Paypal App is "Conditionally Approved".What is the timeline to get it approved? - paypal

I have created and submitted a Paypal application ( using the classic API). The application is in a conditionally approved state. Paypal reached out and asked additional questions which I responded back with details. The application does not use the Paypal API to make payments. It only reads transactions related data and shows useful reports and insights for users. The API permissions requested are
1.Obtain transaction specific information.
2.Obtain your paypal account balance
3.Search your transaction specific information.
4.Search your transactions for items that match specific criteria and display the results
I was able to get a live app id and also have the API username, password and API signature. However since our app uses Paypal oauth, the permissions part doesn't work . My guess is this is because the app is conditionally approved. Is this the right assumption? Also what is the typical timeline for an app to get approved? My Paypal account from which I created and submitted the app is a verified account. I have sent messages from within my developer portal to support but I haven't heard anything back.
So far we have been working with a sandbox account. The live application I created is in a different account than the sandbox account. I am not sure if this is an issue.Would be great if someone who has been through the process can confirm.

Unfortunately there is not really a "typical" time frame for app approvals as too many factors go into the approval process. The best thing would be to call in to PayPal to inquire on the status.


PayPal Auto Payment without logging in

I want to make a payment system in which users can connect their PayPal account to a website. In this step, login required.
When transaction occurs, without having to log in again, users can pay to the site.
This would be quite different from PayPal subscriptions -- just auto payment like upwork client account.
What you are looking seems to be a "Reference Transactions" solution. It can be tested in sandbox, but to use it in live, the business account would need to be approved for this feature by PayPal. To do this the account owner would need to contact their PayPal account manager or PayPal's general customer support (not MTS), and explain the business need for this feature.
As far as implementing the solution, the only public documentation I'm aware of is for classic APIs: . Any newer API or vault solution does not appear to be publicly available at this time, but you could always contact PayPal's support and ask if there's something they'd rather you implement than those classic APIs. The more significant hurdle is the business approval for the feature mentioned earlier.

Transaction description and app name not showing with PayPal REST API

I am using PayPal Payments REST API to accept payments on some website.
Just now I noticed that both the transaction description as well as the app name (which you configure in developer dashboard) are no longer displayed. Why is this? Some recent change? Or something with my account?
It is very bad as I have a single company PayPal account which I use for various websites and the app name & transaction description is to give the corresponding payment flows their own identity. Currently people abort payments because they don't understand why the details in the payment overview on PayPal are completely different/unrelated from where they initiated payment.
Please see image below for what I mean.
If anyone can confirm this is happening for everyone now and/or refer to some PayPal documentation/statement regarding this topic then please share. I could not find anything on PayPal developer resources.
To display a 'custom' name, you need to create a custom 'Web experience profile'.
I was utilising the PHP SDK so did so by following their sample code.
You can also create a 'Web experience profile' with a direct request to the relevant API endpoint.
Once you have created the profile you simply set the identifier on the Payment object (PHP) like so:

Fetching new PayPal transactions for a Personal Account

I own a personal PayPal account and am coming up with the design for a personal financing application. I intend to use the APIs provided by PayPal to fetch recent activity on my account to automate some of the information entry (at the moment, most of my transactions go through PayPal).
I've rooted through the API documentation, and I haven't been able to find any sort of endpoint I could use to fetch my recent account history.
I did find a question previously asked and answered about two years ago stating that the only way to do this was by getting a Premier account, which I'd rather avoid due to not knowing if there's any costs associated with such. I'd also like to note that despite my Personal status, I still get notifications on my Android phone stating that I've spent money.
Which brings me to the title question: does PayPal's API expose some endpoint I missed that allows me (the user) to programmatically browse my history, find new transactions, and mark them down with little input from me, or at the very least register to receive notice from PayPal that a new transaction has appeared?
You can pull transaction history using the TransactionSearch API. Then you can get individual transaction details using GetTransactionDetails.
You may also want to look into IPN, which will automatically POST transaction data to a URL you specify as a listener. That listener can receiver the data from PayPal and update your own database, send custom email notifications, hit 3rd party web services, etc.

