Gridding non-uniformly sampled data to a uniformly spaced Cartesian grid via convolution - matlab

I am trying to re-grid non-uniform data onto a uniform grid defined in a 4-D space. The data measurement is given by a function d = f(xp,yp,zp,wp), where xp, yp, zp, and wp are the 4-D coordinates. I would like to re-grid the non-uniformaly spaced xp, yp, zp, and wp onto a uniformly spaced grid of x, y , z, and w.
For ease of conversation, let's define the gridding kernel to be the product of separable Hanning kernels:
Then, I believe to re-grid what I need to do is perform a 4-D convolution and resample onto the uniform grid. However, I'm not sure how to implement this using discrete data. My questions are as follows:
1) How should I sample each of the gridding kernels? For example, should I use the non-uniform xp, yp, zp, and wp values when calculating my discrete convolution values? Or should I use the uniformly spaced values, x, y, z, and w? Or are neither of those ideas correct?
2) How can I then implement the 4-D convolutions? I think I may need to use four for loops but am not exactly sure how to organize my data, i.e., a 4-D data structure or simply a matrix with 4 columns?
I'm not interested in the fastest approach but more so in finding the most intuitive or straight forward approach.
I believe I understand the basics of sinc interpolation and gridding algorithms. I have read multiple papers including such classics by J.D. O'Sullivan and J.I. Jackson, discussing the properties and differences in different gridding kernels. I've also read some papers from MRI reconstruction that use gridding but most of these methods assume a 2-D grid.
I am at a loss of how to actually implement the method, preferably in Matlab, or else C++, in a discrete manner and even more confused how to implement such a thing in four dimensions.
I've looked at several threads and my problem is somewhat similar to these, however I want to use convolution with a general kernel, not linear interpolation, and neither of these really suggest how to organize the 4-D data or perform the convolution:
Python 4D linear interpolation on a rectangular grid
Python 4D linear interpolation on a rectangular grid
Thanks for any advice, insight, or suggestions!

Can you use the interpn function?
[X Y Z W]=ndgrid(x,y,z,w); % unequally spaced
[XR YR ZR WR]=ndgrid(x_regular,y_regular,z_regular,w_regular); % equally spaced
The documentation for interpn and ndgrid give more details; their usage would give you a framework for how to construct d.
EDIT: Oh sorry sorry, I saw your comment about not wanting to use interpolation after posting this.
Well, you could use interpolation as above to position your values onto the grid linearly, and then use
To convolve the values with your kernel?


How to compute distance and estimate quality of heterogeneous grids in Matlab?

I want to evaluate the grid quality where all coordinates differ in the real case.
Signal is of a ECG signal where average life-time is 75 years.
My task is to evaluate its age at the moment of measurement, which is an inverse problem.
I think 2D approximation of the 3D case is hard (done here by Abo-Zahhad) with with 3-leads (2 on chest and one at left leg - MIT-BIT arrhythmia database):
where f is a piecewise continuous function in R^2, \epsilon is the error matrix and A is a 2D matrix.
Now, I evaluate the average grid distance in x-axis (time) and average grid distance in y-axis (energy).
I think this can be done by Matlab's Image Analysis toolbox.
However, I am not sure how complete the toolbox's approaches are.
I think a transform approach must be used in the setting of uneven and noncontinuous grids. One approach is exact linear time euclidean distance transforms of grid line sampled shapes by Joakim Lindblad et all.
The method presents a distance transform (DT) which assigns to each image point its smallest distance to a selected subset of image points.
This kind of approach is often a basis of algorithms for many methods in image analysis.
I tested unsuccessfully the case with bwdist (Distance transform of binary image) with chessboard (returns empty square matrix), cityblock, euclidean and quasi-euclidean where the last three options return full matrix.
Another pseudocode
%// retrieve picture
imgRGB = imread('dummy.png');
%// detect lines
imgHSV = rgb2hsv(imgRGB);
BW = (imgHSV(:,:,3) < 1);
BW = imclose(imclose(BW, strel('line',40,0)), strel('line',10,90));
%// clear those masked pixels by setting them to background white color
imgRGB2 = imgRGB;
imgRGB2(repmat(BW,[1 1 3])) = 255;
%// show extracted signal
where I think the approach will not work here because the grids are not necessarily continuous and not necessary ideal.
pdist based on the Lumbreras' answer
In the real examples, all coordinates differ such that pdist hamming and jaccard are always 1 with real data.
The options euclidean, cytoblock, minkowski, chebychev, mahalanobis, cosine, correlation, and spearman offer some descriptions of the data.
However, these options make me now little sense in such full matrices.
I want to estimate how long the signal can live.
J. Müller, and S. Siltanen. Linear and nonlinear inverse problems with practical applications.
EIT with the D-bar method: discontinuous heart-and-lungs phantom. Visited 29-Feb 2016.
There is a function in Matlab defined as pdist which computes the pairwisedistance between all row elements in a matrix and enables you to choose the type of distance you want to use (Euclidean, cityblock, correlation). Are you after something like this? Not sure I understood your question!
Simply, do not do it in the post-processing. Those artifacts of the body can be about about raster images, about the viewer and/or ... Do quality assurance in the signal generation/processing step.
It is much easier to evaluate the original signal than its views.

