Test iPhone App on customers devices - iphone

i have created an app for iphone, I also have a apple developer program certificate to compile my app.
Now I wont to send it to my customer to review. How can I do this? Did he need any certificate?
Thank yoU!

Yes, you will need to go to the apple member center, and go to the provisioning portal.
You'll need to register every device there that wants to use the app.
For that you'll need the UDID (found in itunes, or with the app UDID sender).
Once you've done that you have to create your app-IDs (I usually take com.company.* so all apps with com.company are valid for that app-ID)
When you have done that you can create your provisioning certificate. That's what you'll need to install it on a device.
You can also have a look at test flight app which I use to send my demos to some clients.

Follow the instructions given by apple here.
At first they may seem a lot, but if you do it step-by-step you'll see it's easy.
At least this is what i did!


Conditions for ad-hoc distribution

When I want to have someone help me out test or review an iPhone(iPod-touch or iPad) application. Is is enough to get her/his UDID and then make a build so that she/he can run the application on her/his device? Or are there other conditions?
In other words is it sufficient that this person has a device and is willing to give me the UDID to help me out, or should also that person be registered as a developer or something similar?
Which in that case would make the research of collabortors of course more complicated.
Thanks for any indication.
The UDID is enough. You have to add this device to your devices list on developer.apple.com and include it in a provisioning profile.
I would recommend you to check out TestFlight for beta distribution.
This makes the whole process much easier.
The UDID is enough for distributing the app.
You need to add this device UDID into the Devices section
Update the provisioning profile.
If you want to let him/her test it remotely, you need to upload it to some test distribution channel like TestFlight or diawi.com
For TestFlight you need to build the IPA but for diawi.com just build the .app and zip it with the provisioning and you are good to go. The tester later can simple enter the generated link from diawi.com on the device to install it.

Ad-hoc style distribution for an iPad app?

I'm talking with a client who is abroad and I'm wondering whether I will be able to send him versions of the iPad app for testing before it's on iTunes.
Is there a solution (e.g. Ad-Hoc?) I could rely that doesn't require jailbreak or anything?
If so, could you please provide me with a link to a guide?
Thank you !
Yes Ad-hoc is what you need, basically you will need to associate your client device identifier (UDID) to a certificate that you will use to sign application.
This is a standard procedure (no jailbreak required) that is fully documented on Apple provisioning portal in User Program Guide (you have to apply ($99) for the developer program and be logged to access this... and it is limited to 100 devices)
Another good thing is to use an "Ad-Hoc" updater such as HockeyKit to ease your client updates and installation procedure...
Yes, indeed, there is an ad-hoc distribution method:
here is its mention on the Apple Developer website. As far as details, I think you have to be in the developer program in order to get direct documentation for that, and sadly I allowed my developer account to lapse. A few key points can be found here
Essentially, you can distribute to up to 100 other iOS users who have your group's apple developer credentials installed on their phone, and the app will remain live for 90 days
Essentially, it's the same headache on the remote side with certs, keys, etc... that you have to do with XCode when developing on the device, but you can put the app on a website somewhere where the remote party can install it on their phone.
EDIT: I found this guide that is presented on a forum if you want to look through the steps.

Can I test my iPad app on someone else's iPad?

I'm developing an iPad app, and want to test it on a friend's iPad. Before I buy the $99 developer account, I just want to make sure that this will work.
Does my friend's device have to use my apple ID in order to install the provisioning profile? Is there anything that would change about his iPad (besides the ability to install my app, of course)?
With the $99 developer package, you can install your app on up to 100 test devices, and they don't need to use your Apple ID.
All that changes on the iPad is that there's an additional section within settings that lists the provisioning profile(s) present on the device. However, you might want to get your friend to do a backup (via iTunes) before you borrow it, if only in case it falls off the edge of a table or something. :-)
maybe this could help, http://testflightapp.com/ Free OTA installation...
Before I buy the $99 developer account, I just want to make sure that this will work
You don't have the developer account? If so, you won't be able to test apps on the device, no matter who that device belongs to

How to publish an app for testing

I'm currently creating an iPhone app and we need some testing with about 20~30 users.
Actually we put the app on our iPhone by connecting the iPhone to the computer and debugging the app.
But now we need to have a more efficient way to install the app on iPhone but without submitting it to Apple Store and also without the need to connect the iPhone to the computer hosting Xcode.
Do you think there is a way to do that ?
Thanks in advance :)
Yeah there's a very slick way to do adhoc distribution under iOS 4 that's outlined here. This method involves absolutely zero usb cables and does not require a jailbroken device either. Perfectly legit and above board.
You need to use AdHoc installation. Please see this nice Apple document, it should cover every step necessary even with step-by-step instructions.
I use www.TestFlightApp.com, it's a great services, not out yet, but recently opened up their beta's, it does all the ad hoc stuff for you alls you need to do is invite testers, let it export it to your dev portal. Then you just upload the ipa to the site, and all your testers get an email.

Can I put my own app on just my iphone?

I want to create an iphone app for personal use.
Can I just put it on my phone and use it or do I have to go through the iphone store process to get it on my phone?
As long as you have a valid developer certificate to sign the app and you have a development provisioning profile and your device is registered as a test device. For that you need to be registered as an iPhone Developer Program member.
In other words, you have to pay Apple $99 to be able to put your own app on your own phone.
Yes, you can run your own apps on your phone. You need a paid iPhone developer account though.
Purchase a developer account for $99 from Apple. Create a developer provisioning file and build to your device. The annoyance will be the provisioning file is good for a limited time, requiring you to update it periodically and rebuild.
To run an app on an un-jailbroken iDevice, it needs to be signed. Registered developers get personal signing keys (and also have to register the device) which lets them test their apps. They also can do ad-hoc distribution, meaning compiling and signing an app so that other people can use it without being registered. This is limited in the number of users who can use it though.
Enterprise developers can sign apps for internal distribution, sorta like unlimited ad-hoc, but that program is expensive and unnecessary for what most people do.
As pointed out by others here, you can sign up as a developer to temporarily install apps on your device for testing purposes, but you would constantly need to renew your phone's installed provisioning profile to keep using it over time.
The only way to permanently put your own application on an un-jailbroken phone is to publish it to the app-store and download it through iTunes. Of course, Apple would need to accept the app so you would need to face the same regulations as other apps sold via iTunes, and your app would be public to everyone.