How to load two sheets at once with xlsread - matlab

I currently have this code to load a set of prompts to assign the appropriate data:
full=xlsread(input('File Name for Full data?\n'),input('Sheet Name for full?\n'));
empty=xlsread(input('File Name for Empty data?\n'),input('Sheet Name for empty?\n'));
However, since the full and empty sheets are both in one spreadsheet, I would like to make it so that there is only one prompt for the file and then a prompt for each sheet, so something like:
everything=xlsread(input('File Name for Full data?\n'),input('Sheet Name for full?\n'),input('Sheet Name for empty?\n');
What can I do to make this work out?

Just make the input calls before you use xlsread
filename = input('File Name for Full data?\n')
full = input('Sheet Name for full?\n')
empty = input('Sheet Name for empty?\n')
full=xlsread(filename, full);
empty=xlsread(filename, empty);

Though xlsread does not support this directly, you can create a wrapper that will call xlsread in the right way.
Basically just ask the input arguments that you need, and based on them make a call to xlsread.
It is indeed a weakness that you cannot read multiple sheets simultaneously, but xlsread is just a very basic command. Personally I think it is a greater weakness that you can only read out contiguous ranges.


Is there a difference in performance between set/save when saving columns to tables?

I have a small utility that checks for new columns for an intraday hdb and adds new columns.
At the moment I am using :
.[set;(pth;?[data;();();cls]);{[p;e] .log.error[.z.h;"Failed to save to path [",string[p],"] with error :",e]}[pth;]]
where path is :
?[data;();();cls] // just an exec statement
Would it make any difference to use save instead:
.[save;(pth;?[data;();();cls]);{[p;e] .log.error[.z.h;"Failed to save to path [",string[p],"] with error :",e]}[pth;]]
Yes. If you are adding entire columns to a table then you might want to store it splayed, i.e. as a directory of column files rather than as a single table file. This means using set rather than save.
But test actual example updates.
As mentioned in the documentation for save:
Use set instead to save
a variable to a file of a different name
local data
So set has the advantage of not requiring a global and you can name the file a different name to the name of your in-memory global variable.
There is no difference in how they serialise/write the data. In fact, save uses set under the covers anyway:
k){$[1=#p:`\:*|`\:x:-1!x;set[x;. *p]; x 0:.h.tx[p 1]#.*p]}'
By the way - you can't use save in the way that you've suggested in your post. save takes a symbol as input and this symbol is the symbol name of your global variable containing the data you want to write.

How do I prevent users to use thousands separator in FileMaker Pro?

In FileMaker Pro, when using number field, the user can choose to use a thousand separator or not. For example, if I have a database with a field for the price of an item, the user can either enter 1,000 or 1000.
I am using my database to generate an XML file that needs to be uploaded. The thing is, that my XML scheme dictates that only a value of 1000 is allowed and not 1,000. Therefore, I want to either automatically remove the comma, or (my preference in this case) alert the user when trying to enter a value with a thousand separator.
What I tried is the following.
For the field, I am setting Validation options. For example:
Require Strict data type: Numeric Only
Validated by calculation: Position ( Self ; ","; 1 ; 1 ) = 0
Validated by calculation: Self = Substitue ( Self, ",", "")
Auto-enter calculation: Filter( Self ; "0123456789." )
Unfortunately, none of these work. As the field is defined as a number (and I want to keep it like this, as I am also performing calculations based on this number), the Position function and the Substitute function apparently ignore the thousand separator!
Note that I am generating my XML by concatenating a string, for example:
"<Products><Product><Name>" & Name & "</Name><Price>" & Price & "</Price></Product></Product>"
The reason is that what I am exporting is dependent on the values in my database. Therefore, I am not using the [File][Export records...] function.
Auto-enter calculation will work, but you need to uncheck the box "Do not replace existing value of field" (which is checked by default).
I'd suggest using the calculation GetAsNumber(self) as the auto-enter calc. If it should only contain integers, wrap that in a call to Int()
I am using my database to generate an XML file that needs to be uploaded. The thing is, that my XML scheme dictates that only a value of 1000 is allowed and not 1,000.
If this is only a problem when you export, why not handle it when exporting?
If you are exporting as XML using XSLT, you can add an instruction to
your stylesheet to remove the comma from all number fields;
Alternatively, you can export from a layout where the field is
formatted to display without the comma and select the Apply current's layout data formatting to exported data option when
Perhaps I should have clarified. I am not using the export function to generate the XML as there is some logic involved in how the XML should be formatted (dependent on the data that I want to export). What I do instead is that I make a string where I combine XML-tags and actual values from the database.
IMHO, you're making a mistake by not taking advantage of the built-in XML/XSLT export option. Any imaginable logic can be implemented this way, without burdening your solution with the fragile task of creating a valid XML.
In any case, if you're using the field in a calculation, you can replace all references to it with:
GetAsNumber (YourField )
to get an unformatted, numeric-only, value.
Your question puzzles me. As far as I know, FileMaker does not store the thousands separator, but rather offers it only as a display option.
That's also why those functions can't find it.
Are you sure you are exporting the raw data and not a "formatted as layout" variant?

