Custom Form in Custom Joomla Component - forms

I have a basic front-end form within a component that I created using ComponentCreator.
How and where do I direct the form "action"? Where can I handle this so that I am following the MVC design pattern? My form is within a view (default.php)
The form should simply insert to the database upon submission. I don't want to use a form building extension, I have tried these and they don't meet my requirements.

What version of Joomla? Assuming your not using AJAX then just direct to your controller.
<form id='MyForm' method='post' action='index.php?option=com_mycomponent&task=myoperation'>
<input type='text' name='myname'/>
Then you will have a function in your controller (controller.php) called myoperation that will process all the things in your form (not forgetting the token of course)
JSession::checkToken('request') or jexit( JText::_( 'JINVALID_TOKEN' ) );
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$add_name = $jinput->get('myname', '', 'STRING');
//whatever you need to do...
//add to model if you wanted to add name to DB
$model = &$this->getModel();
Then create function updateDB in model.
This is a rough example with Joomla 2.5 but should work with 3.x. Hope this helps.


how to create a form elements with value in moodle

I am trying to create a form element text with value in moodle.
I trying the below :
$mform->addElement('text','test', get_string('test'));
This is used to create a text box . i want to add value also like
<input type='text' value='<?php .... ?>' />
How to do that in moodle
When you instantiate the form, you can pass the relevant data into it, e.g.
$form = new my_form();
$formdata = (object)array('test' => 'The value to display in the textbox');
(Usually the data passed into the form is some existing data retrieved from the database).
I'm not sure what kind of data did you mean here.
If you want to set user data (for example, you are developing a form that edits existing record), then use $form->set_data() after creating a form instance as Davo suggested.
If you want to pre-fill the form with default value, then use this inside the form definition:
$mform->addElement('text','test', get_string('test'));
$mform->setDefault('test', 'your default value');
You can use both methods, in which case the data from set_data() will have priority.

Joomla: how can I use one form for frontend and backend view?

I am creating a Joomla 2.5 component. In the backend I created a model/view/controller 'Members' which shows a grid. I also created an MVC 'Member' which is used to add or edit a member from the grid. So far so good.
Now, I would like to add a frontend view that is very similar to the 'Member' view in the backend, but this one is meant for visitors so they can subscribe themselves. It has to look more user friendly than the backend form, so I will create a slightly different 'Member' view in the frontend, but I would really like to reuse the form file (/administrator/components/mycomponent/models/forms/member.xml) from the backend!
So, my question is how my frontend view can find and use that backend form?
You definitely have to load it in the model. Your model has to extend JModelAdmin and then the getForm function has to load the form
public function getForm($data = array(), $loadData = true) {
// Get the form.
JForm::addFormPath(JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/models/forms');
JForm::addFieldPath(JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/models/fields');
$form = $this->loadForm('com_dpattachments.attachment', 'attachment', array('control' => 'jform', 'load_data' => $loadData));
if (empty($form)) {
return false;
I'm using the same approach in my DPAttachments component, it is for Joomla 3.1 but the main code, to use the same model and form on the front and back, should also run on Joomla 2.5. Here is the link to the getForm function
If you are following Joomla MVC guidance your frontend should be able to pick-up the forms automatically.
In your view (though it should request it from the model actually) you can write:
$formsPath = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components'.DS.'com_mycom'.DS.'models'.DS.'forms';
$this->form = JForm::getInstance('myform', $formsPath.DS.'myform.xml');
You can also look at the summer of code cm_config project which pulls the config forms and the templateDetails form to the front end using JSON. or the com_services branch.

