[N]Vim remap right shift [duplicate] - neovim

I'm trying to configure a key-mapping using shift+shift, is this posible ?
I have tried:
<S-S> But this maps shift + S
<S><S> and this that maps to unknown

You cannot map to modifier keys (like Ctrl, Shift, Alt) alone; they can only be used in combination with other keys that represent printable characters (like <C-a> = Ctrl + A). That's mostly due to the fact that terminals do not send keypress events for modifier keys alone. There are unfortunately even limitations in those combinations (also in GVIM). Some key combinations, like Ctrl + non-alphabetic cannot be mapped, and Ctrl + letter vs. Ctrl + Shift + letter cannot be distinguished.


How to reverse ALT + LEFT MOUSE and CTRL + LEFT MOUSE bindings?

In sublime text CTRL + LM adds a cursor and feels much more natural than ALT + LM, because I keep accidentally clicking the space bar and inserting a space.
I also like the VSC CTRL + LM file path peek option, but I just want to reverse the two buttons.
So inserts cursor should be: CTRL + LM
And peek path should be: ALT + LM
I can't find them anywhere in the key bindings shortcuts. Where are these two settings?
There is currently no possibility to customize any of the mouse related functionality in VS Code.
There is an open issue, though, that you can "thumbs up" and follow.

Bind keyboard shortcut to one key in AutoHotkey with delay

I am using the Japanese IME on Windows 10. TL;DR there is a shortcut to switch from alphanumeric (latin alphabet) to Japanese input. The combination is ALT+` [l or r alt + tilde key]. For it to work, both keys must be held down but the alt key must be pressed first. I am trying to bind this combination to one key.
I have been able to bind normal letter keys to a combination of other letters (e.g. a -> b + c) but I cannot get it to work with the keys I need, and especially not because there needs to be a delay between them. The code confuses me.

Assign three key combination in any one of keys

how can i assign Control + Shift + S in any of one of the keys like,ALT or 4 or space using autohotkey.I am new to autohotkey. I need this key combination in a single key. since, in my work i need to press these keys repeatedly?
Replace space with the key you want to be remaped into Control + Shift + S.

How select the rest of the word in incremental search in Eclipse?

When in incremental search mode in Eclipse, is there a way to select the rest of the word?
For example, suppose I want to find the word “handleReservationGranted”. I type Ctrl + F to enter incremental search mode, and start typing the letters “han”. Now suppose I have found the beginning of “handleReservationGranted”. In my search box I have “han”, but I would now like to be able to select the rest of the word, so that the search box contains “handleReservationGranted” instead of “han”.
In Xemacs, I can type Ctrl + S, type “han”, and then type Ctrl + W. Now my search term is “handleReservationGranted”, and not “han”. So now if I press Ctrl + S, I find the next occurrence of “handleReservationGranted”.
I frequently prefer the incremental search over the search dialog, as the search dialog takes too much space on my screen, and most annoying it frequently hides the found matches.
I am using Eclipse Galileo (3.5.2).
Ctrl + Shift + L gives me the list of possible shortcuts in the given context, but none seems to fit what I'm looking for.
Instead of using Ctrl + F you can use Ctrl + J (no dialog appears).
Then you start typing the word and, when you find it, you'll have te beginning selected.
Now you only have to do Ctrl + Shift + → to select the rest of the word.
With the word selected, if you press Ctrl + K it searches for the next ocurrence (Ctrl + Shift + K the previous).
Note: I'm using Eclipse 3.4 but I suppose in 3.5 it works the same way. If it doesn't you can press Ctrl + Shift + L in the editor window (not in the search dialog) and look for 'Incremental Find'.

How to search string under cursor in Eclipse

In vim, pressing * in command mode performs an automatic search of the word under the cursor. How can I obtain the same in Eclipse?
A combination of two keystrokes:
First, hit Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow to invoke "Select Enclosing Element". This will select the word under your cursor.
Use Ctrl + K (Cmd + K on OS X) to "find next".
It appears it was not possible in 2004, and it's still not possible, apparently. I'm speechless...
I also need this functionality and created a small plug-in which adds commands for doing this. You can download it and find more details here: http://eclipselabs.org/p/eclipse-tweaks/
Windows 10, tested on Eclipse 2020-03:
Two Steps:
1. Alt + Shift + Up Arrow, to select the word under the cursor
2. Ctrl + K to find the selected word forward
(Ctrl + Shift + K to find the selected word backward)
If you are inside an XML tag, Alt + Shift + Up Arrow will select from the beginning of the tag to the end tag, including all enclosing elements. Try it!
Ctrl + Shift + Down/Up arrows to navigate methods, as sometimes the selected word is a method you want to go to.
Better still,
Ctrl + O - Go to a specific method, by searching (Just enter the first few letters of the method, and Enter)
Press Ctrl + k on a Windows machine. On a Mac, Cmd + k should work (seen here).
Not exactly the same, but maybe helpfull if you work with java. In a .java file you can press
to find occurences in the same source file.
You can also use Shift + Ctrl + K to search next backwards.