Can Sharekit, GoogleMaps open sources used in making iPhone App? - iphone

i am using sharekit open source for facebook/twitter sharing , and also Google maps for displaying the maps and all that stuff like driving directions, current location, annotations etc etc in my iPhone application . i just want to know about its acceptance on itunes by apple.
Does Apple Approve share kit?
Can google maps be used in iPhone??
Please give me any idea about it

Even though ShareKit is hopelessly dated and not updated since ages (last update over a year ago), there still is no reason for Apple to not approve your app when using it. Personally, I would strongly advise to not use ShareKit as it is super buggy and did not keep up with the latest changes on Twitter's API but that is your choice.
Google Maps also is not a show-stopper at all. As said by others, there are many Apps on the AppStore using it.


How to integrate Like feature in iPhone SDK 3.1 with Facebook sharing app

I am new to iPhone development. I’ve added Facebook sharing functionality and I also want to add the Like feature from Facebook. I’ve followed one of the examples; it works if Facebook sharing functionality hasn’t been implemented, because some files create contradiction (specifically FBRequest.h). But I want to add both sets of functionality at the same time. Any suggestions?
If you are new then its not a issue. Everybody have same brain. So its not a big issue. Check
this link:
First of all understand it then implement it. I know you will surely implement this in Your
App. Best of luck.

Google Plus sharing, like button from ios

I am new to iPhone apps development, I want share and like button on google plus for my application, searched in web, but i got many links were pointing to etc. from there i downloaded SDK, but am not able to write code for that.
Please give some example code.
Thanks in advance.
there is a post here, which describes what you plan to do...
How can I integrate Google Plus with iPhone sdk?

is there any single library for twitter sharing in ios4 and ios 5

I need to share one video url getting from my server in twitter.
And my app must be compatible for both ios 4.0 and ios 5.0.
I know that there is twitter+oauth library for ios 4.0 and twitter inbuilt library for ios 5.0. And my functionality is twitter library need to ask user credentials only once for twitter authentication and need to post that video url in background with out asking user permission.
From the second time onwards video must posted in background.
As per my knowledge we have different libraries we need to use but is there any solution that do implemant my task with one library.
Please help me.
For a beautiful implementation, check out DETweetComposeViewController.
It will provide you with a UI that looks almost identical to what iOS5 users now are growing accustomed to. The great point is, it works on iOS4 and iOS5 flawlessly.
GetShareKit was a basic library created by Nate Weiner that's now outdated. If you check it's GitHub source, the last commit was sometime in 2010. This version is buggy and has about 20+ compile warnings. this uses an older version of the Facebook and Twitter sharing mechanisms that are now deprecated and also, buggy. Clicking Twitter's "Share", for eg, won't dismiss the sharing dialog.
So, a bunch of developers forked off the original library and now maintain what's called ShareKit 2.0 SDK. If you check the wiki, you'll learn that all new services like Foursquare, LinkedIn, InstaPaper, EverNote have been added to this new version. Happy Coding!

What are established Twitter Libraries for iOS (iPhone & iPad)?

I used to use MGTwitterEngine as my main twitter library for iOS, however, the last commit to the project's master branch is more than one year old (at the time of this writing) and the documentation is not that great. Now I am starting a new project and would like to get rid of the "clunky" MGTwitterEngine, what are other twitter libraries out there for iOS? Which are your favorites and why?
I found the following so far:
ShareKit (provides a lot more than just Twitter sharing)
Apple announced in the WWDC keynote that Twitter access will be built into the OS in iOS 5, so assuming that means built-in API access its likely that all third-party Twitter libraries are being left to wither. Those who develop for iOS have access to the beta APIs, so even though we can't say anything for sure about future API releases, they could (NDA notwithstanding).
That being said, I'd add DDSocialClient to the list. Like ShareKit it does a whole lot more than Twitter, but it's much less prescriptive on user interface. It restricts itself mostly to the nuts and bolts of the service integration. Whether you think that's liberating or just more work is probably a judgment call.
iOS5 is coming out soon but i'm using MGTwitterEngine and it works like a charm.
Also you can try sharekit but I dont like it as much.

Google Analytics within iPhone SDK 4 Built App

Three questions for iPhone developers using Google Analytics within their apps for tracking use of their apps:
Will using Google Analytics cause us to be in breach of the terms and conditions of the Apple SDK 4 for developers?
If the answer to #1 is YES, then what are we -- as iPhone developers -- allowed to use to track usage of our apps?
Has anyone who is using the iPhone SDK 4 built their apps that included the Google Analytics library and found it not to work? I'm being told by my developer that it doesn't work when you build with a Base SDK set to iPhone Device 4.0 and and an iPhone OS Deployment Target set to iPhone OS 3.0.
Thanks in advance!
Answers to your questions:
Yes, with the current API and data collection it looks like it is not compliant with the terms of the SDK. I am using both Flurry and Google in my apps because they offer different feature sets that I need. While Flurry has been very vocal that they are working with Apple to resolve the terms of the SDK, Google hasn't said a peep. So, I'm nervous about using Google but not Flurry, because I think Flurry will change their data gathering if Apple presses hard enough. In any event, I have made sure that I can rip out either analytics service quickly if Apple rejects my app.
My understanding is that it's fine to collect your own device data, as long as you don't report it to others. You especially don't want to share any data that would hint at new devices. That's what got Flurry in trouble. Just remember that you are under NDA with Apple, so anything not publicly announced is between you and Apple. There are also rules about what you do with Device IDs, so make sure you understand those as well.
I am using Google analytics on iOS 4, with deployment target set to 3.0. While I no longer have a device to test against 3.0, it is deployed on the AppStore and seems to be working. (No crash reports)
Louie, I encourage you to take a look at Localytics, our app analytics service. Our service is real-time, we don't sell data to third parties and we release the source code to our libraries.
We also have an updated library that works better with the multitasking or fast-user switching in iOS 4:
Check out - they have an awesome service!
They allow you to add "events" so you know not only how many times the apps been downloaded, opened, removed... but you know what buttons and areas they are navigating to once the app is open.
If your app uses core location, you can even see where the users are on a map. Very cool!
Good luck my friend!