Disabling screen minimization animation effect in iPhone: - iphone

Is it possible to disable the home screen minimize animation effect when user presses the home button on iPhone?. Or can we set our own custom image for minimize animation?
Regards ypk

You cannot customize the minimization animation.
You can set an image to be shown full screen in applicationWillTerminate: but it wont last long as the application will quit soon after that.


How to create a translucent layer on click of button, which would slide up for iphone

Hi I want to create a layer of the type in the image below.
The layer (with Capture mode and Shutter speed) slides up when I click on the setting button.
I am unable to figure out what should I do do create something like this. Also want to have the similar translucency in the layer as well as in the buttons on it also.
On click on the same button again, the layer(with Capture mode and Shutter speed) disappears, leaving what was there on the screen before (the camera view and the lower bar with the camera capture button, and the two setting buttons)
Please any suggestions are much appreciated.
Maybe you can create a UIView and place every button you need there, and place it below the screen size. then when you click the setting button you call core animation to move the view up, click setting again to move it down.

UIToolbar position change after app enters foreground

in my navigation based iPhone app I let users swipe the UIToolbar out of the way (I move the frame of self.navigationController.toolbar down by 23).
This works very well until the app is sent into background and reopened. When the app comes back to foreground the toolbar position is reset. This happens after UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification is posted and after - (void)didBecomeActive …
At the moment I move the toolbar back to the lower position after entering foreground, but this results in kind of a flickering effect.
Could someone please push me in the right direction how I can prevent the toolbar position reset on entering foreground?
Don't manually change the frame of the toolbar. Call -[UINavigationController setToolbarHidden:animated:] instead.

I want to use an overlay for the UIImagePickerController, but I want the shutter animation

I am using the UIImagePickerController with an overlay view so I can have some custom controls. I notice that when the user clicks the "Capture" button and I call [imagePicker takePicture], the shutter animation doesn't occur. The effect is that I see the view sort of freeze and then continue in camera mode for a second before the image is captured and I display it over the camera view.
Make sense?
So, in other words, when the UIImagePickerController is initially presented, you see the shutter animation open up to reveal the camera, but when using overlay views and hiding camera controls, when I take the picture I don't see it. Would really like to. :-(
Any ideas?
There is currently now way to do this with the built in UIImagePicker animation. You would have to use AVFoundation and roll your own capture animation whenever you take the picture

How does iPhone draw controller?

I'm a newbie in iPhone development and now encounter a problem:
I want to add a small hotspot on a large image and simply came up with the idea that I can add a button in that area setting alpha 0 to hide the button. Unfortunately, the phone does not response click events any more. Instead, if I increase the alpha, I can receive click events without any problems. So I wonder in which order does iPhone draw controller on the screen. Is it because my background image is drawn after the button if I set alpha of button too low, so the click event is intercepted by the background image?
Any hints will be highly appreciated. Thank you all in advance!
Best Regards.
Set the button's style to Custom; the button will not be drawn, but should remain fully active.
The problem is not the order in which the views are drawn, it's rather that if a view's alpha is 0 it does not receive touch events. it's like the view is not there at all.
but you don't have to set the alpha to 0 on the UIButton, you can simply make it a Custom button instead of a Rounded Rect button. it'll be invisible and still work.

iPhone Loading Screen Effect

I'm interested to making a "fade effect" like Foursquare app. I want the main view to fade in.
How can I do this?
Sincerely I don't know what should I use. If anyone have the Foursquare's app on his iPhone, please open and see what I mean.
You should look at these answers:
How can I display a splash screen for longer on an iPhone?
This is what I've used in almost all of my apps:
Displaying a "splash screen" and using the "fade effect" are really two different questions. As for fading, UIView has a bunch of built-in animations you can use which is provided by Core Animation. Look into the UIView docs Apple provides for these type of view animation.
The splash image is white with a fake nav controller on the top.
When the app finishes launching, the splash image is redisplay on top.
The typical UIView elements are added beneath the second splash image.
When this is finished, the second splash image transparency is animated to fully transparent and thus causes a "fade effect".