apache shiro: use google+ for authorizing my REST service - rest

In my android app, I want to set up google+ for authentication.
My android app also needs to talk to my own REST API.
Is it possible to use the token returned by google+
for authenticating my own REST API using Shiro?
I seem to see some connection but couldn't fully flush out how to do that with Shiro.


Keycloak and Google: auth flow doubts

We have a Spring Boot Web Application serving some REST API and the client consuming these API is a mobile app developed in React Native.
Now we need to secure the APIs and we're going to use Keycloak with Google as Identity Provider.
The integration between Keycloak and Google auth it seems pretty straight forward but I'm not able to understand the entire flow among parts and how to join the Browser login (on Keycloak page that redirects to Google authentication) in order to get a valid access token to perform API calls from mobile app.
I'll try to exaplain in another way, I supposed that:
Mobile app shows a web page (with Its browser) in order to perform the Keycloak login.
The end user using the mobile app press the Google button on Keycloak web page and begin redirect to Google for the authentication.
Google authentication the user and send a redirect URI with identity token and access token to the browser
is it correct to get the access token from the URI and use it form the subsequent API calls?
Is it supposed to work in this way?
I have to say that We also have and API Gateway (Ambassador) in front of our Web Application (containerized in a Kubernetes cluster).
I read different articles online but I'm still confused with the best approch.
Any suggestion is welcome.

Facebook native login experience using Authorization Code flow (Redirected to the Facebook native App instead of the browser) - IdentityServer4

I am working on some OAuth 2.0 standards and non-standards flows to allow some clients to take the advantages of the SSO and give the users the native experience regarding the client that he/she working on.
One of the clients is a flutter App, so I followed the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE. The flow itself is a pretty straight forward to open a browser so you can exchange the code in this front channel with the access token through a backchannel. Things getting a bit complex while trying to authenticate via an external provider like Facebook. From the OAuth standard, it's easy to just pass the &acr_values=idp:Facebook.
The problem is when trying to follow the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE or even the old implicit flow to get access token through the Facebook, it opens the browser to ask you entering the Facebook username and password, but this is not the native experience as instead of that I want the web view to redirect the user to the app to authenticate via it instead of the browser like what's happening using the native Facebook SDK or Firebase SDK?
The only solution that I am following right now is following a non-standard authentication flow that I implemented myself to use the Flutter's Facebook SDK to get the Facebook token then exchange this token with my IdentityServer4 token after that (described here) which seems very user-friendly experience but complex and at the same time not standard.
So, is it a way to use the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE to get the access token from the IdentityServer4 using Facebook as an external provider and use the Facebook app instead of the browser to authenticate so we can give the user a native experience and follow the best OAuth2.0 practices at the same time??

How to call servicestack social login API from Xamarin

I'm building an app that supports credentials authentication, facebook and google oauth on both Android and iOS.
My backend are written using ServiceStack.
For authentication using a browser we typically call /api/auth/facebook and ServiceStack handles the callbacks and exchange of information from the social provider such as facebook for a person logging in the first time and it also handles signing in a returning user via the same api endpoint.
When trying to connect to add support for facebook authentication or google in Xamarin app how do I call the ServiceStack endpoints to properly authenticate. How are the callbacks handled on mobile?
I'm a bit stuck with this
Have a look at the TechStacksAuth repository which provides an example of how to use the Xamarin.Auth component to authenticate with a ServiceStack OAuth backend like Twitter.

REST Api Authentication per users in App

I am creating a REST API server. For each app I have provided API key and secret. Example apps are Web app, mobile app any other app who want to use my api service. Now my API service will also need user authentication. How do I implement that? I have already done app authentication using hmac signature generation. Now I need help on implementing user authentication on those apps.
I can recommend you use OAuth or OAuth2 concept because it's standardized and widely adopted. You will be also able allow users to login with Facebook, Google account, etc.

Is Facebook/Twitter using oAuth for their own apps?

Are services like Facebook and twitter using the same oAuth mechanism for their own (mobile) apps as the rest of us? Or are the using some kind of "special mode" in oAuth which bypasses the permissions stuff etc. ?
Would really like to know how they are authenticating their users.
Facebook is not using oauth and have special login/private API for their own purposes. Only Facebook is 1st class citizen for these APIs and they don't need to bother with public APIs.
Facebook's iPhone,Android,etc apps can log users in directly with username and password and create a new Facebook session directly, but other apps using the API need to use Oauth to get a user access token
If you're using android or iphone SDKs, this can be without the user needing to log in again, they simply need to authorise the app in a dialog, which is rendered by the Facebook app and uses the session created by the Facebook-supplied app
yes, they use oAuth
Twitter oAuth
Facebook oAuth
Facebook Connect is based on OAuth 2.0. In OAuth 2.0. SSL is required while signatures are not required for the actual API calls once the token has been generated. It has only one security token.
Twitter uses 1.0a. OAuth 1.0 requires client to send two security tokens for each API call, and use both to generate the signature.