Adding desired Ads in iOS app - iphone

I am currently working on an app for iPhone which discourages smoking while portraying the hazards of smoking. I want to integrate ads in my app. During my research, i have come to know that iAds and Admobs are the two better choices. However, i want to display ads related to smoking (or smoking effects) only. How is it possible with any of these two? Is there any better alternative.

I think we can use content specific ads in any of the ad services for iOS. The ads come at random from the server of either of the ad networks. What you can do is put this question up to google or the specific service providers and see if they can give an appropriate solution. Most probably they would charge you for this .Its better you contact them using the following links
Google Admob Support
Or I can offer you a workaround if you want to specifically show those ads related to smoking . Make your own ads using popups and other methods and then show them in your app. Here you can add your own url and hyperlink to the sites you want .
Hope this helps :)

By doing some more search, i came up with this solution.


Is it possible to gather other apps data in swift?

I'm building an web application with react-native.
In this app I need to gather some information about users.
One of them is how much time they spend on other apps installed on their phone.
I couldn't find any library for this job, so I've decided to write the native code my self.
For android, apparently there is this UsageStatsManager that can help me achieve what I want.
But when I searched for sth similar in ios, I found lots of old forums saying that this is not possible.
But I recently I saw this:
It is asking for permission to gather other apps data. SO IT IS POSSIBLE?
Any suggestion is appreciated. How am I supposed to this?
There is no API by apple itself for retrieving data of third party applications. This is called "Sandboxing" where applications are restricted from changing the device settings or retrieving/changing other apps data. Hence, why iphones are secure.
What you have shown in your screenshots is to track application data for personalised ads and such. This can be achieved using the AppTrackingTransparency framework provided by apple. You can read more about the framework here.
TL;DR - You can use AppTrackingTransparency for personalisation

Can Sharekit, GoogleMaps open sources used in making iPhone App?

i am using sharekit open source for facebook/twitter sharing , and also Google maps for displaying the maps and all that stuff like driving directions, current location, annotations etc etc in my iPhone application . i just want to know about its acceptance on itunes by apple.
Does Apple Approve share kit?
Can google maps be used in iPhone??
Please give me any idea about it
Even though ShareKit is hopelessly dated and not updated since ages (last update over a year ago), there still is no reason for Apple to not approve your app when using it. Personally, I would strongly advise to not use ShareKit as it is super buggy and did not keep up with the latest changes on Twitter's API but that is your choice.
Google Maps also is not a show-stopper at all. As said by others, there are many Apps on the AppStore using it.

Twitter / Facebook integration

I am on a mid way of porting an iPhone application to Windows Phone 7. In that iPhone application it is providing provision for submitting score details through Facebook / Twitter mail etc. So I need to implement the same functionality in WP7, too. How can I implement this functionality in my Windows Phone project?
While searching I found some methods with the help of web browser. But that is not useful in my case. In my app I need to log in through the the designed page and need to update the score status to the social networks through my own view.
Please help me to achieve the functionality in my app. (If anybody has sample apps or links please attach that information, too.)
You can use the ShareStatusTask to post to facebook, twitter msn etc.
ShareStatusTask shareStatusTask = new ShareStatusTask();
shareStatusTask.Status = "My Score: xxxx";
I don't know if it's exactly what you're looking for, but ScoreLoop provides a free high score system as well as social network integration for Windows Phone games. I'm currently migrating my homegrown scores systems to ScoreLoop, looks good so far.

Show ads in iphone application. Is iAds the only way or there is another alternative?

I want to show ads in my iPhone application. i can do it using iAds. I need more details regarding this.
My first question is: is iAd mandatory if i have to show advertisement in my iphone application? or i am allowed to use some other alternative to display ads.
will iAds work in earlier versions of iPhone ?
can i test iAds outside USA ?
Apple takes 40% when we use iAds, is there any other alternative? so, we don't have to share 40% of the amount every time ?
I hope, i wrote everything in the way its easy to understand.
Thanks in advance.
Random google search turns up at least 10 other ad networks:
Google AdSense for Mobile Applications
Millennial Media
SAY Media [VideoEgg]
and at least one meta ad engine that combines all of the others here.
I have no idea which ones are good, though.

iAd & AdWhirl? Or Just one of them?

I currently have iAds working in my app... but, since I'm looking to support iPhone 3.x as well... is it worth it to implement and set up AdWhirl?
Or is the market share for 3.x vs 4.x not worth much? Anyone have any stats around this?
Note : Now AdWhirl is not working.
now you can use AdMob mediation
Best tutorial of AdMob mediation
You can download it and use it in your project
Regardless of whether you support 3.X or not I'd recommend using AdWhirl. You can read my blog post on why but to summarise
1) iAds are currently only available in US and UK. You'll want to pull in another supplier for different countries.
2) iAds only supply a fill rate of maybe 10% if you're lucky. That means 9 out of 10 times you don't get an advert. In these cases you want AdWhirl to go get you another one.
If go iAd only then you'll lose out on a lot of revenue.
I'd recommend using mopub instead of AdWhirl. It has support for a lot of ad networks built in, without having to add more SDKs to your app, and server side there are a lot of switches and knobs you can tweak to fine tune your ad display.