meshgrid visualization for irregularly spaced data - matlab

I want to visualize vector G, measured at locations from vector X and Y, spaced irregularly. The meshgrid, surf, countour etc. functions all want a regular meshgrid and much more points from G than I have. How can I do this? plot3 is not a good solution.

For irregularly spaced samples, you want scattered data interpolation. See my previous answer on TriScatteredInterp. By the way, there is a new object oriented interface called scatteredInterpolant, but the idea is the same.


matlab scatter3 plot real and imaginary parts over frequency

I've got to vectors called ttre and ttim which contain real and imaginary data over a frequency (from 1 to 64). The fields are looking like this:
ttim 64x10100 single
ttre 64x10100 single
I can easily make a 2D scatter plot of a certain row by using the command
Now, I would like to display all data in a 3D scatter plot where X=real values, Y=imaginary values and Z=[1...64]
I created an array for Z with the number 1 to 64 and copied it to make it the same size as the other variables, by:
z 64x10100 double
When I try to plo a 3D scatter plot now, I get the error "Vectors x,yu,z must be of the same size"...however, as far as I understand, they are of the same size.
>> scatter3(ttim,ttre,z)
Error using scatter3 (line 64)
X, Y and Z must be vectors of the same length.
I hope that someone could point me into the right direction here.
Kind regards
scatter3 needs points to plot, so x,yand z should be 1xN , where N is the amount of points your are plotting. I dont know what your data is, so unfortunately I can not help more. Maybe scatter3(ttim(:),ttre(:),z(:)) works, but I do not recommend it for the huge amount of data you have, it may crash your computer.
However, maybe z=1:64 is not the best option. It means that you will have 64 layers (like floors from a building) of scattered data, not sure if that's what you want.

i have 100*100 matrix, how can i make plot3 graph?

I have a 100 x 100 matrix and i have to use plot3 in MATLAB environment to graph this data. I tried plot3(matrix name) but I faced this error "not enough input arguments". I think plot3 needs 3 input arguments, but I only have this matrix of data. could anyone help me to solve this problem? Is there any alternative for plot3 when we don't have enough arguments?
I need a graph like this:
I think you want to plot the values in a figure as a sort of surface element. What you can do then is:
[X,Y] = size(matrix);
What this does is that it creates a vector for both X and Y indices, as possible in surface. The X and Y indices are obtained by setting them as integers from 1:size, so basically you assign the location of each matrix element to an index.
Note that you can strictly speaking use surface(matrix) as well, but the former approach allows you to use custom indexing, as long as the lengths of the vectors X and Y are the same as the size of your matrix.
For the waterfall use:
Sample code:
where you can play around with the name-value pairs, see the documentation on that.
I think what you need is mesh or surf instead of plot3.
plot3 draws a line in 3d-space, so it will need three vectors of the same length (one for each dimension).
When you have a matrix, one reasonable way of displaying it is as a surface in 3d space, which is done by the functions mesh and surf.
Try it out! I hope i helps!

Gridding non-uniformly sampled data to a uniformly spaced Cartesian grid via convolution

I am trying to re-grid non-uniform data onto a uniform grid defined in a 4-D space. The data measurement is given by a function d = f(xp,yp,zp,wp), where xp, yp, zp, and wp are the 4-D coordinates. I would like to re-grid the non-uniformaly spaced xp, yp, zp, and wp onto a uniformly spaced grid of x, y , z, and w.
For ease of conversation, let's define the gridding kernel to be the product of separable Hanning kernels:
Then, I believe to re-grid what I need to do is perform a 4-D convolution and resample onto the uniform grid. However, I'm not sure how to implement this using discrete data. My questions are as follows:
1) How should I sample each of the gridding kernels? For example, should I use the non-uniform xp, yp, zp, and wp values when calculating my discrete convolution values? Or should I use the uniformly spaced values, x, y, z, and w? Or are neither of those ideas correct?
2) How can I then implement the 4-D convolutions? I think I may need to use four for loops but am not exactly sure how to organize my data, i.e., a 4-D data structure or simply a matrix with 4 columns?
I'm not interested in the fastest approach but more so in finding the most intuitive or straight forward approach.
I believe I understand the basics of sinc interpolation and gridding algorithms. I have read multiple papers including such classics by J.D. O'Sullivan and J.I. Jackson, discussing the properties and differences in different gridding kernels. I've also read some papers from MRI reconstruction that use gridding but most of these methods assume a 2-D grid.
I am at a loss of how to actually implement the method, preferably in Matlab, or else C++, in a discrete manner and even more confused how to implement such a thing in four dimensions.
I've looked at several threads and my problem is somewhat similar to these, however I want to use convolution with a general kernel, not linear interpolation, and neither of these really suggest how to organize the 4-D data or perform the convolution:
Python 4D linear interpolation on a rectangular grid
Python 4D linear interpolation on a rectangular grid
Thanks for any advice, insight, or suggestions!
Can you use the interpn function?
[X Y Z W]=ndgrid(x,y,z,w); % unequally spaced
[XR YR ZR WR]=ndgrid(x_regular,y_regular,z_regular,w_regular); % equally spaced
The documentation for interpn and ndgrid give more details; their usage would give you a framework for how to construct d.
EDIT: Oh sorry sorry, I saw your comment about not wanting to use interpolation after posting this.
Well, you could use interpolation as above to position your values onto the grid linearly, and then use
To convolve the values with your kernel?

