Exporting the output of MATLAB's methodsview - matlab

MATLAB's methodsview tool is handy when exploring the API provided by external classes (Java, COM, etc.). Below is an example of how this function works:
myApp = actxserver('Excel.Application');
I want to keep the information in this window for future reference, by exporting it to a table, a cell array of strings, a .csv or another similar format, preferably without using external tools.
Some things I tried:
This window allows selecting one line at a time and doing "Ctrl+c Ctrl+v" on it, which results in a tab-separated text that looks like this:
Variant GetCustomListContents (handle, int32)
Such a strategy can work when there are only several methods, but not viable for (the usually-encountered) long lists.
I could not find a way to access the table data via the figure handle (w/o using external tools like findjobj or uiinspect), as findall(0,'Type','Figure') "do not see" the methodsview window/figure at all.
My MATLAB version is R2015a.

Fortunately, methodsview.m file is accessible and allows to get some insight on how the function works. Inside is the following comment:
%// Internal use only: option is optional and if present and equal to
%// 'noUI' this function returns methods information without displaying
%// the table. `
After some trial and error, I saw that the following works:
[titles,data] = methodsview(myApp,'noui');
... and returns two arrays of type java.lang.String[][].
From there I found a couple of ways to present the data in a meaningful way:
dataTable = cell2table(cell(data));
dataTable.Properties.VariableNames = matlab.lang.makeValidName(cell(titles));
Cell array:
dataCell = [cell(titles).'; cell(data)];
Important note: In the table case, the "Return Type" column title gets renamed to ReturnType, since table titles have to be valid MATLAB identifiers, as mentioned in the docs.


Reading structured variable from MAT file

I am performing an analysis which involves simulation of over 1000 cases. I extracting lots of data for each case as well (about 70MB). Currently I am saving the results for each case as:
Now, I need to perform my analysis for CaseNo1.mat to CaseNo1000. Initially I planned to create a Database.mat file by loading all cases in it and then accessing any variable using h5read. This way Matlab doesn't need to load all the data at a time. However, I am concerned now that my database file will be too big.
Is there any way I can read the structured variables from individual case files for example CaseNo1.mat without loading the CaseNo1.mat file in memory.
Matlab examples shows loading just the variables directly from MAT file without loading the whole MAT file. But I am not sure how to read structures data the same way.
says Line1.X not found. But it's there. The command is not correct to access the data. Also tried using h5read, but it says CaseNo1.mat is not an HDF5 file.
Can anyone help with this.
Apart from this, I would also appreciate if there is any suggestion about performing such data intensive analysis.
I was wrong! I'm leaving my old answer for context, though I've edited it to reference this one. I thought I had used matfile() in that way before, but I hadn't. I just did a thorough search and ran a few test cases. You've actually run into a limitation of the way Matlab handles and references structures stored in .mat files. There is, however, a solution. It does involve some refactoring of your original code, but it shouldn't be too egregious.
Then to access, just use matfile (or load) as you were before. Like so:
Vessel_WaveForce = load('CaseNo1.mat'', 'Vessel_WaveForce')
It's important to note that this restriction doesn't appear to be caused by anything you've chosen to do in your program, but rather is imposed by the way Matlab interacts with it's native storage files when they contain structures.
EDIT: This answer works, but doesn't actually solve the problem posed in OP's question. I thought I had used matfile to generate a handle that I could access, but I was wrong. See my other answer for details.
You could use matfile, like so:
myMatFileHandle = matfile('caseNo1.mat');
thisVessel = myMatFileHandle.vessel;
Also, from the little bit I can see, you seem to be on the right track for high-volume analysis. Just remember to use sparse when applicable, and generally avoid conditionals inside of loops if possible.
Good luck!
The objective of storing data in structured format is:
To be organized
Easy scripting post processor where looping through data under one data set it required.
To store structured dataset containing integer, floating and string variables in MAT file and to be able to read just the required variable using h5read command was sought. Matlab load command is not able to read variable beyond first level from stored data in a MAT file. The h5write couldn't write string variables. Hence needed a work around to solve this problem.
To do this I have used following method:
filename = 'myMatFile';
Vessel.TotalForce = %store some data
Vessel.WindForce = %store some data
Vessel.CurrentForce = %store some data
Vessel.WaveForce = %store some data
Vessel.ConnectionForce = %store some data
Lin1.LineType = 'Wire'
Line1.ArcLength_0.EffectiveTension = %store some data
Line1.ArcLength_50.EffectiveTension= %store some data
Line1.ArcLength_100.EffectiveTension= %store some data
Lin2.LineType = 'Chain'
Line2.ArcLength_0.EffectiveTension= %store some data
Line2.ArcLength_50.EffectiveTension= %store some data
Line2.ArcLength_100.EffectiveTension= %store some data
save([filename '_temp.mat']);
PointToMat=matfile([filename '.mat'],'Writable',true);
PointToMat.(char(filename)) = load([filename '_temp.mat']);
delete([filename '_temp.mat']);
Now to read from the MAT file created, we can use h5read as usual. To extract the EffectiveTension for Line1, ArcLength_0:
EffectiveTension = h5read([filename '.mat'],['/' filename '/Line1/ArcLength_0/EffectiveTension']);
For string variables, h5read returns decimal values corresponding to each character. To obtain the actual string I used:
name = char(h5read([filename '.mat'],['/' filename '/Line1/LineType']));
Tried this method on my data set which is about 200MB and I could process them pretty fast. Hope this would help someone someday.
Short answer:
Having saved the data into a MAT file with the '-v7.3' option, use something like h5read(filename, '/Line2/X') to read just one structure field. You can even read an array partially, for example:
s.a = 1:100;
save('test.mat', '-v7.3', 's');
h5read('test.mat', '/s/a', [1 10], [1 5], [1 3])
returns each third element of the 1:100 array, starting with the 10th element and returning 5 values:
10 13 16 19 22
Long answer:
See answer by #Amitava for the more elaborate code and topic coverage.