Paypal Rest API vs Classic Sdk

I am working with paypal first time.
I have a product and I want to integrate paypal with it.
I want to achieve the following tasks :
Client comes to my website and select a plan,which is a monthly recurring plan.
Then client is redirected to Paypal for payment.
Client makes payment.
Return backs to home page.
I have gone through the documentation of paypal and I have the following questions.
What should I use REST API or Classic Sdk, as I want to create Recurring Profile,Work with EXPRESS-CHECKOUT and REFERENCE TRANSACTIONS.
I have customers all over globe and it is stated in the documentation that, for the customers in Germany and China , I have to use REFERENCE TRANSACTION.
Some where in the documentation of Merchant SDK it is stated that the classic API's will be deprecated, so is it a good approach to use Classic SDK
I also wanted to track the transactions(payment) made by user, so that I can show him the amount that is deducted in each month in his profile details.
Please suggest a feasible solution to my problem.
Thanks in advance.
Here's what I use. I went to Web Payments Standard and created a Subscription button. (I like the unencrypted variety, but you can encrypt if you want.) In there, you set the terms of the subscription, as well as where to post the IPN message. When the IPN message comes back, you deal with it. You'll get a subscr_signup at the start along with a subscr_payment. Then, on renewals, you'll get a subscr_payment again. What I like to do is store every verified IPN message in the database for my customer.
For handling the management of those subscriptions for things like tracking info, refunds, subscription cancellations, and voids, you'll need to use NVP API, which is a very simple API. If you stored in a database every IPN message with all those fields, then you should be able to pass certain fields of those to the NVP API in order to get what you need done.
If you're worried about longevity of the APIs, then don't. All they do when they deprecate APIs is stop giving you good docs on them. They still let those older versions run. If they didn't, there would be major upheaval on the web with web commerce products breaking all over the place. However, that said, if you want to prepare for the future, then get on the Braintree Payments API because PayPal bought Braintree and that's the future of their API.

How do I get an application id for Paypal?

I received API credentials but I need api application id to send Adaptive Accounts API Requests.
I used their sandbox app id: APP-80W284485P519543T.
now it's time to go live.
In order to go live, you need to register your application with PayPal to obtain an application ID.
When you submit your application to PayPal for review, the application
is quickly scanned for the requests to PayPal operations. If no
"advanced" operations are found, PayPal issues an AppID for the
production servers at the time you submit the application.
Just because PayPal docs are kind of messy like #Deekor said in the comments, I think it would be good to leave the following links in case anybody like me is wondering where the hell do you REALLY get an AppID (e.g.: for adaptive payments).
Just go to PayPal Developer, once you log in, go to Create and manage Classic API apps or directly to PayPal Apps.
Create an app, once created you get a Sandbox ID which is you AppID and the LiveID as pending.
Date: 3/28/16 (new Adaptive APPID walk-through)
Hi All - I will update this since it's been a while. Please note this is for the classic Adaptive Payment APP ID (NVP/SOAP APIs) process and not for the REST APP or BrainTree V.Zero SDK.
Do the following:
Go to
Log in with PayPal Account email and password
Click the 'Dashboard' tab up top
Click 'My APPs & Credentials'
Click 'Create & Manage NVP/SOAP API apps link
On the redirect to the classic developer portal, Login to PayPal account you want to apply for the APP ID with (a business PayPal account is highly suggestive for underwriting approval)
For Live APP IDs it takes between 24-48 hours; you should get notified when approved. If you don't, contact business support. The number is in your paypal account / contact us section (pending status)
For SandBox you'll get the APP ID right away, regardless of how you applied; live or sandbox
You should see the APP ID in the classic developer portal in the 'manage your apps' section.
For REST APP ID please click here link