SDL WorldServer 10.2.1 - how to configure W3C ITS Compliant XML Studio File Type filter - tridion-worldserver

We are using SDL WorldServer 10.2.1 and Tridion 2011. (Windows Server 2003/Tomcat 6.0/SQL Server 2008 R2) Recently the Tridion folks asked me to ensure that the appropriate filters (Management | Linguistic Tool Setup | Filter Configurations) were installed and configured to allow dynamic values to be used from Tridion.
So the appropriate filter (Text Studio File Type) is installed and configured for WS for what Tridion wants to do. The following inline tags are added:
So for example, when a new project is created and uploaded file source is:
The result in Browser Workbench is:
While this is exactly what is desired, it is only working in WS. While Tridion is able to connect and create projects in WS, they are not able to get the same result using the same source file. It is reported that the filter "W3C ITS Compliant XML Studio File Type" should be configured. Would someone be kind enough to assist with the configuration?

To accomplish the task of processing special fields and creating placeholders in WorldServer for a file sent from a Tridion server, the file will need to be processed by the WorldServer “W3C ITS Compliant XML Studio File Type” (W3C filter) filter. However the W3C filter expects to find its processing instructions in the Tridion file itself. So to process special fields and create placeholders, add the placeholder instructions within the Tridion file.


How to send XQuery Code to eval at one particular MarkLogic App server that configured to use local file as its Module DB?

MarkLogic Visual Studio Code Extension provides a way to dynamically send the Xquery code to different MarkLogic enviroments by changing mlxps:setting in its header comment block.
However, it does not work if the Xquery will need to refer to other Xquery library files stored on the local drive, as there is no option to set which ML Http server that the Xquery should be evaluated at.
In contrast, if we need to run the same Xquery from QConsole,
Here is the screenshot if I try send it to port 8300 which is the used for that http server form visual studio code.
Any solution for that? Does it mean this mlxprs could only work for Module in Module DB?
(This is the same problem for sending Xquery form ml-gradle, as one could not specify which App server the XQuery will be sent to.)
I think there may be an issue that in order to eval code against the appserver, it needs to use the /v1/eval endpoint, and that appserver needs to be configured as a REST-API server.
However, configuring the modules database to use the filesystem is not supported for REST API appservers.
The path of least resistance would be to use a modules database and deploy your modules, rather than trying to use the filesystem, but it is an inconvenient limitation.

Find Task names of an SSIS file or Find xml code of an ssis package from sql server 2019 using T-SQL

there is a Windows Server which runs an SQL Server 2019 instance at my company. I have deployed an Integration services solution (project deployment model) with some SSIS packages. I wondered if there is any way to get data flow task names from the packages, or to get the xml file body in order to extract names by using T-SQL. If none of the above is possible i would like to know in which directory the actual dtsx files are stored in Windows Server when you deploy a solution in SQL Server. I have searched a lot for the above but i cannot find any answer.
Thanks in advance.
How is the package deployed? If it's File System, you could likely do
something like Powershell and SQL. I can't, personally, remember if
packages deployed in msdb are encrypted (I haven't used the deployment
method since 2012), however, if they are deployed via SSISDB you won't
be able to query the packages stored in the database as they are all
encrypted. You'd need to inspect the source packages (in your source
controlled project).
From a comment by #Larnu

RDL vs RDLC woes when using custom code and subreports in a local report

I'm having a rather complicated problem with SSRS.
First off, we are using Local reports. We have to because the data we are using comes from rest services.
Secondly, we have build a custom library for our reports called ReportFunctions that we want to use.
We are using sql server data tools to build the .rdl (Not to be confused with RDLC) and then we copy the file into our VS project. We set build action to Content and Copy If Newer.
This works great for all of our base reports. We can even use the custom library.
Now we want to use some of these base reports as sub reports. Let's call this report "AllReports". It consists of a "SummaryReport" and a "DetailReport".
Summary and Detail are two RDL files that also need to be loaded independently.
In the code for building AllReports, I have this:
reportViewer.LocalReport.SubreportProcessing += LocalReport_SubreportProcessing;
reportViewer.LocalReport.LoadSubreportDefinition("SummaryReport", File.OpenText(Server.MapPath("SummaryReport.rdl")));
reportViewer.LocalReport.LoadSubreportDefinition("DetailReport", File.OpenText(Server.MapPath("DetailReport.rdl")));
private void LocalReport_SubreportProcessing(object sender, SubreportProcessingEventArgs e)
//Set e.DataSources here depending on e.ReportPath
When I run SummaryReport or DetailReport, they work fine. When I run AllReports I get an error:
The subreport 'SummarySubreport' could not be found at the specified location C:\path\to\my\project\Reports\SummaryReport.rdlc. Please verify that the subreport has been published and that the name is correct.
For fun, I switched the extension of the two sub reports to .rdlc Then I get a build error when I compile in visual studio:
Error while loading code module: ‘ReportFunctions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d88351e3d4dffe2f’. Details: Could not load file or assembly 'ReportFunctions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d88351e3d4dffe2f' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
DetailReport is the one that uses the external library of custom functions.
I cannot place my DLL anywhere on the server except in the bin of the project. I can't stress this enough. I also cannot move to server reports. I have to use local reports.
If I set the build action to None on the RDLC, it works, but when I deploy my RDLC is not published.
Can I get the RDLC to compile? What am I missing to make my report viewer use an RDL instead of an RDLC for my subreports?
After 11 hours of working on this problem, I discovered the build server was assigning revision numbers to all libraries when they were built. So, locally ReportFunctions would be given as the version and everything was cool. Then when it was deployed the build server would do its thing and the reports would break.
To anyone else having this issue, check the version numbers of the compiled DLL's, especially if you are using a build process.
Also, to get around the compile issue of the RDLC, we switched the build action to None and we set up the build server to copy any RDLC files over manually once the build succeeds.

