How do I create a button with animation in the center of the bottom navigation in Flutter? - flutter

enter image description here
I want to use this animation for Bottom Navigation on Flutter, but I don't know what to do.
There are a total of 5 tabs including the button with that animation applied.
Animation button is centered.
Help me, masters.
Floating buttons should not be used...


Custom flutter navigation?

I am using CupertinoPageRoute for their navigation animation and I want to customize it a bit. Page
I am going to(Page2) will slide from right and when I pop that page(Go back to Page1) it will slide in opposite direction(from left) that's default. I want my pop to slide in the same direction (from right). Like PageView but I'm navigating only between two pages. Green arrow show's direction I want.
Is there a way?
I tried building my custom navigation animation with PageRouteBuilder but could not do anything useful I don't want to push page1 on top of page2.
You can use package for page transition in any direction you want

animated bottom navigation bar using flutter

I want to create an animated bottom navigationbar like show in the image below. How can I do that?

Flutter animation in botoomsheet

I am looking forward to creating a similar animation in the ModalBottomSheet, shown in the below image. The animation in the above bottom navigation bar Is there any idea how to achieve it?

UIToolbar and Flexable/Fixed bar button items

I have a toolbar, where I want to have one UIBarButtonItem centered and have another on the very right. However when I add the button on the right, my centered button gets shifted further to the left (see attached). I can't figure out how to get this resolved without using code (I would like to use interface builder only). Any ideas?
To do this in just IB, add a fixed bar button item to the very left of the bar that's the exact same width of the 'switch camera' button, followed by a flexible button, your camera icon, another flexible space, and the switch camera.
So it would look like:
|--fixed space--||--flexible space--||Camera Button||--flexible space--||switch camera|

UISearchbar at the middle of the screen

I want to position my UISearchBar at the middle of the screen, but I still want it to slide to the top when user starts to edit text like it was positioned strictly under navigation bar.
Do i have to take care of its frame by myself?