How to disable cache-control for SAPUI5 Web IDE only? - sapui5

I have set a cache-control in the neo-app.json and it's working fine on production but I want to disable on dev mode (SAP Web IDE) without opening Chrome DevTools and enabling "disable cache".
Can someone help ?

I guess the default run configuration itself has this in URL parameter ...&sap-ui-appCacheBuster=..%2F..%2F&sap-ui-xx-componentPreload=off&sap-ui-xx-viewCache=false#Shell-home

Not sure if I understand what your problem is, but we usually define separate launch-html pages, like one index.html for production and one index-webIDE.html for launching the app from the webIDE.
You can set up the configs like this:
Right-click the project -> Run -> Run Configurations
Then define your alternate starting html page for bootstrapping the app.


GWT Super Dev does not work in IE 11

After compiler my application in GWT Super Dev Mode,
Run: "http://localhost:9876/" in IE 11,
see the followings,
GWT Code Server
1.Drag these two bookmarklets to your browser's bookmark bar:
Dev Mode On Dev Mode Off
3.Click "Dev Mode On" to start development mode.
when click "Dev Mode On", is shows "Can't find any GWT Modules on this page."
Anyone knows how to debug GWT in IE 11?
Phase 1
Compile your project
Host it in some webserver
Test it by surfing to this URL
Now phase 2
Run as superdevmode
The SuperDevMode page opens
Surf to the website you created in phase 1
Click the DevMode on bookmarklet you placed in your bookmarks bar
The app should compile
You are missing point 2 (which you left out here):
Visit a web page that uses one of these modules: [your_module_name]
So probably you didn't define a startup url for your run configuration (which IDE are you using?). You can do this with the argument -startupUrl index.html. The index.html should be placed in your output war directory.
Depeding on the port you configured (default 8888) you have to visit this html-page (with the module.js injected of course) to start the compilation. An example url would be:
To debug your application in IE 11 you have to set breakpoints with GWT.debugger() for the client code. For the server code you can use the breakpoints of your IDE. To use the clientside-breakpoints you have to open the Developer Tools of your browser (F12 in case of IE11). There go to debugger/sources or however the tab is called in the case of your browser and debug your application client code directly in the browser. Keep in mind to use source maps to map your Java source code to the generated JS file.

JSP project in RAD + Websphere, javascript changes lost

I'm working on JSP project in RAD 8.5.5 (when I tried to switch to Eclipse Kepler I've had the same issue) and WebSphere 8.0
When I change something in external JavaScript files which contain my own JavaScript functions I begin to get an error - 'function non defined' or even I lost part of code of this *.js page when I try to debug it in Chrome.
When I publish it to the server or rebuild it doesn't help. When I try to work without javascript cache in Chrome it doesn't work. Only after certain amount of time it begins to work. When I make changes in embedded JavaScript code on JSP page I haven't any problem, only I use my own function in external files.
What can it be? I lost a lot of time on this issue and it's annoying.
Thank you!
To overcome this issue you should do as following:
1.Prevent from browser to cache pages, in Chrome you can do it only developer tools are open : Disabling Chrome cache for website development
2.Perform 'Build project' from Eclipse(RAD). In some difficult case you have to do 'clean' on the server.
3.If you encounter unexpected delay while publishing try to delete all Breakpoints and Expressions from debug perspective.
4.Sometimes your server turning off and on every minutes by itself. To stop such behavior restart it in usual mode and then restart in debug mode.
Hope it will helpful to somebody.

Live Edit in Webstorm 8 with remote Server

I want to use Live Edit in Webstorm.
I have the following configuration:
Webstorm 8
PHP App with Zend Framework
-Test Server created with Vagrant on remote LAN Host, DNS configured to "subdomain.localhost" in hosts file
Changed Files are deployed via FTP to Vagrant VM
I configured the Debug Configuation with the "Javascript Debug" default and set the URL to "http://subdomain.localhost"
I enabled "Live Edit" in "Menu->View"
I checked "Enable live editing" and "Highlight current element in browser..." in "Settings->Live Edit"
Now the problem is that the views of the zend implementation "*.phtml" aren't updated on change, but element highlighting is working on the rendered views.
Also if i change css or javascript in public folder, nothing updates live.
So my question is, how do i configure this environment properly, so the live editing works with html, css and javascript.
thanks in advance!

Eclipse (Keplar) and Tomcat

I have an Eclipse workspace with a Web App (lets call it MyApp), and Tomcat server. When I run MyApp, Tomcat finds default.jsp and the opening page displays
- all fine and dandy.
This web page shows a menu. I choose a menu option from this page which should render
and I get a HTTP Status 404 - /config.jsp ... ie it is looking for the page at
and can't find it. Why is it looking there? It seems to have lost its context.
Netbeans doesn't exhibit this behaviour - it works fine. I just don't know where to look for a solution. Is it the Tomcat configuration or the Web App configuration?
All suggestions welcome!
When you choose your menu option, how is the URL called : simple form submit, ajax request?
In any case, you should have a URL looking like /MyApp/... in your code.
You can also check which URLs are effectively called by using a debug tool in your browser (ie Firebug for Firefox)
Another test to do if you use a Tomcat embedded in Eclipse is to start your Tomcat outside from your IDE, just to check the potential behaviour differences.

Switching Wiris http to https

We have implemented the Wiris tool into an application, but when you open the editor in Chrome for example you need to click the shield and select 'Load unsafe script' each time. As a note the application it is integrated with is https.
I know that when you inspect the tool there are three links in the markup:
I can only assume that because these are http they are triggering the security option each time the editor is opened. Does anyone know if it is possible to launch the editor with https so that it can be used more efficiently.
In the configuration.ini file for WIRIS there is a variable called wirisimageserviceprotocol.
You could try setting the value of that to https like this:
wirisimageserviceprotocol = https
Reference: WIRIS Configuration