How to track function calls in MATLAB?

I would like a way to track all function calls that have operated on a specific workspace variable -- for instance, a sound waveform that will be transformed by various signal processing functions.
One cumbersome and fragile way is to do this:
>> cfg = [];
>> curr_call = 'data_out = my_function(cfg,data_in);';
>> eval(curr_call);
>> data_out.cfg.history = cat(1,data_out.cfg.history,{curr_call});
What would be much better is the following:
>> cfg = [];
>> data_out = my_function(cfg,data_in);
>> data_out.cfg.history
'data_out = my_function(cfg,data_in);'
EDIT for clarification: In other words, this variable has a field, cfg.history, that keeps track of all history-enabled functions that have operated on it (ideally with arguments). The history field should be updated regardless of where function calls originate: my example above is from the command line, but calls made from cell mode or within a script should also be appended to the history. Obviously, I can edit my_function() in the above example so that it can modify the history field.
NOTE in response to discussion below: the motivation for doing this is to have the history "attached" to the data in question, rather than say, in a separate log file which would then need to be packaged with the data somehow.
Can this be done?
You can access the full Session history using this code:
import com.mathworks.mlservices.MLCommandHistoryServices
To achive what you want, use this code:
import com.mathworks.mlservices.MLCommandHistoryServices;
Be aware that these functions are undocumented. It uses the command history which is typically located at the bottom right in your matlab.

Matlab: Understanding a piece of code

I have a matlab code which is for printing a cell array to excel. The size of matrix is 50x13.
The row 1 is the column names.
Column 1 is dates and rest columns are numbers.
The dateformat being defined in the code is:
dFormat = struct;
dFormat.Style = struct( 'NumberFormat', '_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(#_)' );
dFormat.Font = struct( 'Size', 8 );
Can someone please explain me what the dFormat.Style code means ?
The first line creates an empty struct (struct with no fields) called dFormat. A structure can contain pretty much anything in one of its fields, including another structure. The second line adds a field called 'Style' to the dFormat struct and sets it equal to another struct with a field called 'NumberFormat'. The 'NumberFormat' field is set equal to that long string of characters. You now have a structure of structures. The third line is similar to the second.
Note that the first line isn't really necessary unless dFormat already exists and it needs to be "zeroed out" as dFormat.Style with create it implicitly. However, using the struct function can make code more readable in some cases as objects use a similar notation for access methods and properties. In other words, all of your code could be replaced with:
dFormat.Style.NumberFormat = '_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(#_)';
dFormat.Font.Size = 8;
See this video from the MathWorks for more details and this list of helpful structure functions and examples.
#horchler already elaborated on structs, but I imagine you may actually be more interested in the content of this structs Style field.
In case you are solely interested in _(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(#_), that does not really look like something MATLAB related to me.
My best guess is that this code is used to later feed some other program, for examle to build an excel file.

How to load two sheets at once with xlsread

I currently have this code to load a set of prompts to assign the appropriate data:
full=xlsread(input('File Name for Full data?\n'),input('Sheet Name for full?\n'));
empty=xlsread(input('File Name for Empty data?\n'),input('Sheet Name for empty?\n'));
However, since the full and empty sheets are both in one spreadsheet, I would like to make it so that there is only one prompt for the file and then a prompt for each sheet, so something like:
everything=xlsread(input('File Name for Full data?\n'),input('Sheet Name for full?\n'),input('Sheet Name for empty?\n');
What can I do to make this work out?
Just make the input calls before you use xlsread
filename = input('File Name for Full data?\n')
full = input('Sheet Name for full?\n')
empty = input('Sheet Name for empty?\n')
full=xlsread(filename, full);
empty=xlsread(filename, empty);
Though xlsread does not support this directly, you can create a wrapper that will call xlsread in the right way.
Basically just ask the input arguments that you need, and based on them make a call to xlsread.
It is indeed a weakness that you cannot read multiple sheets simultaneously, but xlsread is just a very basic command. Personally I think it is a greater weakness that you can only read out contiguous ranges.

