Switching Wiris http to https - plugins

We have implemented the Wiris tool into an application, but when you open the editor in Chrome for example you need to click the shield and select 'Load unsafe script' each time. As a note the application it is integrated with is https.
I know that when you inspect the tool there are three links in the markup:
I can only assume that because these are http they are triggering the security option each time the editor is opened. Does anyone know if it is possible to launch the editor with https so that it can be used more efficiently.

In the configuration.ini file for WIRIS there is a variable called wirisimageserviceprotocol.
You could try setting the value of that to https like this:
wirisimageserviceprotocol = https
Reference: WIRIS Configuration


Unity webgl: Unable to parse Build/vectorunknown builds.framework.js.gz! enable "Content-Encoding: gzip" in response headers in github pages

I have a unity webgl project and I pushed the webgl build to my git branch as shown below.
I deployed this branch to my github page as shown below.
The build is working on my local with the help of servez. However, on github pages (and my local without servez) it gives the following error:
Unable to parse Build/vectorunknown builds.framework.js.gz! This can
happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the
content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response
Header "Content-Encoding: gzip" present. Check browser Console and
Devtools Network tab to debug.
How do I deploy to github page with "Content-Encoding: gzip" response header included? How do I make it work? Do I need to make webgl with different options in Unity instead? Kindly help!
I went to Edit > Project Settings > Player > Publishing settings and disabled the compression. it worked after that. However, the colors look weird after that. i wish there was another better way.
I had the same error message. When I inspected network traffic using browser developer tools, I could see no "Content-Encoding: gzip" response header. I added the mime types required by Unity to the server configuration, but still couldn't get the needed Content-Encoding response header to appear.
However, I found that enabling Player Settings > Publishing Settings > Decompression fallback solved the problem for me. According to these docs, "The decompression fallback option enables Unity to automatically embed a JavaScript decompressor into your build. This decompressor corresponds to your selected compression method, and decompresses your content if the browser fails to do so."
Presumably there's a somewhat slower startup because of having to download the JavaScript decompressor.

How to disable cache-control for SAPUI5 Web IDE only?

I have set a cache-control in the neo-app.json and it's working fine on production but I want to disable on dev mode (SAP Web IDE) without opening Chrome DevTools and enabling "disable cache".
Can someone help ?
I guess the default run configuration itself has this in URL parameter ...&sap-ui-appCacheBuster=..%2F..%2F&sap-ui-xx-componentPreload=off&sap-ui-xx-viewCache=false#Shell-home
Not sure if I understand what your problem is, but we usually define separate launch-html pages, like one index.html for production and one index-webIDE.html for launching the app from the webIDE.
You can set up the configs like this:
Right-click the project -> Run -> Run Configurations
Then define your alternate starting html page for bootstrapping the app.

How to debug an Ajax request made from the browser in Visual Studio Code using Xdebug v3?

There's a shed-load of similar questions and answers out there.
Almost all can be dismissed as referring to Xdebug v2. I am using Xdebug 3.0.0 Release date: 2020-11-25, and everyone else should probably be updating too.
I am trying to achieve in VSC, what I can do in PhpStorm, where I can breakpoint a line of a PHP file which will be invoked as an AJAX call from a JS app which I run in my browser and he IDE will stop on the breakpoint. The important detail here is that I do not run the PHP from the IDE, but from the browser, which builds a rather complex HTTP GET request.
If VSC cannot do that, please post an answer to that effect, and I will give up.
However, since PhpStorm can do it, why not VSC? I imagine that it is mainly a matter of configuration, if VSC or Xdebug has a listener.
This works for PhpStorm:
from PHP.ini:
; ---- new, for Xdebug v3, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65280429/how-to-configure-xdebug-for-jetbrains-phpstorm-2020-1
; ----- see https://xdebug.org/docs/upgrade_guide
zend_extension = "e:\coding\Web_development\php\php\ext\php_xdebug-3.0.1-7.3-vc15-x86_64.dll"
the URL passed in the AJAX request includes XDEBUG_SESSION_START=xdebug as a GET parameter.
Anything else that I need to post? Since it works for PhpStorm, I imagine that I just need to configure VSC - but, how?

Eclipse (Keplar) and Tomcat

I have an Eclipse workspace with a Web App (lets call it MyApp), and Tomcat server. When I run MyApp, Tomcat finds default.jsp and the opening page displays
- all fine and dandy.
This web page shows a menu. I choose a menu option from this page which should render
and I get a HTTP Status 404 - /config.jsp ... ie it is looking for the page at
and can't find it. Why is it looking there? It seems to have lost its context.
Netbeans doesn't exhibit this behaviour - it works fine. I just don't know where to look for a solution. Is it the Tomcat configuration or the Web App configuration?
All suggestions welcome!
When you choose your menu option, how is the URL called : simple form submit, ajax request?
In any case, you should have a URL looking like /MyApp/... in your code.
You can also check which URLs are effectively called by using a debug tool in your browser (ie Firebug for Firefox)
Another test to do if you use a Tomcat embedded in Eclipse is to start your Tomcat outside from your IDE, just to check the potential behaviour differences.

Services available on Eclipse port 51235

We use Crucible/FishEye for code reviews and in Firefox there is an Eclipse-icon above the content-view of a source file. If I click it that source file is opened in Eclipse.
Crucible/FishEye doesn't show that icon in Opera. I tried to hack it into Opera just see if it works. However, it doesn't even show the icon:
<img src="http://localhost:51235/icon">
netstat shows that Eclipse listens on that port and other colleagues are also able to use that extended functionality in Firefox through port 51235, so the port seems to be a predefined port in Eclipse.
Does anyone know how to make that work or what Eclipse checks here?
Does anyone know what's possible through port 51235?
EDIT: I put all findings in my answer
That port seems to be part of the Atlassian-connector in Eclipse. They wrote the source and a test class for their connector.
Here's a brief list of possible URLs:
Icon: http://localhost:51235/icon
Open an issue: http://localhost:51235/issue?issue_key=PL-31&server_url=https://studio.atlassian.com/&id=
Open a build: http://localhost:51235/build?build_key=ECL-COM&build_number=1118&server_url=https://gdansk.bamboo2.atlassian.com&id=
Open a file:
Open a review
file and versioned comment defined: http://localhost:51235/review?review_key=CR-PL-66&server_url=https://svn.atlassian.com/atlaseye&file_path=src/main/java/com/atlassian/theplugin/util/CodeNavigationUtil.java&comment_id=CMT:9831&id=
file defined: http://localhost:51235/review?review_key=CR-PL-66&server_url=https://svn.atlassian.com/atlaseye&file_path=src/main/java/com/atlassian/theplugin/util/CodeNavigationUtil.java&id=
general comment defined: http://localhost:51235/review?review_key=CR-PL-66&server_url=https://svn.atlassian.com/atlaseye&comment_id=CMT:9899&id=
id is always filled with Math.floor(Math.random()*1000), i.e. a random number between 0 and 999
all links return the icon
If you add an IFRAME loading that URL, you may see a cross-network error page. If you do, opt in to always allow the traffic for that server, and see if it works.