Eclipse" rpm is screwed at the moment, it won't install a single file
Eclipse 3.6 fix those problems
Just add helios update site
There seems to be an incompatability with gtk/gdk shipped with F12. You can tell eclipse to use the native GDK and it should correct these problems:
You can also add -DGDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1 to your eclipse.ini file. That should help if you switch workspaces.
it's a bug, the keyboard works. try it.