how to create a form elements with value in moodle - moodle

I am trying to create a form element text with value in moodle.
I trying the below :
$mform->addElement('text','test', get_string('test'));
This is used to create a text box . i want to add value also like
<input type='text' value='<?php .... ?>' />
How to do that in moodle

When you instantiate the form, you can pass the relevant data into it, e.g.
$form = new my_form();
$formdata = (object)array('test' => 'The value to display in the textbox');
(Usually the data passed into the form is some existing data retrieved from the database).

I'm not sure what kind of data did you mean here.
If you want to set user data (for example, you are developing a form that edits existing record), then use $form->set_data() after creating a form instance as Davo suggested.
If you want to pre-fill the form with default value, then use this inside the form definition:
$mform->addElement('text','test', get_string('test'));
$mform->setDefault('test', 'your default value');
You can use both methods, in which case the data from set_data() will have priority.


How can i save the campaign name from responsys on a form

I'm trying to get the name of the campaign where the person opened the form and save it in the supplemental table of the form.
I saw that it has the campaignname() function but I didn't know how to use it.
the form call in the body of the email:
$personalizedform('test_form', 'EMAIL_ADDRESS_',concat(CAMPAIGN_NAME=campaignname()))$
and the hidden field in the form:
<input type="hidden" name="CAMPAIGN_NAME" value="$CAMPAIGN_NAME$">
i managed to figure out how to do this and it was really dumb of me not to notice it but i can just use in the form call
Based on what the limited information, I'd think that you'd want to write your form input to a supplemental table using the form rules, and have the input name/id match a column in your supplemental table.
The freemarker/RPL code to pass campaign name to a form would look something like this: ${form('test_form','EMAIL_ADDRESS_','CAMPAIGN_NAME='}
Responsys Form Method
Responsys Namespace Reference

CakePHP 3: Form Input Name Gets Changed In Controller

I am implementing a form to try and add images associated with a product.
Here is the process I am using:
Perform an AJAX call to get get all potential images.
Display a thumbnail of each image with a checkbox underneath it.
The user selects one or more checkboxes and submits the form.
In order to associate the checkbox with the image, I am setting the checkbox name as the URL of the image. That way when the user submits the form any URL's passed to my controller will represent images the user has selected.
On Form Submission however, these URL's are being manipulated ('.' chars become '_' chars). This is posing a bit of a problem:
Example 1:
<label>Use this Image
<input name="" type="checkbox">
On submission however, in my controller when I print out $this->request->data
[http://images_somesite_com/pic/Qmh8Yx6f7Uq1Pnh6mjyfqg_c-o_jpg] => on
I can't use a str_replace('_', '.', $url), because some image's URL's naturally have an underscore in them.
Example 2
<label>Use this Image
<input name="" type="checkbox">
[http://ecx_images-amazon_com/images/I/71LJdh3kWnL__SL1390__jpg] => on
Is there a way to prevent CakePHP from manipulating these input names before they get passed to the controller?

Joomla Component Formatting Form Inputs

I want to be able to format a field in Joomla. I'm creating a form that has a number of inputs and I want to format the inputs to have a yellow background and be of various lengths. Currently my form is produced in the standard Joomla way:
<div class="tablecol1">
<?php echo $this->form->getLabel('dob'); ?>:
<div class="tablecol2">
<?php echo $this->form->getInput('dob'); ?>
I've looked through the JForm stuff but I can't figure out how to control the format of the generated input box?
help would be great thanks
Setting a class for the inputs would be the quickest and easiest way as mentioned by MasterAM. You can then style it however you wish using CSS.
If you need to change the HTML or particular attributes that are not possible to set through the default parameters, then the next option is to create your own field type.
You can either override the existing ones or create ones with new names. For example you could copy the checkbox field (/library/joomla/form/fields/checkbox.php) into your own folder (/components/com_mycomponent/form/fields).
If you leave it as JFormFieldCheckbox it will override the default one. If you rename it - e.g. JFormFieldCustomCheckbox then you can have your own one.
The primary function you will want to look at is getInput(). This generates the HTML and will let you create your own input html with whatever attributes you wish.
To use custom attributes/settings from your form xml file, in your getInput() function you will use something like:
$fieldsize = $this->element['field_size'];

Custom Form in Custom Joomla Component

I have a basic front-end form within a component that I created using ComponentCreator.
How and where do I direct the form "action"? Where can I handle this so that I am following the MVC design pattern? My form is within a view (default.php)
The form should simply insert to the database upon submission. I don't want to use a form building extension, I have tried these and they don't meet my requirements.
What version of Joomla? Assuming your not using AJAX then just direct to your controller.
<form id='MyForm' method='post' action='index.php?option=com_mycomponent&task=myoperation'>
<input type='text' name='myname'/>
Then you will have a function in your controller (controller.php) called myoperation that will process all the things in your form (not forgetting the token of course)
JSession::checkToken('request') or jexit( JText::_( 'JINVALID_TOKEN' ) );
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$add_name = $jinput->get('myname', '', 'STRING');
//whatever you need to do...
//add to model if you wanted to add name to DB
$model = &$this->getModel();
Then create function updateDB in model.
This is a rough example with Joomla 2.5 but should work with 3.x. Hope this helps.

How do i preserve form input - after submiting form with dynamic menu list ?? Zend framework

Im trying to preserve the user inputs from dynamic menu dropdown lists - I have an number of drowpdowns and a user input text field , when the user submits the form after selecting the options from the dropdowns.
I would like to be able to preserve the last choices made so the user does not have to reselect the options again when re posting the form with another value in the text field, i would also like this to work on errors as well ?
Im using ZF to validate the form.
i have tried the follwing code in the value attr of the option:
<option value="<?php if ($_POST && errors) {
echo htmlentities($_POST['CategoryID'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
}?>">Main Category</option>
But does not seem to work ?
I have a static options "Main Category" ect. which is what the form defaults to after submiting
can anyone help me on this one ??
Thanks in advance
I would highly recommend using Zend_Form. If that is not possible, I would next use Zend_View Helpers to build your HTML manually. Then you can use the formSelect in your view like this:
echo $this->formSelect('CategoryId', $selected, $attribs, array(
'main' => 'Main Category'
// ... other options
Where $selected variable equals to one of the following: posted value(s), default value(s), or is null and $attribs variable is simply attributes for the select element.