Paypal Payments Pro - Advanced Fraud Protection not working - paypal

I need some help with a very annoying problem. We have a Paypal Payments Pro account and use the Paypal_Merchant_SDK (.NET) to process direct payments on our site via API calls using the live credentials we got from We have been live for several months, transactions processing successfully.
Now we want a small change to way we accept payments. We want to reject transactions with wrong CV2 code. So after calls with Paypal support we were told we needed Advanced Fraud protection added to our manager account ( So we added it and set the "CSC Failure" fraud filter to reject transactions on non-matches and deployed it to live (active mode). All status messages say it was deployed successfully. We waited for several hours and tested, it didn't work - still processes transactions with wrong CV2 code and we get this message "This transaction was approved. However, the Card Security Code provided had too few, too many, or invalid character types but, as per your account option settings, was not required in the approval process."
Can anyone tell me why the CSC failure setting is not working and how to get it working?
EDIT: Ok, on the phone with paypal support again and they say that I will have to use the login credentials as part of each transaction in the API calls. Does anyone know where I would do that? I only see fields for API credentials.


PayPal sandbox test accounts - inconsistent results

While testing payments in the sandbox using SetExpressCheckout, GetExpressCheckoutDetails, and DoExpressCheckoutPayment, testing works as expected.
Payments are reflected in the developer portal and in the test account. The developer account and test accounts are more than 3 years old.
However, when using a new test account created in the last 30 days, the same test fails without error and are payments are not reflected in the test account or in the developer portal.
I suspect that there may be some difference between the older test accounts and the new. Any thoughts?
First of all, why are you testing deprecated NVP APIs that are several generations old, instead of REST v2/checkout/orders (with or without a modern UI for approval) ?
It's hard to say what specifically the problem might be since you don't share any API responses, but at a guess the email address of the sandbox receiver account is not confirmed.
Check in , resend confirmation message as needed
Read confirmation messages in , and log in again to confirm
If that's not the issue, you'll need to share API responses.

Get data on PayPal subscription profile without access to original IPN

One of my customers had a website hosted on FusionHQ with subscription profiles through PayPal. When migrating the payments, I guessed I could just change the IPN and would get the new messages. But it seems that Fusion has manually set nofify_url parameters for their subscription profiles and there seems to be no way to change the notify_url.
Though slightly annoying, I guessed I could still use the classic payments API to get information and do something stupid like checking the subscribers' status on the assumed expiration date. But, it turned out that PayPal doesn't allow it because the specific API FusionHQ has used, with the following error message:
Subscription Profiles not supported by Recurring Payment APIs.
The thing is that there is no way I can get access to the old IPN server since it is on FusionHQ's domain. After searching through StackOverflow, I've really lost all hope of doing this in a decent way, and I'm about to redirect my customer's PayPal emails to some SMTP bot to parse them and give me the transactions update. But this is obviously a very crappy and unreliable way. So, does anyone have any idea of what to do?

Paypal App is "Conditionally Approved".What is the timeline to get it approved?

I have created and submitted a Paypal application ( using the classic API). The application is in a conditionally approved state. Paypal reached out and asked additional questions which I responded back with details. The application does not use the Paypal API to make payments. It only reads transactions related data and shows useful reports and insights for users. The API permissions requested are
1.Obtain transaction specific information.
2.Obtain your paypal account balance
3.Search your transaction specific information.
4.Search your transactions for items that match specific criteria and display the results
I was able to get a live app id and also have the API username, password and API signature. However since our app uses Paypal oauth, the permissions part doesn't work . My guess is this is because the app is conditionally approved. Is this the right assumption? Also what is the typical timeline for an app to get approved? My Paypal account from which I created and submitted the app is a verified account. I have sent messages from within my developer portal to support but I haven't heard anything back.
So far we have been working with a sandbox account. The live application I created is in a different account than the sandbox account. I am not sure if this is an issue.Would be great if someone who has been through the process can confirm.
Unfortunately there is not really a "typical" time frame for app approvals as too many factors go into the approval process. The best thing would be to call in to PayPal to inquire on the status.

Credit Card payments not working Paypal

Hi I am implementing paypal API on my website where different vendors come and sell their products.Currently I am using sandbox environment.Payments are working perfectly using paypal account but payments are not working using Credit Card.Getting following error:
We are sorry, we are experiencing temporary difficulties. Please try again later. If this error occurred while making a payment, avoid duplicate payments by checking your Account Overview before resending a payment.
For some browsers, this problem can be resolved by clearing or
deleting cookies.
Message 6838
Any ideas?
If this is an issue that is happening with every transaction, make certain that you are using live credentials with live endpoints.
If you are using Express Checkout make certain you have the correct API Signature credentials.
Below are two links for going live and correct API Endpoints:
PayPal Developer Site, Going Live
API Endpoints
If this is happening on only a handful of transactions it may be a technical issue.You can submit a ticket to PayPal Merchant Technical Support

How to test on Live paypal site with dummy credit cards [duplicate]

I just wanted to ask among the gurus here if anyone has ever attempted to test a complete transaction from start to end on an ecommerce site using paypal or any other epayment gateway.
Please guys, I would appreciate any thoughts and comments. As it is a live site, I cant use the sandbox as that will negatively impact sales. However my firm is a startup and so can't afford the complete transaction and refund process that was suggested [here]:Accepting dummy credit cards on a live site with ActiveMerchant & PayPal.
Please help!
Previously I tested by buying low cost items from myself - that way you're only paying commission and you're getting most of the moneyback.
Admittedly you need 2 Paypal accounts, but that shouldn't be a problem, and you should only have to 'kick the tyres' in the live environment because all your testing will have been done in the dev environment.
We had a similar problem during startup and still use this process in the live site. We have specific "test" products that we purchase using a live credit card, then monitor the transactions: purchase, decline purchase, subscription (recurring billing), cancel, refund, etc.
Our test product is priced very low (5 cents). For subscriptions, the billing interval is 1 day, for a maximum of 3 intervals (with a free trial period of 1 day). This allows me to run a full test/validation, including recurring billing, in the live environment in less than a week.
We refund all charges following the test, which puts the money back on the credit card (or back in the PayPal account). Because of the refunding, our sales impact is zero (offsetting sale and refund). It does cost us a small non-refundable PayPal fee for each transaction, but that amounts to $1 or less.
These "test" products are not exposed to normal users. Also, we manually verify any "test" sales to make sure they are part of our internal testing.
"Sandbox" testing is the way to go during development, but a periodic test in the live environment is necessary to be verify that nothing is amiss.
Why not use a real credit card, then give yourself a refund? The commision fee is returned in that case.
All the time that I want to test our live sites we use a real credit card.
I don't understand why you can't use the sandbox..?? How would using it negatively impact your sales? It's all fake.
Just setup your own version of your site and use that as your test server. Configure it to use PayPal's sandbox with sandbox API credentials, etc. This will allow you to go all the way through an order process and test everything from the UI stuff to payment processing, API requests/response processing, IPN, etc.
When everything is working you sync it up with your live server, which is hitting the live PayPal server, of course.
Again, I don't see how that would impact you in any way other than being a successful testing solution..??