Is Facebook Login now required to use the facebook api? - facebook

I developed a site that uses the older version of the facebook api, I did not implement Facebook Login to access the site. They recently updated all apps to use the new api and require an application process to continue to use the api.
After submitting my application it was rejected and I was told " Please integrate Facebook Login". This was not a requirement before. Is it now required to use the api?

Of course you need to implement Facebook Login to use permissions. Those permissions need to get authorized with the scope parameter in the login process and Facebook needs to test how you use those permissions if you want to get them approved.


How to get Instagram direct API authentication

Facebook recently released a step-by-step documentation for using a GrapAPI to manage Instagram messages. To obtain the access token to use it, it's necessary to create an application in the developer center, enable login via Facebook and include the permissions "instagram_basic", "instagram_manage_messages" and "pages_manage_metadata" but to activate these options it's necessary to submit various information for approval as statement of how the integration works and descriptions of the usage flow. I don't have access to this information because I can't develop an integration without it being approved.
It's not possible to use the provided test user as the pages raised by him cannot be linked to Instagram accounts.
Tutorial followed:
Someone with some experience with the Facebook API could give me a light on how to obtain the token with access required and proceed the tests?
I have done the tutorial as well, I faced the same problem. To enable instagram_basic, instagram_manage_messages and pages_manage_metadata without app review you need to create a test-app. For test apps all permissions are granted without review.
Instructions on how to create a test-app
Another usefull tipp: If you are wondering why you need to implement facebook login to access the instagram messaging api, the logic is the following: You need to implement login to then use your own implementation to logg in your own account and obtain the page access key that will let you do api calls to the instagram messaging api. This process is obviously overkill and instagram is working on a way of getting that access token through the developer dashboard.
For now to obtain that access token you need:
implement facebook login as a simple html website and console log the response. Be sure to add the required permissions to the data-scope attribute of the facebook login button:
deploy to a website that has https enabled (logging in from
localhost will only work if you use a tunelling service like ngrok).
Open your website that has facebook login implemented and logg in with your facebook account that is also linked to the target instagram account and also is admin of your test-app.
get the access token from the response to call the other API endpoints.

Do I have to create an app using the original Instagram API before i can use the instagram graph API?

I'm trying to create an app with the new Graph API for instagram business accounts.
I am following the documentation here
It says after adding Facebook login, I need to submit the app for review to be able to use the api, and I need to create a screencast on how the app will be used.
Am I looking at the wrong documentation? How am I suppose to create the app without being able to pull any data from the API?
Is there no sandbox mode until the app is developed that I can use?
Do I have to create an app using the Instagram API first to be able to request permissions to use it?
While I haven’t had any experience in Instagram apps, I do have a bit of Graph API experience with Facebook
While in development (a switch at the top of the App Dashboard), any developers and administrators can test the app using any and all permissions. To make the app public however you need to submit for review.
The new instagram graph API is an extension of the existing Facebook API.
So you can make requests on the new API by have a facebook login on your app, then requesting access for the users pages and the users instagram data.
Once you are able to access their pages data you can submit a get request and fetch ?fields=instagram_business_account
once you get the instagram accounts ID, you can make requests on it following this documentation
In development you can only access your own pages, once you build using your own data then you can submit your app for permissions, and finally you can submit your app for review.

Facebook user_posts permission from Messenger Platform API

I'm kinda getting lost on Facebook documentation. I'm creating a Messenger Bot. This bot is also integrated with Facebook Graph API and needs to read the users wall so he needs the user_posts permission.
My question is: how do I get this permission?
As far as I've understood, there's no real way to get it from the Messenger Platform API. So, I've started looking into the Login API. Here I found out that I can get a user access token using an embedded Javascript in a web page to show the Facebook login dialog and letting the user to access their profile.
However this sounds so cumbersome... Is there an easier way to do this?
Thank you for the help.

Do review required if we want to get Facebook Page like count (Without Facebook login) by Facebook app token?

I am doing a static web page in my website, in which I am showing the like count of particular Facebook page. There is no kind of login required to see this web page. Also, I don't want to user to login with their Facebook account to see the Facebook page like count.
I have implemented this requirement by using Facebook app token.
API: ""
But the problem here is, If I use the app token of already approved app by Facebook with some permissions (manage_pages) exists, it works. It is not working for the app token of newly created Facebook app.
I have sent the app for review to Facebook by requesting manage_pages permission, but they rejected the app and said that my website doesn't have the Facebook login functionality implemented.
Since it is not documented clearly, I have a doubt that do the app need to send for review if I want to get the Facebook page like count without Facebook login (By using Facebook app token)? If yes, what permission do I want to request?
Any help would be much appreciated.
First of all, you need to learn what Tokens there are:
For your problem, you can just use an App Access Token. There is no need for any permission or Login Review, the links above tell you exactly how to create one. Make sure you never use the Token on the client, especially because it includes the App Secret. Do the API call on the server only (file_get_contents or curl, if you use PHP).
If by "it does not work" you mean that you only get the id and the name, then it´s not about "not working", you need to read the changelog and search for "Declarative Fields":
So if you want to get more than just id and name, the API call would be like this:,name,likes,...

Facebook Authentication for Website - Requirements for Application review process

When using Facebook authentication for a website, what are the requirements for the review process?
I assume that Facebook does not need a working version to test how you are using permissions such as posting, if you are not developing a Facebook app and merely using their Log-in plugin?
In addition to the Log-in plug-in, I am requesting the 'publish_actions' extended permission in order to post to the user's feed.