Facebook app with REST API - facebook

Can I create a new Facebook app to use old REST api for user authentication. I would like to use the method auth.login for user authentication. Is it possible to use REST api with new facebook apps?

The Facebook's legacy REST API does not work for new Facebook apps registered after Apr/2013. However, REST API is still supported for existing Facebook app created before Apr/2013.
You will get "Error 3 : Application does not have the capability to make this API call" when trying to access REST API from the new Facebook app.
For newer Facebook app, please use Graph API to achieve the similar functionality as in the legacy REST API.

The REST API is deprecated now. Blog post here: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/616/


Do I have to create an app using the original Instagram API before i can use the instagram graph API?

I'm trying to create an app with the new Graph API for instagram business accounts.
I am following the documentation here
It says after adding Facebook login, I need to submit the app for review to be able to use the api, and I need to create a screencast on how the app will be used.
Am I looking at the wrong documentation? How am I suppose to create the app without being able to pull any data from the API?
Is there no sandbox mode until the app is developed that I can use?
Do I have to create an app using the Instagram API first to be able to request permissions to use it?
While I haven’t had any experience in Instagram apps, I do have a bit of Graph API experience with Facebook
While in development (a switch at the top of the App Dashboard), any developers and administrators can test the app using any and all permissions. To make the app public however you need to submit for review.
The new instagram graph API is an extension of the existing Facebook API.
So you can make requests on the new API by have a facebook login on your app, then requesting access for the users pages and the users instagram data.
Once you are able to access their pages data you can submit a get request and fetch ?fields=instagram_business_account
once you get the instagram accounts ID, you can make requests on it following this documentation
In development you can only access your own pages, once you build using your own data then you can submit your app for permissions, and finally you can submit your app for review.

Is Facebook Login now required to use the facebook api?

I developed a site that uses the older version of the facebook api, I did not implement Facebook Login to access the site. They recently updated all apps to use the new api and require an application process to continue to use the api.
After submitting my application it was rejected and I was told " Please integrate Facebook Login". This was not a requirement before. Is it now required to use the api?
Of course you need to implement Facebook Login to use permissions. Those permissions need to get authorized with the scope parameter in the login process and Facebook needs to test how you use those permissions if you want to get them approved.

apache shiro: use google+ for authorizing my REST service

In my android app, I want to set up google+ for authentication.
My android app also needs to talk to my own REST API.
Is it possible to use the token returned by google+
for authenticating my own REST API using Shiro?
I seem to see some connection but couldn't fully flush out how to do that with Shiro.

Using LinkedIn's REST API with Play! 2 and Oauth 2

We want to update our user profiles with information from LinkedIn (should the user choose to import this information). However, we want to this this authorization using Oauth2, but accordoing to LinkedIn's website only Ouath 1.0a is supported for their REST API: https://developer.linkedin.com/apis
Any way around this?
As LinkedIn is providing OAuth 2 access using their JavaScript API you could dive into their Javascript code and somehow get to the file, that has the OAuth 2 endpoints in it:
l.api = "https://api.linkedin.com/v1";
l.login = "https://www.linkedin.com/uas/connect/user-signin";
l.authorize = "https://www.linkedin.com/uas/oauth2/authorize?immediate=true";
l.logout = "https://www.linkedin.com/uas/connect/logout?oauth_token={OAUTH_TOKEN}&api_key={API_KEY}&callback={CALLBACK}";
l.userspace_renew = "https://www.linkedin.com/uas/js/authuserspace?v=0.0.2000-RC1.20001-1400&api_key={API_KEY}";
For requesting resources, probably the endpoints in their REST API documentation could be used.
However, note that it is probably forbidden by their terms of use to use these endpoints without their JS API and could result in your client being sanctionized. You could contact them and ask for permission.
I've created a Play 2.x client in Scala and Java which supports OAuth/CAS/OpenID/HTTP authentication and user profile retrieval : https://github.com/leleuj/play-pac4j.
For OAuth support, it's based on Scribe and supports LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, DropBox, Github, Windows live, WordPress...

RevokeAuthorization in new JavaScript Facebook SDK

what is the right way to do revokeAuthorization in new Javascript SDK?
as javascript sdk allows us to makes API calls to the Graph API or Deprecated REST API via the FB.api method, you can revoke Authorization via invoking the auth.revokeAuthorization old rest api method.
you can refer to the following fb doc for the usage of FB.api and auth.revokeAuthorization: