Services available on Eclipse port 51235 - eclipse

We use Crucible/FishEye for code reviews and in Firefox there is an Eclipse-icon above the content-view of a source file. If I click it that source file is opened in Eclipse.
Crucible/FishEye doesn't show that icon in Opera. I tried to hack it into Opera just see if it works. However, it doesn't even show the icon:
<img src="http://localhost:51235/icon">
netstat shows that Eclipse listens on that port and other colleagues are also able to use that extended functionality in Firefox through port 51235, so the port seems to be a predefined port in Eclipse.
Does anyone know how to make that work or what Eclipse checks here?
Does anyone know what's possible through port 51235?
EDIT: I put all findings in my answer

That port seems to be part of the Atlassian-connector in Eclipse. They wrote the source and a test class for their connector.
Here's a brief list of possible URLs:
Icon: http://localhost:51235/icon
Open an issue: http://localhost:51235/issue?issue_key=PL-31&server_url=
Open a build: http://localhost:51235/build?build_key=ECL-COM&build_number=1118&server_url=
Open a file:
Open a review
file and versioned comment defined: http://localhost:51235/review?review_key=CR-PL-66&server_url=
file defined: http://localhost:51235/review?review_key=CR-PL-66&server_url=
general comment defined: http://localhost:51235/review?review_key=CR-PL-66&server_url=
id is always filled with Math.floor(Math.random()*1000), i.e. a random number between 0 and 999
all links return the icon

If you add an IFRAME loading that URL, you may see a cross-network error page. If you do, opt in to always allow the traffic for that server, and see if it works.


VSCODE - Marketplace returned 'ECONNREFUSED'. Please check the 'http.proxy' setting

I am new to Visual Studio. I just installed Visual Studio Code (VSCODE). First time, I opened it and trying to install the extension for powershell. But, when I go to the Extensions tab, it gave an error that the proxy settings were not configured.
The pop up gave an option to 'Open User Settings' and it opened an editor.
As per my understanding, I wrote the following two lines in the User Settings file.
Our internal proxy server requires user authentication. How and where will I put the user credentials. I think, I am getting the error because I have not specified the user details.
Found out how.
The proxy details should be given in the following format. I was using the wrong format earlier.
My settings file looked something similar to below.
// Place your settings in this file to overwrite the default settings
"http.proxy": "http://user#domain.local:Password456#",
"http.proxyStrictSSL": false
The domain user name was domain\user, and it was provided in the user FQDN format
Password456 is the login password for the user is the proxy server
Hope this would help someone at some point of time.
I solved this problem like #Tom Jacob Chirayil, but I had to do a little extra. Here are the steps I followed:
Find your proxy server first by going to http://wpad/wpad.dat. My company's configuration had a bunch of proxy servers, and the one that I used was at the very bottom, in this format:
return "PROXY";
Then click on the Open User Settings button, and add the following line to the settings.json file to the right, within the braces:
"http.proxy": ""
NB: I had to add http:// to the front of the proxy address that I pulled from wpad.dat.
Then save settings.json, restart VS Code. (IDK for sure if you have to restart VS Code or not.)
Just to add a point, it seems that the new release (1.5.1) came with this issue. People on Mac, Linux or Windows suffering with "econnrefused" error in VSCode.
The new version (1.5.2) will have a fix for this, until then, we can use the nightly version.

How do I change Netbeans's webserver port from 8383?

How do I change Netbeans's webserver port from 8383?
I know I could install and use a separate webserver, but I'd prefer to just use the embedded one.
Some of what I've read online makes me think it might not be possible to change the port. But, then bug makes it sound like using other than 8383 is possible.
I can't find such a setting with the UI. I searched under the installation directory for 8383 and can't find anything.
So, how do I do this? I'm using Netbeans 8.0.1.
I'm using the internal webserver that comes with Netbeans.
I don't think this is possible, definitely not via UI. Looking at the java class, port number seems to be hardcoded in the source. You would have to build the particular NetBeans module and then replace the one in NetBeans installation folder with yours module.
From what I can tell from the issue, it fixes cases when default port 8383 is occupied, IDE uses different one (increment by 1) and thanks to the fixed bug, this incremented port is also used in browser (prior the fix, even with incremented port, old 8383 was being used in browser).
You can file enhancement with request for it.
Under Window / Services / Servers you'll find every registered server. Right-click on your server, choose "Properties" and under the "Connection"-tab you can define your port.
(You haven't mentioned which server you are using, but that's the way where you usually define your port).
I can't find Servers option either and I'm using NetBeans v8.0.2. But you can use an external server [ex. IIS, Apache] as an workaround: right-click the project in Project Window > Properties > Run. Then change the Web Server to External and Project URL to your desired address.
If your project is not in an web accessible directory you must make it web accessible first by configuring your web server or adding it in an web accessible location.

Cannot load anything on Tomcat 7 : configuration issue

I'm currently developing a web project running on Tomcat 7 and I cannot see anything who's suppose to be on Tomcat (blank page when I do a HTTP request in my browser).
My Modus Operandi:
I launch a new instance of server in locahost (apache-tomcat-7.0.34) within Eclipse (I work with Indigo and tried with Juno as well)
Tomcat's ROOT folder has been pasted in the 'wtpwebapps' folder of all my servers in my Workspace
I add a simple web project on this server instance and try to access it from a HTTP request and I get a blank page. If I try to run a .html file of this web project on this server, I get a 'HTTP 404 Not Found' Error.
What I tried:
I tried to build the whole configuration from scratch (new Eclipse, new Apache-Tomcat) and I still get the same result. But when I do that from my personal computer at home, everything's working fine!!
I tried to put an old version of my code or a tutorial project, but nothing can be launched (therefore, it must be a configuration issue).
I checked the server.xml and web.xml files and nothing looks suspicious (I can paste them if you want but those are the same than those who worked at home)
The only thing I can think of is that I changed the internet connection (and the IP address) of the computer I'm working on, but I don't think it could make any difference when trying to reach localhost, right?
When I follow the steps of the very good tutorial, I do get a blank page on the 'Run Tomcat' topic, but I don't get the Tomcat welcome page once I copied the ROOT folder into "wtpwebapps".
Does someone have any idea where it could come from?
Ok guys, finally got the solution.
I was about to format my computer when i realize that the port 8009 was actually used by another process.
I thought that's the kind of things who are checked when you launch a Tomcat server within Eclipse but it didn't show any error.
The HTTP request went through the port 80, but as the default AJP port is already in use, Apache could not forward this request to Tomcat, therefore a blank page was returned.
At least that's my understanding of this situation...
Hopefully this may help someone who'd run into a similar situation.
Thanks for your help.

Eclipse Indigo "unable to connect to repository"

