Get data on PayPal subscription profile without access to original IPN - paypal

One of my customers had a website hosted on FusionHQ with subscription profiles through PayPal. When migrating the payments, I guessed I could just change the IPN and would get the new messages. But it seems that Fusion has manually set nofify_url parameters for their subscription profiles and there seems to be no way to change the notify_url.
Though slightly annoying, I guessed I could still use the classic payments API to get information and do something stupid like checking the subscribers' status on the assumed expiration date. But, it turned out that PayPal doesn't allow it because the specific API FusionHQ has used, with the following error message:
Subscription Profiles not supported by Recurring Payment APIs.
The thing is that there is no way I can get access to the old IPN server since it is on FusionHQ's domain. After searching through StackOverflow, I've really lost all hope of doing this in a decent way, and I'm about to redirect my customer's PayPal emails to some SMTP bot to parse them and give me the transactions update. But this is obviously a very crappy and unreliable way. So, does anyone have any idea of what to do?


PayPal Rest API - Webhooks / IPN - Is it possible to receive eBay payment notifications?

I've been developing a marketplace type platform. Implementing PayPal Payouts seemed to be perfect for dealing with commissions. Especially being as PayPal will be handling all payments too.
I've successfully developed this part of the system. Inc. the webhook and verifying transmissions.
Now I wish to get my eBay sales info into my system. So that we can see it all in one place and have the system work the commissions out for those sales too. Having just invested the time into learning and implementing this PayPal API integration, it would be nice to use it for getting this data too.
So having tested the sandbox app thoroughly for the Payouts, I configured the live one. This is in my PayPal developer account where the app settings are. I've done nothing in my main Paypal account. Am I meant too?
My live webhook URL is just set to log all received data from PayPal. So I waited for a eBay sale and went to check the log but no data received? Am I misunderstanding this? The webhook is subscribed to all events.
The Drupal Commerce shopping cart I'm using already implements a IPN. Is it the IPN that I need to be thinking about? I'd prefer to not interfere with it to be honest, to keep future security updates safer. That said, I suspect there will be a way to extend it.
I guess the actual question is - what is the easiest way to get eBay sales info through PayPal?
Any help would be much appreciated.
eBay has their own system for that called Platform Notifications.
If I'm working with payment data, and I just need extra data from eBay, I will typically start with PayPal IPN / Webhooks and then use the eBay APIs within my IPN app to pull and push data as necessary.
Of course, depending on the scenario, you may decide to build out your primary solution inside of an eBay Platform Notifications app, and then make calls to PayPal APIs within that if you need to pull/push data.

Paypal Rest API vs Classic Sdk

I am working with paypal first time.
I have a product and I want to integrate paypal with it.
I want to achieve the following tasks :
Client comes to my website and select a plan,which is a monthly recurring plan.
Then client is redirected to Paypal for payment.
Client makes payment.
Return backs to home page.
I have gone through the documentation of paypal and I have the following questions.
What should I use REST API or Classic Sdk, as I want to create Recurring Profile,Work with EXPRESS-CHECKOUT and REFERENCE TRANSACTIONS.
I have customers all over globe and it is stated in the documentation that, for the customers in Germany and China , I have to use REFERENCE TRANSACTION.
Some where in the documentation of Merchant SDK it is stated that the classic API's will be deprecated, so is it a good approach to use Classic SDK
I also wanted to track the transactions(payment) made by user, so that I can show him the amount that is deducted in each month in his profile details.
Please suggest a feasible solution to my problem.
Thanks in advance.
Here's what I use. I went to Web Payments Standard and created a Subscription button. (I like the unencrypted variety, but you can encrypt if you want.) In there, you set the terms of the subscription, as well as where to post the IPN message. When the IPN message comes back, you deal with it. You'll get a subscr_signup at the start along with a subscr_payment. Then, on renewals, you'll get a subscr_payment again. What I like to do is store every verified IPN message in the database for my customer.
For handling the management of those subscriptions for things like tracking info, refunds, subscription cancellations, and voids, you'll need to use NVP API, which is a very simple API. If you stored in a database every IPN message with all those fields, then you should be able to pass certain fields of those to the NVP API in order to get what you need done.
If you're worried about longevity of the APIs, then don't. All they do when they deprecate APIs is stop giving you good docs on them. They still let those older versions run. If they didn't, there would be major upheaval on the web with web commerce products breaking all over the place. However, that said, if you want to prepare for the future, then get on the Braintree Payments API because PayPal bought Braintree and that's the future of their API.