How to deploy an Excel XLL Add-In and automatically register the Add-In in Excel

I have developed an Excel XLL using ExcelDNA and C#. I am at the point where I would like to begin testing the deployment, but cannot find much information that actually provides steps that work.
My project was developed as a Class library with ExcelDna references. In the .dna file, I have the code below that will pack all resources into a packed version of the XLL (i.e. the Pack="true" attribute).
<DnaLibrary Name="ExcelXLL" RuntimeVersion="v4.0" Language="C#">
<ExternalLibrary Path="ExcelXLL.dll" LoadFromBytes="false" Pack="true" />
I would like to deploy the packed XLL to the target machine in the path:
In order to automatically register the XLL with Excel, I need to add a registry key that depends on the version of Excel that the user has.
For instance, on my computer (Windows 7 64 bit running Excel 2007 32-bit), I would need to add a registry key to the following path:
The key would be type REG_SZ with the name OPEN (or OPEN1, OPEN2, etc.) and the value
/R "ExcelXLL-packed.xll"
I have 2 problems though. The first is in determining which version of Excel that the user has to get the correct path and the 2nd is to determine the correct OPEN version that I need to create (for example, if the user already has OPEN, OPEN1, and OPEN2 then I would create an OPEN3 key).
I am trying to do the installation using either the Setup and Deployment project or a InstallShield LE project and cannot determine how to go about this. Does anyone know how to do this or a better way of doing it?
I have done a great deal of research on this and have looked at several windows installers.
In the Package and Deployment and InstallShield LE, I can get the install/uninstall to work by putting an installer class into my class library and bundling project output with the install. In this approach, I handle inserting/removing the registry key using the installer class. The problem that I have is that the user must uninstall first before running a new install (no update capability).
I downloaded the Setup Factory demo version and can get install/update to work but cannot do the framework check (not shipped with the demo). Also, the uninstall fails (though I may be able to get this to work with some more investigation).
I am interested in using the WiX installer, but would like to know if anyone has a sample of how to perform the deployment using WiX. I would also like to know if I need to use the installer class or if there is a different way to handle the search for the OPEN[n] key under HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office[Version].0\Excel\Options. If I were to use the project output to enable the installer class, then I need to have 2 separate target directories (one under Program Files for the basic project output and one under %appdata%\Microsoft\AddIns for the packed XLL).
Any help is greatly appreciated.
To detect Excel 32-bit vs. 64-bit, you can check the registry: Detect whether Office is 32bit or 64bit via the registry
For the OPEN, OPEN1, OPEN2 etc. you typically need a Custom Action in the install script that enumerates the keys.
Using IsWix and Wix 3.7, I was able to resolve this.
Useful links for how to register the components are as follows:
For generating a C# class to handle Windows Installer Custom Actions:
For setting the property of the CustomAction.config file to Content
WIX Custom Actions built for .Net Framework 4.0 does not work? Ways to resolve?
For general knowledge on WiX (Very important)

Using Soap in Shared Mono Library for WP 7 and Android

I'm currently working on an shared library based on mono, where I want to put as much business logic of my app as possible.
I used this helpful tutorial.
I managed putting the whole logic for rest-requests in this shared library, but now I'm stuck with soap.
I used the wsdl command of mono to generate Client Stubcode from my wsdl (as described here
When I put the generated class to my C# library, which is the root project of my shared library, there is a warning that the Reference to System.Web.Services cannot be found.
So I included the System.Web.Services.dll manually.
For the Android Library Project I added a Reference to ...\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v1.0\System.Web.Services.dll. It compiles without warnings.
But now it comes to the Windows Phone Library Project.
There is no System.Web.Services.dll for WP 7.5, right? I tried with the Mono-Touch dll but it gives me a lot compilation Errors.
Someone knows how I can get out of this?
I actually had some issues with the generated WSDL myself. Turns out that the classes that were generated through the "Create Web Reference" piece of Visual Studio inside of a Mono for Android project ended up causing some big issues when connected to a WCF Web Service. Not sure where I ran into this information, but this is what I ended up doing.
What you need to do is manually create a Service Reference using the SILVERLIGHT SVCUtil.
On my development system it was located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v3.0\Tools
I called it with the below command line:
slsvcutil.exe http://localhost/<path to WCF service endpoint>/service.svc /directory:"<temp directory to store generated cs file>" /noConfig /namespace:"*,<Full namespace of the generated class>"
That will actually generate a CS file that is saved into the path specified by the /directory tag above. Copy that generated cs file to your project directory and then include it in the project.
The problem that I was having that forced me to look for another option was that I was able to pull the data properly using the WSDL generated through the "Add Web Reference" option in Visual Studio, but as soon as I tried to pass the data back up the wire to the web service, everything blew up. Using the Service Reference generated by the Silverlight Service Util actually generated all the code properly for Async operations and after learning how to properly manage those Async operations everything works like a dream.
Since you are generating this new WSDL using the Silverlight Utility, it should work just fine through Windows Phone 7. I believe that the DLL to reference for all of this is the System.ServiceModel dll.
I wish I could remember where I ran across this information, as I would like to give the original author credit, but unfortunately, I don't recall that.
Hope that helps out!
Chaitanya Marvici