question about CodeIgniter urls

I am using an application (a blog) written using the CodeIgniter framework and would like to search my blog from my browsers location bar by adding a string to the end of my blogs url like this:
As you can see in the example above I am not really sure how to format the rest of the url after the search part so I am hoping someone here might be able to point me in the right direction.
This is what the form looks like for the search box if that helps at all.
form class="searchform" action="" method="post">
<input id="searchtext" class="search_input" type="text" value="" name="searchtext">
<input type="submit" value="Search" name="Search">
Since your form is posting to, I'm assuming this 'search' controller's default function is the one your are attempting to submit your data to. I think that the easiest way to do this would be to just grab the post data inside of the controller method you're posting to. Example:
function search()
$search_params = $this->input->post('search_text');
Then you would have whatever the user input stored as $search_params, and you can take actions from there. Am I misunderstanding what you're asking?
It seems like you're kind of discussing two different approaches. If you wanted to make a request to
This is going to call the search controllers default method (which is index by default). If you wanted to use the URL to pass parameters like that you would go to your function in the search controller and do:
This will print out "what_am_I_looking_for".
An easier approach in my opinion would be to:
1. Create a view called "search_view" with the HTML content you pasted above, and have the form "action"
Create a controller called "Test" that looks like the following:
class Test extends CI_Controller {
function search()
$search = $this->input->post('searchtext');
public function display_search()
Visit in your browser. This should present you with the form you placed in search_view.php. Once the form is submitted, you should be sent to the search function and print out the variable $search, which will have whatever text you submitted on that form.
If this isn't what you were looking for then I am afraid I do not understand your question.

Symfony forms or normal HTML forms

I am using Symfony 1.4 to create project, and i need to create dynamic forms depending upon the question set type coming from database. i have used Symfony forms in rest of my project, but in this case using symfony forms seems to be tough, as i need dynamic form.
can it be safe to use normal HTML symfony project, or it is advisable to use Symfony forms. so need your help.
You can use html forms, but it would bypass symfony's form validation system.
You can still build dynamic forms by creating and adding input widgets to the current form, or a new form inside an action. You can then echo the form in the template and the dynamically generated fields will be part of the form as well.
If you start with a MyForm.class.php in the lib/forms, make sure to add:
$this->validatorSchema->setOption('allow_extra_fields', true);
Otherwise, you will automatically get validation errors. If you want to add fields to a form in an action you would do something like this:
$this->form = new MyForm();
$widgetSchema = $this->form->getWidgetSchema();
$widgetSchema['add_field'] = new sfWidgetFormInputText();
When you echo your form the 'add_field' input will be added to it.
It would help to have more information about what you're doing, but here's one way in which forms can be dynamic in Symfony. This code creates widgets and validators for a survey dynamically based on the "type" of a question:
class SurveyAnswerForm extends BaseSurveyAnswerForm
public function configure()
$question = $this->object->Question;
$method = sprintf('createWidgetAndValidatorFor%sInputType', $question->type);
$this->getWidget('value')->setOption('label', $question->question);
$this->getValidator('value')->setOption('required', $question->required);
protected function createWidgetAndValidatorForTextFieldInputType(Question $question)
$this->setWidget('value', new sfWidgetFormInputText());
$this->setValidator('value', new sfValidatorString());
protected function createWidgetAndValidatorForTextAreaInputType(Question $question)
$this->setWidget('value', new wfWidgetFormTextareaAutosize());
$this->setValidator('value', new sfValidatorString());
//etc. for as many types as you require
Note: while this answer is code from one of my projects, it was heavily influenced by this answer over on SymfonyExperts.

enclosing custom form element with form tag (drupal 6.x)

I've created custom form using FAPI for my site. And I place each control at specific location base on template provided by the designer. For instance -
<div id="myform">
<span>Enter Your Name : </span> <?php print drupal_render($form['name']); ?>
<span>Gender : </span><?php print drupal_render($form['gender_radio']); ?>
<?php print drupal_render($form['submit']); ?>
Here's my question - How do I enclose all the elements inside form tag? Is hardcoding the form tag inside the template file right way to do in drupal? or is it better to create in hook_form? But doing so would require me to add closing form tag at the end manually. Any suggestion would be highly appreciated.
Drupal - 6.x
It sounds like maybe you read about building individual fields, but skipped over some basic concepts of FAPI. In short, if you call the form with drupal_get_form(), you get the form container (and many of the benefits of using FAPI, e.g. tokens, validation, etc.) automatically. To handle the markup that goes around your form elements, you can then use #prefix, #suffix, and markup elements.
You can assemble the whole form from the outside in like you're doing, but there are few cases in which that would really be worthwhile. If you really want to do that, you basically want to copy what drupal_get_form() does to get the form wrapper added in a way that will work with FAPI.