In SAP scripts how do you define which data is sent to an element

I need to make some changes to an SAPScript. I have the program and form name
Program: RBOSORDER01
I am looking to change some of the data shown in the form. I have debugged the program and I get see the call to write to the form, for example:
But how is the data passed between the program and the form. I cannot link between each. I was expecting to see a structure or a data element passed with 'ITEM_TEXT' and then this data is printed at this element "ITEM_TEXT" in the form but the link is not clear to me.
I have looked at the form also in SE71 and cannot see where you define this. Where is the link here, what am I missing?
This is in the form, so SE71 is what you need. You have to find the window first, where this element (ITEM_TEXT) is displayed, than look for the element and see what is displayed inside. The SAPSript form uses the global variables (structures, internal tables) of the print program directly by default (there are some other options as well, INCLUDE texts for example). So for example if a global variable gv_text is declared in the print program, and it is displayed in the SAPScript, than it will look like &GV_TEXT& in the form.
You can also debug the SAPScript if you switch on debugging in SE71 (can be painful, if the form is big).
Function 'WRITE_FORM' just calls the EntryPoint of the Form (SE71 / RBOSORDER02) in this case with ELEMENT='ITEM_TEXT'.
So you will end up in MAIN-Window at:
In this case you have to debug what "VBDPA-TDNAME" is at this time and then you will find its value with transaction "SO10" (Standard-Text)
The INCLUDE can be a complex text and can have its own format strings.
As Jozsef said before, VBDPA-TDNAME is defined global in the print programm. (SE38n / RBOSORDER01)

How to set a name for the cell

I have a cell array. when I want create a cell array that its name is : '0691008752' in this case an error :"Invalid field name"
cellUsers.('0691008752') = ....
I know the reason for this error is that a number is called. But I do not know how I can set this name for the cell.
I agree with the comments above, prepending the field with a letter is the best solution for this problem..
One way to make this consistent is to use:
fname = matlab.lang.makeValidName('0691008752')
Its not widely known but you can have fields which begin with number - its bad practice and will almost certainly leads to bugs....
So how to do it, 1st you need to use mex, if you see the mathworks mex example and modify the appropriate line:
After compiling and running you get:
Note: You can only access it through dynamic fields names. To update the field you must use mex.

Exporting the output of MATLAB's methodsview

MATLAB's methodsview tool is handy when exploring the API provided by external classes (Java, COM, etc.). Below is an example of how this function works:
myApp = actxserver('Excel.Application');
I want to keep the information in this window for future reference, by exporting it to a table, a cell array of strings, a .csv or another similar format, preferably without using external tools.
Some things I tried:
This window allows selecting one line at a time and doing "Ctrl+c Ctrl+v" on it, which results in a tab-separated text that looks like this:
Variant GetCustomListContents (handle, int32)
Such a strategy can work when there are only several methods, but not viable for (the usually-encountered) long lists.
I could not find a way to access the table data via the figure handle (w/o using external tools like findjobj or uiinspect), as findall(0,'Type','Figure') "do not see" the methodsview window/figure at all.
My MATLAB version is R2015a.
Fortunately, methodsview.m file is accessible and allows to get some insight on how the function works. Inside is the following comment:
%// Internal use only: option is optional and if present and equal to
%// 'noUI' this function returns methods information without displaying
%// the table. `
After some trial and error, I saw that the following works:
[titles,data] = methodsview(myApp,'noui');
... and returns two arrays of type java.lang.String[][].
From there I found a couple of ways to present the data in a meaningful way:
dataTable = cell2table(cell(data));
dataTable.Properties.VariableNames = matlab.lang.makeValidName(cell(titles));
Cell array:
dataCell = [cell(titles).'; cell(data)];
Important note: In the table case, the "Return Type" column title gets renamed to ReturnType, since table titles have to be valid MATLAB identifiers, as mentioned in the docs.