Paypal Reference Transaction Billing address blank

I have been playing with the reference transactions facility on paypal and I have run into a bit of an issue.
Everything works fine right up until I try to retrieve the latest billing address from the customers account.
If I don't do this, everything works as it should and payment is taken.
Based on I have made the call to retrieve the billing address but it comes back with all the fields as null. The name is correct but the address is empty.
Any ideas on this. I can't integrate this into our site if I can't retrieve the billing address.
As with most things related to PayPal and their APIs, they simply hadn't bothered to document the fact that you have to liase with them and contact them for various parts of the system to be enabled.
Initially when using reference transactions I tried to setup a "Billing Agreement" and the API response alerted me to the fact that reference transactions needed to be enabled on sandbox and live accounts in order to function and that they had to do this themselves, not the owner of the sandbox / live account.
Brilliant, undocumented issue no1.
Once that was working, I moved onto testing the use of a "Billing Agreement" to take payment and as part of that you make a request to PayPal for the details of the agreement so as to ensure its still active and to get the customers delivery address.
I do that and everything comes back as expected apart from the delivery address...
After much head scratching I contact their technical support who informs me that again, this needs to be enabled on the sandbox / merchant account before it will return the address.
Seriously, I know that PayPals documentation is quite poor but this just takes the biscuit. So if anyone has any issues with reference transactions, just contact them and ask them to enable EVERYTHING related to it and explain what they have done.

Credit Card payments not working Paypal

Hi I am implementing paypal API on my website where different vendors come and sell their products.Currently I am using sandbox environment.Payments are working perfectly using paypal account but payments are not working using Credit Card.Getting following error:
We are sorry, we are experiencing temporary difficulties. Please try again later. If this error occurred while making a payment, avoid duplicate payments by checking your Account Overview before resending a payment.
For some browsers, this problem can be resolved by clearing or
deleting cookies.
Message 6838
Any ideas?
If this is an issue that is happening with every transaction, make certain that you are using live credentials with live endpoints.
If you are using Express Checkout make certain you have the correct API Signature credentials.
Below are two links for going live and correct API Endpoints:
PayPal Developer Site, Going Live
API Endpoints
If this is happening on only a handful of transactions it may be a technical issue.You can submit a ticket to PayPal Merchant Technical Support

How do I deal with PayPal customers who can't direct return

PayPal states:
Note: If you have turned on Auto
Return and have chosen to turn on
PayPal Account Optional for new users,
a new user will not be automatically
directed back to your website, but
will be given the option to return.
But if some of the customers don't get "Auto Returned", how do I handle them programmatically?
Paypal does not guarantee autoreturn especially when Paypal Account - optional setting is on.
The right way to handle the integration is with Instant Payment Notification (IPN) option. Using IPN Paypal will make POSTS to your page notifying you of payment events. The following link explains the IPN process pretty well.
To summarize, you will write code that will trap posts from Paypal and then make sure to update your billing data accordingly.
Also, IPN messages might be slightly delayed.
Create a script (cron or what) that does check for such payments at paypal perodically (e.g. every hour).
Is this what you mean?
If not, you may need to be a little more specific with your question. Like - are you using paypal pro? How are your customers checking out? etc. And now that I read the answer below mine, I wonder if you are even talking about the payment process and not something else.