Emulator with API 15 and Android 4.0.3 shows in settings 4.0.4 - android-emulator

I need to emulate Android device (Samsung Tab 2) with version 4.0.3, but after choosing it in Android Virtual Device Manager and running it I get info in settings that it is a 4.0.4 version.
I need to run my web app written in html5 to reproduce some bugs.
Any idea about it?

The problem is that the emulator Android versions only correspond with specific versions from each API level. 4.0.3 and 4.0.4 are both in API level 15, so the emulator is only made available for Android 4.0.4. There is no Android 4.0.3 emulator; you'd have to find the system image for that or build it yourself.


Running Flutter on a Genymotion machine using VS Code

I'm using VS Code as my IDE for Flutter and I'm trying to run my app in a Genymotion machine. How can I do that? The machine doesn't appear in VS Code bottom bar in the Devices section.
I'm not looking for any solutions regarding Android emulators or Android Studio, only VS Code with Genymotion.
Alright, so after an hour or so of searching I found out the solution. It's entirely the same as the approach of using Genymotion in Android Studio. The only difference is you don't need to install a plugin for VS Code. However, in my case, it was a bug in Genymotion it self. I was using v3.0.1 which had some incompatibility bug with Android SDK 28 and this was the reason why the Genymotion machine did not show up as a device in VS Code, because this latter relies on Android SDK to determine what are the devices that run Android.
The solution for me was simply upgrading my Genymotion to v3.0.2 which fixed the incompatibility with Android SDK 28.
In case anyone runs into this problem in the future and this doesn't work, make sure that your Genymotion ADB settings use the Android SDK installed in your machine by Android Studio and not the one shipped with Genymotion itself.

Minimum Android version with flutter

Which minimum android version is supported by flutter?
Do some plugins have any effect on which version is not supported?
I tried to run my flutter app on an android emulator, but with the version android 16 it doesn't work and the app crashes. Do I have to change the compile version in some config files or why doesn't it work?
Flutter support 16. But to run app on Android emulator, use over 19.
From Flutters FAQ
Mobile operating systems: Android Jelly Bean, v16, 4.1.x or newer, and
iOS 8 or newer.
Mobile hardware: iOS devices (iPhone 4S or newer) and ARM Android
Note Flutter currently does not support building for x86 Android
(issue #9253) directly, however apps built for ARMv7 or ARM64 run fine
(via ARM emulation) on many x86 Android devices.
We support developing Flutter apps with Android and iOS devices, as
well as with Android emulators and the iOS simulator.
We test on a variety of low-end to high-end phones but we don’t yet
have an official device compatibility guarantee.
We believe Flutter works well on tablets. We do not currently
implement all of the tablet-specific adaptations recommended by
Material Design, though we are planning further investment in this
The answer to this question also, partly, needs to take into consideration what parts of Android you want to take advantage of in your application. The question of what min version Flutter supports has been answered here a couple of times so I won't answer that, but the Android support libraries will also need specific min versions.
If you plan to use plugins of any kind then you will probably hit multiple issues if your min version is too low. Do you need Firebase? Do you need specific camera functions?
Google also just announced required bumps for min versions with regards to Google Play that you should review.
My advice is to follow documentation, analytics and best practices to determine what you "true" min version should be.
The Flutter documentation has this answer to Android and iOS. Now it says that support: Android Jelly Bean, v16, 4.1.x or newer, and iOS 8 or newer. However, this information can change according to the new Flutter version. By this reason, it is better that you review the next link:
Furthermore, it would be best if you analyzed the plugins because they could need higher versions of Android and iOS.
This answer can be useful :
Devices and OS versions on which Flutter runs
Mobile operating systems: Android Jelly Bean, v16, 4.1.x or newer, and iOS 8 or newer.
Mobile hardware: iOS devices (iPhone 4S or newer) and ARM Android devices.
You can learn more here

How to get debug output on eclipse console screen for cordova app

I am using cordova plugin (THym) with eclipse Mars to make applications for android platform and I have an Android device with Android 4.3 due to which, chrome remote debugging is not working in my case.
Also I have tried android virtual device but even that didn't worked.
Only thing I am able to do is to run apk on my android device.
How can I debug the cordova app using eclipse?
Weinre is your friend for older Android Versions:
And you should use Android Studio for developing Cordova Apps. Eclipse is no more supported.

How to install android 4.0 ice cream sandwich version in eclipse?

My office system already has some Android SDK versions 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2 installed into Eclipse. These versions are working fine. Now I wish to install version 4.0 but I don't know? How can I install Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich into my Eclipse? I am using Ubuntu 10.04.
Also if you know how to install Android 4.0 under windows then please tell me.
You will be having an Icon in you Eclipse Bar.. That is SDK Manager.. Click on SDK Manager you will get below image :
Select on API level you want to download. Also ensure that any update is available for ANDROID SDK TOOLS and ANDROID SDK PLATFORM TOOLS , if so update it also..
In Windows, Luanch SDK Manager. It will show you Installed/Not Installed/ Updates available. Select whichever API level you want and hit Install Packages...
If you are using Eclipse, what you need to do is to run android SDK manager. A new windows pop ups. It shows all the packages available. All you need to do is to update them.
You could do the samething by browsing to where your android-sdk. Go to tools folder and run android (./android). Again SDK manager pops up with all the available packages.
You Can Download latest Version of Android SDK below link:
It's contains android 4.0 ics sdk..!
Open Android SDK Manager in eclipse it's shows android 4.0 sdk (or)API Level 14 shows not installed to you can download Package's for android 4.0 working..!
If you are behind the proxy, go to Tools -> Options in Android SDK Manager and set the proxy setting.

Appcelerator Titanium: Android SDK doesn't load

I started developing with Titanium and now I really stuck on one part.
I downloaded the Adroid SDK and added the path to Titanium:
I can open e.g. Kitchen Sink in the iPhone Simulator without problems, but when I want to open it in Android then my screen looks like this: Screenshot
Why is down there all the time, even after 2 hours of waiting, the label "loading..." ?
some great advice given here - helped me out.
Switching to TRACE will probably show that Android SDK Platform 1.6 and API 4 is missing.
More info here
1) You can install Android SDK 1.6 (run tools/android from your Android SDK folder and download the older SDK 1.6 from the Google Repository),
and Titanium will detect Android SDK
2) As for Android SDK 2.2, adb moved to platform-tools folder, so you will have to create a link in [your-android-sdk-folder]/tools e.g. :
ln -s ../platform-tools/adb
(full instructions for non-linux here : http://guides.appcelerator.com/en/getting_started.html)
Finally, in the Titanium Test&Package/Run emulator window, you will have the choice between Android SDK 1.6 and 2.2
Try to open your Android_SDK_Dir/tools, run file android to create a new Android Virtual Device. After that, open your Titanium again. Maybe this will solve your issue.
Take a look at your image. Value of SDK listbox is "...loading...". This means you Titanium cannot determine which Android Virtual Device is. So, as I said, try to create new Android Virtual Device first.
having the same issue - have you found a workaround?
found out that after downloading the android sdk - there are other components to be downloaded, which is different from previous versions. Also found some implication that loading the android emulator prior to launching the app from titanium may yield better results.
check the android docs for updating the sdk via the avd manager
load the emulator first video:
Try setting the Filter from "Info" to "Trace" that may illuminate things.
Most commonly, you may not have the right platforms installed. Just install all of them if that's the case.
add a blank folder android-7 in android/platforms ..n restart titanium ..it worked for me on ubuntu