Appcelerator Titanium: Android SDK doesn't load - iphone

I started developing with Titanium and now I really stuck on one part.
I downloaded the Adroid SDK and added the path to Titanium:
I can open e.g. Kitchen Sink in the iPhone Simulator without problems, but when I want to open it in Android then my screen looks like this: Screenshot
Why is down there all the time, even after 2 hours of waiting, the label "loading..." ?

some great advice given here - helped me out.
Switching to TRACE will probably show that Android SDK Platform 1.6 and API 4 is missing.
More info here

1) You can install Android SDK 1.6 (run tools/android from your Android SDK folder and download the older SDK 1.6 from the Google Repository),
and Titanium will detect Android SDK
2) As for Android SDK 2.2, adb moved to platform-tools folder, so you will have to create a link in [your-android-sdk-folder]/tools e.g. :
ln -s ../platform-tools/adb
(full instructions for non-linux here :
Finally, in the Titanium Test&Package/Run emulator window, you will have the choice between Android SDK 1.6 and 2.2

Try to open your Android_SDK_Dir/tools, run file android to create a new Android Virtual Device. After that, open your Titanium again. Maybe this will solve your issue.
Take a look at your image. Value of SDK listbox is "...loading...". This means you Titanium cannot determine which Android Virtual Device is. So, as I said, try to create new Android Virtual Device first.

having the same issue - have you found a workaround?
found out that after downloading the android sdk - there are other components to be downloaded, which is different from previous versions. Also found some implication that loading the android emulator prior to launching the app from titanium may yield better results.
check the android docs for updating the sdk via the avd manager
load the emulator first video:

Try setting the Filter from "Info" to "Trace" that may illuminate things.
Most commonly, you may not have the right platforms installed. Just install all of them if that's the case.

add a blank folder android-7 in android/platforms ..n restart titanium worked for me on ubuntu


Flutter - Can't install apk on android

I'm new to flutter and on a phone I have it works and the app runs fine, but I sent the apk to another device and it couldn't be installed, I don't know if it's because of a plugin I'm using that is "speech to speech", since in that plugin I changed the version of min sdk to 21 but the android that I try to install has an android version of 10 that is higher, it seems to me, what would be the cause?
Remember Android no longer accept the app which has not been signed as release,. make sure you are making you are signing the app correctly, Android studio will help you.
The build flavor should be release, and the signature must be created before. But the easiest way is to run the app in profile mode,
flutter run --profile
Profile mode run as release mode but doesn't require to be manually signed.
There could be other reasons but do you know that the Flutter app cannot be installed on x86 Android
Flutter does not currently support building for x86 Android

Flutter app getting installed on Android TV but not opening, why?

My flutter application is running on an Android TV emulator in Android Studio, but it's not working on an actual Android TV (4.4.4).
minSdk version seems to be 16 in my flutter app. App gets installed in Android TV with no errors or any issues, but when try to open it nothing happens. Any help?
I don't know what else I should provide for more clarification, let me know if anything more needed like my whole code.
My issue resolved by making a release version with certificate added into app. The compiler build app version won't work with actual tv with my experience.
I didn't had a android tv with myself, so needed to goto a shop frequently for checking my app.

How create android emulator without android studio?

Android Studio 3.2.
I create 2 emulators by Android Studio. Nice.
But the question is:
Is it possible to create android emulator WITHOUT Android Studio?
Our QA need to use emulators for test our applications. But it not need Android Studio.
How QA can create android emulator without Android Studio?
There are a lot of 3th party emulators out there, which are quite easy to use and fast to set up. Just have a quick look in your favorite search engine. But here is a short list of better known ones:
Nox App Player
They should all be able to run your app on a pc to show someone. Have a look on them and inform yourself about the licensing and features.
1 - Download Java JDK from the following link and install:
2 - Download the Android SDK from the following link and install:
3 - Download Intel HAXM from the following link and install:
4 - Start the SDK Manager, install the tools and platforms you need.
5 - Start AVD Manager and create new emulator.
Yes, we can setup Android Emulator without installing Android Studio. We have to download commandline-tools and use sdkmanager, avdmanager, emulator tools to make an emulator and run it.

Add android target to visual studio for Mac

I'm building over a non from scratch project, that a previous developer created in my office.
In a previous version of Unity - Visual Studio for Mac I generated some build for iOS, but now, with the newest version, I get this configuration:
Also, the configuration for Android is disabled.
How I can add Android as target for my project to generate an apk file?
VS Configuration.
Please refer to the following link to setup unity to make Android APK:
You will need to download: the latest version of java, and the android sdk.
You will need to set the unity path to the sdk
You will need to download and set up the android ndk.
Sounds like a lot of work but its really a lot of waiting. the Android SDK can take some time depending on which versions you wish to support and how far back you go.
Once you have followed the guide above you will be able to change your project to android in the project settings menu.
Good luck!
For mac users with unity looking to set up android:
Instructions for Mac
you should be able to select android here and then click switch platform...

Cordova loading app into android emulator

I am totally new to Cordova, but now I have installed Cordova with NPM and installed Android SDK and set up an AVD which seems to work perfectly, until I want to emulate my project. Where the actual app for some reason is not loaded into the emulator.
The following action is done:
marvin:HelloWorld$ cordova -d emulate android
cordova library for "android" already exists. No need to download. Continuing.
Wrote out Android application name to "HelloWorld"
Wrote out Android package name to "com.example.hello"
Calling plugman.prepare for platform "android"
Preparing android project...
Processing configuration changes for plugins.
Iterating over installed plugins: []
Writing out cordova_plugins.js...
Running on emulator for platform "android" via command ""/home/marvin/Development/projects/HelloWorld/platforms/android/cordova/run" --emulator" (output to follow)...
Then it start Android emulator up, but the app is not there. Does anybody have a suggestion to fix this issue, so I am capable of actually testing in my emulator?
Thank you in advance.
I just had the same problem, and I was missing PATH to platform-tools in android sdk folder, after I added it everything was in place.
I had the same problem as well; I could run the cordova emulate android command just fine, and the emulator would eventually start up and function, however, the test app was never installed on the device. I was not getting any errors from the Cordova CLI or the console or anything.
I found that there is a bug report about this issue here:
Two solutions have been found for this issue:
1. Make sure you are using an Oracle JDK and not an IBM JDK, and
2. Make sure the AVD that emulate starts up has a min-target-sdk set to API 10 (Android 2.3.3) or higher. (This was my problem.)
Sometimes it works deleting the previously installed version of the app in the emulator. For this you could also launch it with the option "Wipe user data" checked.
Just for the record, none of the other solutions worked for me.
I had the same issue. Following solved it for me.
Make sure that API level of your AVD is greater than minSdkVersion specified in config.xml specified in your cordova app.
If anyone still having this issue:
I had a same problem with device being offline.
if ddms is running it looks after connected devices.
adb kill server
and than run ddms
Also make sure your app id doesn't begin with a number or any other character like "_". For example, if your app id is com.4company.MyApp or com._company.MyApp it just won't load on the emulator. The first one is because Java doesn't allow names beginning with a number, and the second one I guess it's a Cordova thing.
You should also use adb logcat to show the emulator errors on the command line.
For me, the app was not starting up because I had a second emulator running in the background. Uninstalling bluestacks (android emulator for windows) fixed the issue in my case. Running "adb logcat" should tell you if you have multiple emulators running.
I just had the same problem, and It was my emulator device that was with the API 15. Just updated to API 17 and the problem solved.