I'm trying to add this repository to Eclipse (Indigo):-
Seems okay when checked in a browser, but I keep getting "unable to connect" in Eclipse, and when I check the URL Eclipse is apparently looking for:-
in a browser, I get a "404 not found". The locations for previous releases (e.g. galileo) don't seem to be there either. Have they moved? Am I misunderstanding something?
I tried some of the suggestions in this previous thread:-
Eclipse updates not working
But they don't seem to work (and I'm not using a proxy anyway).
This worked for me:
Open terminal. Navigate to Eclipse folder.
sudo nano eclipse.ini
at the bottom, add this line in: = true
Then ctrl+O to save, ctrl+X to close (it says at bottom). IPv4/IPv6 problems? Solved.
Then delete the cache VonC said to:
(This can be done using "sudo rmdir /p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository/cache" or by typing "sudo nautilus" into terminal, to open a root-priveleged filesystem browser, than navigating to, selecting the folder, and pressing the delete key). Then restart eclipse, goto Help>install new software>available software sites
Make sure the repos you want (such as "") has a "/" right at the end. If it doesn't, delete that entry, and create a new, identical one which does, because Eclipse won't just let you edit it and click ok. Then click ok, and from the combo box choose e.g. the egit link, and lo, it will find it.
Still not working? Window>show view>internal web browser; check it can access internet. Hope that helps!
Credit to:
VonC Sep 14 '11 at 6:03
I used VonC's answer to good effect. I also uninstalled a program called webroot. I think this had something to do with it because other programs were also having network problems.
This is because windows IPV6 issue. Try adding the following VM option in the eclipse.ini
Can you connect to internet at all through Eclipse?
Open the internal webbrowser. In Eclipse: Window -> show view -> Other -> General: Internal web browser.
Look up any normal adress, is it working?
Can you connect to another update site? Try for example Eclipse Emma: Do you see anything there?
What are your proxy preferences? Go to Window -> preferences -> General: Network connections.
The active provider:
Specifies the settings profile to be used when opening connections. Choosing the Direct provider causes all the connections to be opened without the use of a proxy server. Selecting Manual causes settings defined in Eclipse to be used. On some platforms there is also a Native provider available, selecting this one causes settings that were discovered in the OS to be used.
If internet is working fine outside of Eclipse, try changing to Native. After that, try Direct.
I have encountered problems where an update site would not load, then I had to remove it and add it again. This forces Eclipse to reread the contents of the site even if it has a cached copy. So, if you still get no connection to the indigo update site, but everything else is working, try that. Go to Window -> Preferences -> Install/update: Available Software sites. Then remove and add the indigo site. Just remember to copy the adress so you can add it again.
As suggested in a comment below by #lostiniceland, this is a simpler way to achieve the above:
Goto Preferences -> Install Update -> Available Software Sites => select the entry and click the "Reload" button to the right. This is sometimes also helpful when you have a local updatesite for testing custom plugins
first resolve proxy conflicts and if then too eclipse is not getting connected to internet *turnoff your firewall/antiviru*s and try again
To resolve proxy conflicts:Go to windows->prefernces-general tab->network settings
if you dont use proxy settings, cgange native to direct
if you use proxy, chenge native to manual and fill details of proxy for http and https by pressing 'edit' and clear SOCKS tab by pressing 'clear'
check if your SOCK is disabled on operating system too. or doing it open to 'Internet options' dailog box. Go to connections and press lan connection. press 'advanced' button ans clear the textboxes in front of 'socks' and uncheck the msg saying 'use same address for other network protocols'
I did this and worked for me
If you are using Fiddler2 (or any other web sniffer/debugger tool), it may be your problem, as it acts as a local proxy.
Sometimes, even if its not running, I find myself obligated to start it and disable traffic capture.
Hope that helps!

ColdFusion debugging problem in Eclipse (Break points not hit)

I am trying to get the debugger (CF extension for Eclipse) working for last few hours. And struck in strange situation.
My settings are listed below
ColdFusion 8
Eclipse 3.4
I set up the RDS & modified the JVM.config settings and verified the connection & debugger, both returns successful in test run. But When i attach a debugger to the site, breakpoints are not hit.
My Eclipse workbench & site virtual directory pointing to the same path. It is in a remote server.
I left Eclipse-CF mapping blank since both pointing the same remote path.
And i am using WYSE thin client emulator.. does it anything to do with this..?
Can someone help me to resolve this problem?
If your eclipse configuration is ok, could be that something is not confgured right on server side. Check if Line Debugger Settings > Allow Line Debugging feature is enabled and that Debugger Port (5005) is opened and accessible form client machine.
Articles that should walk you through proper setup:
Also you could try using CF Builder and/or FusionDebug .
You do need to specify at least one mapping. Eclipse needs to know what folder in your project maps to the http root. Even if the mapping is / -> /, you need to specify that. The only time you can leave mapping blank is when the CF server is on the same machine as Eclipse.