Assign three key combination in any one of keys - autohotkey

how can i assign Control + Shift + S in any of one of the keys like,ALT or 4 or space using autohotkey.I am new to autohotkey. I need this key combination in a single key. since, in my work i need to press these keys repeatedly?

Replace space with the key you want to be remaped into Control + Shift + S.


[N]Vim remap right shift [duplicate]

I'm trying to configure a key-mapping using shift+shift, is this posible ?
I have tried:
<S-S> But this maps shift + S
<S><S> and this that maps to unknown
You cannot map to modifier keys (like Ctrl, Shift, Alt) alone; they can only be used in combination with other keys that represent printable characters (like <C-a> = Ctrl + A). That's mostly due to the fact that terminals do not send keypress events for modifier keys alone. There are unfortunately even limitations in those combinations (also in GVIM). Some key combinations, like Ctrl + non-alphabetic cannot be mapped, and Ctrl + letter vs. Ctrl + Shift + letter cannot be distinguished.

Match both shift keys being pressed in AutoHotKey

One of my keyboards has a larger Shift key where my pipe/backslash key normally is. Is there a way to match Shift-Shift in AutoHotKey (i.e. both Shift keys pressed) so that I can still type pipes (|) in the way I would with my other keyboards? I have tried simply ++ but that seems to equate to Shift-+.
Thanks to #0x464e's comment, I was able to find the Virtual Key codes (VKs) for left shift and right shift by:
Adding ++::Send {U+007C} to my ahk script (right of the :: is irrelevant here, this is just so that Shift shows up in the key history)
Right click the script in the system tray, click Open, select Key History in the View tab.
Type Shift-+ a few times with each Shift key into a text editor.
Hit F5 in the Key History window and read off the values for Virtual Key for Left Shift and Right Shift (VKA0 and VKA1 respectively in my case).
Then I added the following rules to my ahk script to send a pipe whenever I held the Right Shift key and pressed the Left Shift key:
VKA1 & VKA0::Send {U+007C}

Bind keyboard shortcut to one key in AutoHotkey with delay

I am using the Japanese IME on Windows 10. TL;DR there is a shortcut to switch from alphanumeric (latin alphabet) to Japanese input. The combination is ALT+` [l or r alt + tilde key]. For it to work, both keys must be held down but the alt key must be pressed first. I am trying to bind this combination to one key.
I have been able to bind normal letter keys to a combination of other letters (e.g. a -> b + c) but I cannot get it to work with the keys I need, and especially not because there needs to be a delay between them. The code confuses me.

How to type commands that need shift key in emacs? (e.g. M-< M-> C-?)

I am ultimate beginner in emacs.. How to type commands that need shift key? For example: to type M-> i need to type "Meta key(Alt)" + "shift" + "." Hope I was clear.. I use US keyboard layout. All the best..
To get M-> type first the "Alt" key and then the "Shift" key and the "." key at the same time.
You press those keys as a chord, just like shift-alt-. You can also use Esc as a synonym for the meta key if you prefer that.

Remapping alphabet or number key pairs to perform alt,ctrl,shift functions

I work with a hospital data entry system where no customization is allowed. I have found AutoHotKey to provide effective ways to work around the this system's "slow clunkiness".
What I need are more function keys on the keyboard. The best way I have found to approximate that is by remapping key pairs 1 Q:: Alt n, 2 w::ctrl r....ect. The best I could come up with was from AHK site's example and explanation of how to remap letter keys to other letter key destination. I tweaked and adjusted and came up with the following:
1 & q::
SetKeyDelay -1, 40 ;
Send {ctrl Down} ;
Send {Blind}{f Downtemp}
1 & q up::
SetKeyDelay -1 ;
Send {Blind}{ctrl up}
Send {Blind}{f Up}
This code will do the job but it has a downside. The first key in the sequence looses it's regular function. In this case, I've lost the use of my top row of numbers to become function keys. Is it possible to have the first key revert back to it's native function automatically after it was used in the key pair? I and the other pharmacy personnel will be most grateful for any help you can provide. Thank You.
Key combinations with & produce prefix keys. To restore a prefix key's original function, you need to define it explicitely:
1 & q::Msgbox, 1
1::Send, 1
+1::Send, {!} ; SHIFT + 1 may depend on your keyboard layout
However, it makes sense to arrange your key combinations in a way that produces as few prefix keys as possible. In your example, if you want to define hotkeys like 1 + q, 2 + q, 3 + q, and so on, it may be smarter to use q as the first key, leaving you with the necessity of redefining only one key:
SendMode, Input
q & 1::Msgbox, 1
q & 2::Msgbox, 2
q & 3::Msgbox, 3
q::Send, q
+q::Send, Q
; AltGr+q and CTRL+ALT+q also do something in Germany ;)
<^>!q::Send, #
^!q::Send, #
As you can see in the example, you always have to look out for keys that have a (usually third) functionality that's triggered by AltGr or CTRL+ALT. But this strongly depends on your keyboard layout.