MATLAB: Need to make a 4D plot (3D + Colour/Color)

I need to make a 3D surface where colour will represent the fourth variable. I know "surf" is SIMILAR to what I need, but that's not quite it. Basically, I have the following variables:
t = [1:m]
y = [1:n]
a = [1:o]
These should be the three Cartesian corodinate axes.
I also have a variable S that is of dimensions m x n x o, and is basically the amplitude, a function of the previous three variables (i.e. S = f(t,y,a)). I want this to be represented by colour.
So to summarize, I need a graph of the form (t,y,a,S), where the first three variables are vectors of unequal sizes and the final variable is a multidimensional array whose dimensions are determined by the first three.
Thanks in advance.
SCATTER3 requires x, y and z and other grouping arguments to be equally-sized Nx1 vectors for a single series or NxM matrices for M series.
You have full space 3D data. To make equally-sized coordinate vectors use MESHGRID (or NDGRID) function:
[X, Y, Z] = meshgrid(t, y, a);
Then you can use SCATTER3:
scatter3( X(:), Y(:), Z(:), [], S(:) )
The problem is since it's full space data scatter3 will not be helpful specially if you have a lot of points.
You can probably filter your S variable (something like idx = S > 0), then you can plot filtered data.
If you really need to visualize all the data, look at Volume visualization in MATLAB documentation. I can recommend SLICE function, for example.
Here is an example of full 3D space scatter plot for small vectors (m, n, o equal to 5) with S = rand([m,n,o]); scatter3( X(:), Y(:), Z(:), [], S(:), 'filled' )
From your comments to the other answer I found that you have 32x76050x4 matrix. You can actually plot 2D slice one at a time. you can do it in 2D with IMAGESC function, or in 3D with SLICE function.
where k is a number from 1 to 4 for the 3rd dimension.
Or try
slice(S, [], [], 1:size(S,3))
shading flat
Maybe this user-created plotting routine can help.
Screnshot from the linked page:
I've always used scatter3 for coloring/sizing pixels in 3d space. I believe the signature is:
scatter3(x,y,z, size, color)
The size and color can be scalar or vector of length equal to the coordinates. I usually use either the color or the size to reflect the fourth attribute, depending on what I'm showing. I don't have Matlab on this machine, so forgive me if my memory isn't completely accurate on the usage. "help scatter3" should describe it much better.

Interpolating irregularly spaced 3D matrix in matlab

I have a time series of temperature profiles that I want to interpolate, I want to ask how to do this if my data is irregularly spaced.
Here are the specifics of the matrix:
The temperature is 30x365
The time is 1x365
Depth is 30x1
Both time and depth are irregularly spaced. I want to ask how I can interpolate them into a regular grid?
I have looked at interp2 and TriScatteredInterp in Matlab, however the problem are the following:
interp2 works only if data is in a regular grid.
TriscatteredInterp works only if the vectors are column vectors. Although time and depth are both column vectors, temperature is not.
Function Interp2 does not require for a regularly spaced measurement grid at all, it only requires a monotonic one. That is, sampling positions stored in vectors depths and times must increase (or decrease) and that's all.
Assuming this is indeed is the situation* and that you want to interpolate at regular positions** stored in vectors rdepths and rtimes, you can do:
[JT, JD] = meshgrid(times, depths); %% The irregular measurement grid
[RT, RD] = meshgrid(rtimes, rdepths); %% The regular interpolation grid
TemperaturesOnRegularGrid = interp2(JT, JD, TemperaturesOnIrregularGrid, RT, RD);
* : If not, you can sort on rows and columns to come back to a monotonic grid.
**: In fact Interp2 has no restriction for output grid (it can be irregular or even non-monotonic).
I would use your data to fit to a spline or polynomial and then re-sample at regular intervals. I would highly recommend the polyfitn function. Actually, anything by this John D'Errico guy is incredible. Aside from that, I have used this function in the past when I had data on a irregularly spaced 3D problem and it worked reasonably well. If your data set has good support, which I suspect it does, this will be a piece of cake. Enjoy! Hope this helps!
Try the GridFit tool on MATLAB central by John D'Errico. To use it, pass in your 2 independent data vectors (time & temperature), the dependent data matrix (depth) along with the regularly spaced X & Y data points to use. By default the tool also does smoothing for overlapping (or nearly) data points. If this is not desired, you can override this (and other options) through a wide range of configuration options. Example code:
%Establish regularly spaced points
num_points = 20;
time_pts = linspace(min(time),max(time),num_points);
depth_pts = linspace(min(depth),max(depth),num_points);
%Run interpolation (with smoothing)
Pest = gridfit(depth, time, temp, time_pts, depth_pts);