Using matlab to obtain the vector fields and the angles made by the vector field on a closed curve?

Here is the given system I want to plot and obtain the vector field and the angles they make with the x axis. I want to find the index of a closed curve.
I know how to do this theoretically by choosing convenient points and see how the vector looks like at that point. Also I can always use
to compute the angles. However I am having trouble trying to code it. Please don't mark me down if the question is unclear. I am asking it the way I understand it. I am new to matlab. Can someone point me in the right direction please?
This is a pretty hard challenge for someone new to matlab, I would recommend taking on some smaller challenges first to get you used to matlab's conventions.
That said, Matlab is all about numerical solutions so, unless you want to go down the symbolic maths route (and in that case I would probably opt for Mathematica instead), your first task is to decide on the limits and granularity of your simulated space, then define them so you can apply your system of equations to it.
There are lots of ways of doing this - some more efficient - but for ease of understanding I propose this:
Define the axes individually first
xpts = -10:0.1:10;
ypts = -10:0.1:10;
tpts = 0:0.01:10;
The a:b:c syntax gives you the lower limit (a), the upper limit (c) and the spacing (b), so you'll get 201 points for the x. You could use the linspace notation if that suits you better, look it up by typing doc linspace into the matlab console.
Now you can create a grid of your coordinate points. You actually end up with three 3d matrices, one holding the x-coords of your space and the others holding the y and t. They look redundant, but it's worth it because you can use matrix operations on them.
[XX, YY, TT] = meshgrid(xpts, ypts, tpts);
From here on you can perform whatever operations you like on those matrices. So to compute x^2.y you could do
x2y = XX.^2 .* YY;
remembering that you'll get a 3d matrix out of it and all the slices in the third dimension (corresponding to t) will be the same.
Some notes
Matlab has a good builtin help system. You can type 'help functionname' to get a quick reminder in the console or 'doc functionname' to open the help browser for details and examples. They really are very good, they'll help enormously.
I used XX and YY because that's just my preference, but I avoid single-letter variable names as a general rule. You don't have to.
Matrix multiplication is the default so if you try to do XX*YY you won't get the answer you expect! To do element-wise multiplication use the .* operator instead. This will do a11 = b11*c11, a12 = b12*c12, ...
To raise each element of the matrix to a given power use .^rather than ^ for similar reasons. Likewise division.
You have to make sure your matrices are the correct size for your operations. To do elementwise operations on matrices they have to be the same size. To do matrix operations they have to follow the matrix rules on sizing, as will the output. You will find the size() function handy for debugging.
Plotting vector fields can be done with quiver. To plot the components separately you have more options: surf, contour and others. Look up the help docs and they will link to similar types. The plot family are mainly about lines so they aren't much help for fields without creative use of the markers, colours and alpha.
To plot the curve, or any other contour, you don't have to test the values of a matrix - it won't work well anyway because of the granularity - you can use the contour plot with specific contour values.
Solving systems of dynamic equations is completely possible, but you will be doing a numeric simulation and your results will again be subject to the granularity of your grid. If you have closed form solutions, like your phi expression, they may be easier to work with conceptually but harder to get working in matlab.
This kind of problem is tractable in matlab but it involves some non-basic uses which are pretty hard to follow until you've got your head round Matlab's syntax. I would advise to start with a 2d grid instead
[XX, YY] = meshgrid(xpts, ypts);
and compute some functions of that like x^2.y or x^2 - y^2. Get used to plotting them using quiver or plotting the coordinates separately in intensity maps or surfaces.

meshgrid visualization for irregularly spaced data

I want to visualize vector G, measured at locations from vector X and Y, spaced irregularly. The meshgrid, surf, countour etc. functions all want a regular meshgrid and much more points from G than I have. How can I do this? plot3 is not a good solution.
For irregularly spaced samples, you want scattered data interpolation. See my previous answer on TriScatteredInterp. By the way, there is a new object oriented interface called scatteredInterpolant, but the idea is the same.

