Android - Black Frame after dismissing Progress Dialog - progressdialog

After dismissing a Progress Dialog there's a black frame that fills the screen and disappears after a second, any idea why this is happening and how to solve it ?


How do I create a button with animation in the center of the bottom navigation in Flutter?

enter image description here
I want to use this animation for Bottom Navigation on Flutter, but I don't know what to do.
There are a total of 5 tabs including the button with that animation applied.
Animation button is centered.
Help me, masters.
Floating buttons should not be used...

View's origin confuse my project

I got a project ( I' ve already finished it ) I did a uialert view into. When I started my app and pressed the alert view button, the alert view came from the top, not from the middle of the screen. I set the view s origin s to the middle, and it s worked, but if went into a subview and after backed to the start view, the alert view came again from the top left.
Then I set my view s origin back to the top left, and it s still works the same wrong mode( app start: okey, after go into subview and back it s wrong) .
If I start my app,and just tap the alert button it works fine ( appears from the middle with the right animation ), after I go any subview , it s confuse, and I got a uitextfield, and map too in my subviews. If I click into the textfield, the "|" symbol to start writing, comes from the top left, and if I want to zoom in my text for just correct it, the loupe comes from the top left too, and it s really annoying. And if I watch the map, and there is a pin, and during the zooming in or out the pin disappears, when I stop it, it comes from the top left, or bottom right.
I don t know how to fix this problem, my mind is blowing.
I tried to fix it with code:
skroller.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(0.5, 0.5);
levels.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(0.5, 0.5);
but it still works wrong
If I click on the view , and show the size inspector it doesn t look like this:
I don t see the Autosize, and example, and arrange. If I click on for example to attributes inspector it appeard for 0.00001 sec .

iPad : Problem after dismissing Split screen

In my app, I am using split screen for my one view.
but when I use to dismiss that view it gives me screen as below.
The white portion at right side is because of split screen.
How do I solve it ?
If you've got a reference to that left view, can you change the frame position after dismissing the right view?
Something like:
[leftView setFrame:CGRectMake(newX, 0, oldWidth, oldHeight)];

hide status bar in landscape mode leave a blank space when rotating

My application support to display some screen in landscape mode, and in landscape mode, I set to hide the status bar to get mode space to display data.
The problem is while hiding the status bar and rotate screen, it leave a white pace at status bar position until the screen is rotated completely as below screenshot.
I guess that steps of operations when rotating screen are:
1. hide status bar
2. rotate screen
3. resize screen to take place of status bar.
So until the screen is rotated completely, user still can see the white space, it is not good and I want to do something such as: set color for that blank space to black, or set animation to hide that blank space but unlucky!
So, does anyone have solution to resolve this, please help me, thanks a lot!
you should make the size of view 320 * 480. as you might have hidden the statusbar but the size of view will be 320 * 460(default)
Check out this one.

Disabling screen minimization animation effect in iPhone:

Is it possible to disable the home screen minimize animation effect when user presses the home button on iPhone?. Or can we set our own custom image for minimize animation?
Regards ypk
You cannot customize the minimization animation.
You can set an image to be shown full screen in applicationWillTerminate: but it wont last long as the application will quit soon after that.