Call graph generation from matlab src code

I am trying to create a function call graph for around 500 matlab src files. I am unable to find any tools which could help me do the same for multiple src files.
Is anyone familiar with any tools or plugins?
In case any such tools are not available, any suggestions on reading 6000 lines of matlab code
without documentation is welcome.
Let me suggest M2HTML, a tool to automatically generate HTML documentation of your MATLAB m-files. Among its feature list:
Finds dependencies between functions and generates a dependency graph (using the dot tool of GraphViz)
Automatic cross-referencing of functions and subfunctions with their definition in the source code
Check out this demo page to see an example of the output of this tool.
I recommend looking into using the depfun function to construct a call graph. See http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/depfun.html for more information.
In particular, I've found that calling depfun with the '-toponly' argument, then iterating over the results, is an excellent way to construct a call graph by hand. Unfortunately, I no longer have access to any of the code that I've written using this.
I take it you mean you want to see exactly how your code is running - what functions call what subfunctions, when, and how long those run for?
Take a look at the MATLAB Code Profiler. Execute your code as follows:
>> profile on -history; MyCode; profile viewer
>> p = profile('info');
p contains the function history, From that same help page I linked above:
The history data describes the sequence of functions entered and exited during execution. The profile command returns history data in the FunctionHistory field of the structure it returns. The history data is a 2-by-n array. The first row contains Boolean values, where 0 means entrance into a function and 1 means exit from a function. The second row identifies the function being entered or exited by its index in the FunctionTable field. This example [below] reads the history data and displays it in the MATLAB Command Window.
profile on -history
p = profile('info');
for n = 1:size(p.FunctionHistory,2)
if p.FunctionHistory(1,n)==0
str = 'entering function: ';
str = 'exiting function: ';
disp([str p.FunctionTable(p.FunctionHistory(2,n)).FunctionName])
You don't necessarily need to display the entrance and exit calls like the above example; just looking at p.FunctionTable and p.FunctionHistory will suffice to show when code enters and exits functions.
There are already a lot of answers to this question.
However, because I liked the question, and I love to procrastinate, here is my take at answering this (It is close to the approach presented by Dang Khoa, but different enough to be posted, in my opinion):
The idea is to run the profile function, along with a digraph to represent the data.
profile on
Main % Code to be analized
p = profile('info');
Now p is a structure. In particular, it contains the field FunctionTable, which is a structure array, where each structure contains information about one of the calls during the execution of Main.m. To keep only the functions, we will have to check, for each element in FunctionTable, if it is a function, i.e. if p.FunctionTable(ii).Type is 'M-function'
In order to represent the information, let's use a MATLAB's digraph object:
N = numel(p.FunctionTable);
G = digraph;
G = addnode(G,N);
nlabels = {};
for ii = 1:N
Children = p.FunctionTable(ii).Children;
if ~isempty(Children)
for jj = 1:numel(Children)
G = addedge(G,ii,Children(jj).Index);
Count = 1;
for ii=1:N
if ~strcmp(p.FunctionTable(ii).Type,'M-function') % Keep only the functions
G = rmnode(G,Count);
Nchars = min(length(p.FunctionTable(ii).FunctionName),10);
nlabels{Count} = p.FunctionTable(ii).FunctionName(1:Nchars);
Count = Count + 1;
G is a directed graph, where node #i refers to the i-th element in the structure array p.FunctionTable where an edge connects node #i to node #j if the function represented by node #i is a parent to the one represented by node #j.
The plot is pretty ugly when applied to my big program but it might be nicer for smaller functions:
Zooming in on a subpart of the graph:
I agree with the m2html answer, I just wanted to say the following the example from the m2html/mdot documentation is good:
!dot -Tps m2html.dot -o m2html.ps
!neato -Tps m2html.dot -o m2html.ps
But I had better luck with exporting to pdf:
!dot -Tpdf m2html.dot -o m2html.pdf
Also, before you try the above commands you must issue something like the following:
I found the m2html very helpful (in combination with the Graphviz software). However, in my case I wanted to create documentation of a program included in a folder but ignoring some subfolders and .m files. I found that, by adding to the m2html call the "ignoreddir" flag, one can make the program ignore some subfolders. However, I didn't find an analogue flag for ignoring .m files (neither does the "ignoreddir" flag do the job). As a workaround, adding the following line after line 1306 in the m2html.m file allows for using the "ignoreddir" flag for ignoring .m files as well:
d = {d{~ismember(d,{ignoredDir{:}})}};
So, for instance, for generating html documentation of a program included in folder "program_folder" but ignoring "subfolder_1" subfolder and "test.m" file, one should execute something like this:
m2html( 'mfiles', 'program_folder', ... % set program folder
'save', 'on', ... % provide the m2html.mat
'htmldir', './doc', ... % set doc folder
'graph', 'on', ... % produce the graph.dot file to be used for the visualization, for example, as a flux/block diagram
'recursive', 'on', ... % consider also all the subfolders inside the program folders
'global', 'on', ... % link also calls between functions in different folders, i.e., do not link only the calls for the functions which are in the same folder
'ignoreddir', { 'subfolder_1' 'test.m' } ); % ignore the following folders/files
Please note that all subfolders with name "subfolder_1" and all files with name "test.m" inside the "program_folder" will be ignored.