Interpolating irregularly spaced 3D matrix in matlab

I have a time series of temperature profiles that I want to interpolate, I want to ask how to do this if my data is irregularly spaced.
Here are the specifics of the matrix:
The temperature is 30x365
The time is 1x365
Depth is 30x1
Both time and depth are irregularly spaced. I want to ask how I can interpolate them into a regular grid?
I have looked at interp2 and TriScatteredInterp in Matlab, however the problem are the following:
interp2 works only if data is in a regular grid.
TriscatteredInterp works only if the vectors are column vectors. Although time and depth are both column vectors, temperature is not.
Function Interp2 does not require for a regularly spaced measurement grid at all, it only requires a monotonic one. That is, sampling positions stored in vectors depths and times must increase (or decrease) and that's all.
Assuming this is indeed is the situation* and that you want to interpolate at regular positions** stored in vectors rdepths and rtimes, you can do:
[JT, JD] = meshgrid(times, depths); %% The irregular measurement grid
[RT, RD] = meshgrid(rtimes, rdepths); %% The regular interpolation grid
TemperaturesOnRegularGrid = interp2(JT, JD, TemperaturesOnIrregularGrid, RT, RD);
* : If not, you can sort on rows and columns to come back to a monotonic grid.
**: In fact Interp2 has no restriction for output grid (it can be irregular or even non-monotonic).
I would use your data to fit to a spline or polynomial and then re-sample at regular intervals. I would highly recommend the polyfitn function. Actually, anything by this John D'Errico guy is incredible. Aside from that, I have used this function in the past when I had data on a irregularly spaced 3D problem and it worked reasonably well. If your data set has good support, which I suspect it does, this will be a piece of cake. Enjoy! Hope this helps!
Try the GridFit tool on MATLAB central by John D'Errico. To use it, pass in your 2 independent data vectors (time & temperature), the dependent data matrix (depth) along with the regularly spaced X & Y data points to use. By default the tool also does smoothing for overlapping (or nearly) data points. If this is not desired, you can override this (and other options) through a wide range of configuration options. Example code:
%Establish regularly spaced points
num_points = 20;
time_pts = linspace(min(time),max(time),num_points);
depth_pts = linspace(min(depth),max(depth),num_points);
%Run interpolation (with smoothing)
Pest = gridfit(depth, time, temp, time_pts, depth_pts);

matlab interpolation

Starting from the plot of one curve, it is possible to obtain the parametric equation of that curve?
In particular, say x={1 2 3 4 5 6....} the x axis, and y = {a b c d e f....} the corresponding y axis. I have the plot(x,y).
Now, how i can obtain the equation that describe the plotted curve? it is possible to display the parametric equation starting from the spline interpolation?
Thank you
If you want to display a polynomial fit function alongside your graph, the following example should help:
p=polyfit(x,y,3); %# third order polynomial fit, p=[a,b,c,d] of ax^3+bx^2+cx+d
yfit=polyval(p,x); %# evaluate the curve fit over x
hold on
equation=sprintf('y=%2.2gx^3+%2.2gx^2+%2.2gx+%2.2g',p); %# format string for equation
equation=strrep(equation,'+-','-'); %# replace any redundant signs
text(-1,-80,equation) %# place equation string on graph
Last year, I wrote up a set of three blogs for Loren, on the topic of modeling/interpolationg a curve. They may cover some of your questions, although I never did find the time to add another 3 blogs to finish the topic to my satisfaction. Perhaps one day I will get that done.
The problem is to recognize there are infinitely many curves that will interpolate a set of data points. A spline is a nice choice, because it can be made well behaved. However, that spline has no simple "equation" to write down. Instead, it has many polynomial segments, pieced together to be well behaved.
You're asking for the function/mapping between two data sets. Knowing the physics involved, the function can be derived by modeling the system. Write down the differential equations and solve it.
Left alone with just two data series, an input and an output with a 'black box' in between you may approximate the series with an arbitrary function. You may start with a polynomial function
y = a*x^2 + b*x + c
Given your input vector x and your output vector y, parameters a,b,c must be determined applying a fitness function.
There is an example of Polynomial Curve Fitting in the MathWorks documentation.
Curve Fitting Tool provides a flexible graphical user interfacewhere you can interactively fit curves and surfaces to data and viewplots. You can:
Create, plot, and compare multiple fits
Use linear or nonlinear regression, interpolation,local smoothing regression, or custom equations
View goodness-of-fit statistics, display confidenceintervals and residuals, remove outliers and assess fits with validationdata
Automatically generate code for fitting and plottingsurfaces, or export fits to workspace for further analysis