iOS push notification and distribute the application inhouse - iphone

I just want to make an iOS mobile application for my in house company use. I am very new to iOS. Just studying. I got some doubts
Is it necessary to buy iOS developer account for developing such an application. From readings I found that its necessary.
Got a push notification in my application. So Can I develop and test the push notification with out purchasing the developer license ?
I know these are beginners question. But when I googled I found that someone's saying about the provision certificate making and make application with uid and all. Just confused.
Please any one give me a little idea.
Thanks in advance.

You need to buy developer license for creating any application.
Below are few things which are not possible without purchasing developer license, and which are compulsory.
Create certificate
Create Application ID
Add device identifier for AdHoc development (Testing)
Create Provisioning Profiles
So without developer account you won't be able to test your code as well.
Hope this helps.


How do I Deploy an iPhone Application?

my question is actually a little more specific than this. I was asked to develop an iPhone application for my high school. I've completed said application, but I have reached the stage of publishing the app for them to use.
My school owns the $300 Enterprise license which allows them to publish in-house applications, which is what I had planned to do.
I do not have access to this Developer Account, nor a developer account, and was wondering if someone could clarify/outline the process of compiling/signing an .ipa then distributing it in-house.
You'll need to find the person who's in charge of your school's developer program subscription. Only the "team agent" for the program can build and sign your app for distribution. If they're willing, they can also add you to their developer program team so that you can get a development certificate and access the various online documentation and other resources. You still won't be able to distribute the app by yourself, but it'll be an improvement.
The building and distribution process is described in in Apple's Tools Workflow Guide for iOS.
You have to request for the administrator "Enterprise program" add it as a member Developer.
link with every step generation:
You'll need access to the developer account, to get the necessary certificates and mobile provisionings to publish this app, or you'll need someone else who does have that capability to get them for you.
Following Links may help you on this:
iPhone Application Enterprise Distribution Process
Hope it works for you...

Test iPhone App on customers devices

i have created an app for iphone, I also have a apple developer program certificate to compile my app.
Now I wont to send it to my customer to review. How can I do this? Did he need any certificate?
Thank yoU!
Yes, you will need to go to the apple member center, and go to the provisioning portal.
You'll need to register every device there that wants to use the app.
For that you'll need the UDID (found in itunes, or with the app UDID sender).
Once you've done that you have to create your app-IDs (I usually take* so all apps with are valid for that app-ID)
When you have done that you can create your provisioning certificate. That's what you'll need to install it on a device.
You can also have a look at test flight app which I use to send my demos to some clients.
Follow the instructions given by apple here.
At first they may seem a lot, but if you do it step-by-step you'll see it's easy.
At least this is what i did!

Distributing a third-party developed application via App Store

I am newbie in iOS development and distribution, so may be my question is too basic.
Consider the following, I suppose, very common situation.
Our company (A) asked a software company (B) to develop an iPhone application for us. Naturally we want to distribute this application via App Store under our company brand (A).
However they say a strange thing like the application can be distributed only under the developer name (company B), and that is unacceptable for us.
What is a possible solution here?
It seems that your software developer is confused.
You just need to pay Apple the $99 and register your company with the iOS Developer Program. From there you have a few options:
You can give your username and password to your iOS developer. Then they can create a Distribution Provisioning Profile through your account, reconfigure the project to use that profile, and submit the app to Apple on your behalf.
If you've registered with Apple as a company, not an individual, you can invite your developer to join your team via the People tab under Member Center. That way they can help you administer your app through their own account.
Your developer can hand over all the source code to you, and you can handle all the building and app submission yourself. Be aware that process can be a bit confusing if you're new to the platform.
I have uploaded an app on App Store so I know this.
Company A does not need to use Company B's name to put an app on the App Store.
I think the Company B said that because they already have an ID saved to their company's name.
But if you give them $99 then they'll be able to make a new ID saved to company A's name.
If the company(B) is willing to give you the product, you can submit to the store by using your iTunes developer account (A) and using your own distribution profile, etc.
You can even re code sign the given by B by following this way:
If anyone has the SDK installed on their Mac, plus a developer enrollment, they can re-sign anyone's developer or Ad Hoc apps using the codesign utility from the Terminal command line. (Thus, a developer should be careful about to whom they distribute their Ad Hoc apps for beta testing.)".
Though I didn't check it; I heard about it.
You can try, I believe.

Starting iPhone development

I have just started to work as a freelance iPhone developer. Earlier I used to work under an organization so I dont know what exactly things are required for iPhone development. I have knowledge about the things but all things are scattered in my mind.
So I am having some questions regarding iPhone development .
Is it necessary for me to have a developer certificate before starting developing for iPhone?
If I am developing an application for some client , then is it necessary for the client to register as developer so as to post app to the app store? What If post the app using my developer certificate?
What I get in return after I pay 99$ to Apple to run the app on my phone?
My question may seem wierd but I am so much confused over all these things. Kindly bear with me.
Yes, if you want to test on the device and not just the simulator
If you post it using your developer certificate, it will go under your name/business.
If your talking about money, nothing, you get 70% of the profits made by your app. The 99$ is a membership fee not a security deposit. If your talking about benefits, the ability to run your app on device, ad distribution profiles, submitting to the app store, loads of WWDC content, ability to use iAds, and access to iOS beta's and developer forums.
1) No, but you can only use simulator. You need dev cert for tesing with an actual iPhone.
2) It's up to you and your client, it will only change the publisher name on iTunes. Note that each year, subscription has to be updated, otherwise the app is taken from AppStore automatically.
3) You can test your apps in actual devices. You can publish apps in App Store. And also have access to some developer resources.
I suggest you read for all the details.

Run app on iTouch w/o iTunes

I have written a small app using Ojective-C w/ XCode. It's only for personal fun and I don't want to pay Apple $99 to just let it run on my iTouch. Is there any alternative for me to run it on iTouch instead of iPhone simulator? Please give me some suggestion.
Not legally, as you need to register the device, obtain a signing certificate, etc. which is only possible if you're a registered developer.
You cannot install an app on a stock OS iOS device except from the App store, or through a paid iOS Developer certificate (individual, company or enterprise). There are no alternatives for app installation.
As for paying the $99 yourself... if you have a friend who is already registered as a Company in the iOS Developer Program, and isn't planning on using all of their allowed 100 UDID's, perhaps you could bum a "team membership" off of them, have them add you as a team member (consulting contract or whatever), and use their Company Developer enrollment to create a team member's Developer certificate, instead of paying the $99 yourself.
If you jailbreak, you can use a fake certificate and install it through SSH.
If you just want to make it an ipa, you can register as a free developer and get the sdk I think, and the $99/year is just for firmware betas, if that's wrong then I think you can also just drag the into iTunes and sync