How to send XQuery Code to eval at one particular MarkLogic App server that configured to use local file as its Module DB? - visual-studio-code

MarkLogic Visual Studio Code Extension provides a way to dynamically send the Xquery code to different MarkLogic enviroments by changing mlxps:setting in its header comment block.
However, it does not work if the Xquery will need to refer to other Xquery library files stored on the local drive, as there is no option to set which ML Http server that the Xquery should be evaluated at.
In contrast, if we need to run the same Xquery from QConsole,
Here is the screenshot if I try send it to port 8300 which is the used for that http server form visual studio code.
Any solution for that? Does it mean this mlxprs could only work for Module in Module DB?
(This is the same problem for sending Xquery form ml-gradle, as one could not specify which App server the XQuery will be sent to.)

I think there may be an issue that in order to eval code against the appserver, it needs to use the /v1/eval endpoint, and that appserver needs to be configured as a REST-API server.
However, configuring the modules database to use the filesystem is not supported for REST API appservers.
The path of least resistance would be to use a modules database and deploy your modules, rather than trying to use the filesystem, but it is an inconvenient limitation.


Find Task names of an SSIS file or Find xml code of an ssis package from sql server 2019 using T-SQL

there is a Windows Server which runs an SQL Server 2019 instance at my company. I have deployed an Integration services solution (project deployment model) with some SSIS packages. I wondered if there is any way to get data flow task names from the packages, or to get the xml file body in order to extract names by using T-SQL. If none of the above is possible i would like to know in which directory the actual dtsx files are stored in Windows Server when you deploy a solution in SQL Server. I have searched a lot for the above but i cannot find any answer.
Thanks in advance.
How is the package deployed? If it's File System, you could likely do
something like Powershell and SQL. I can't, personally, remember if
packages deployed in msdb are encrypted (I haven't used the deployment
method since 2012), however, if they are deployed via SSISDB you won't
be able to query the packages stored in the database as they are all
encrypted. You'd need to inspect the source packages (in your source
controlled project).
From a comment by #Larnu

Build code in vscode using external http server

Our code building process is done via an http server which starts the build process after receiving a project uuid from the build command. Once the server starts the compilation, GCC compatible output can be fetched from it.
Note: only my extension is aware of the project uuid which is different per workspace.
AFAIU I can implement it by:
programmatically adding a task which will call a script with the correct workspace uuid. Is this possible?
Having my extension manage the build process. This seems to be far from supported.
Bottom line, I'm trying to avoid asking the user to add anything to the configuration files and I want to completely manage the build process.
As I didn't find a suitable only vscode solution I did the following:
Defined a helper script which I executed as the task. The helper script was respojnsible for the communication against the HTTP server.
I registered the task using vscode.workspace.registerTaskProvider API, and made sure to register it only after figuring out the UUID.
Then in the task itself I executed the helper script.
(A nice task register example can be found here:

Export current DSC configuration for import to another server (using IIS website as an example)

I'm trying to wrap my hand around DSC in PowerShell 4.0, what's possible, and what's not. I've installed xWebAdministration Module.
Could I create a website in IIS, then somehow export it to the a .ps1 file (I think in the MOF format). For example, txWebAdministration has a sample called xWebAdministration\Examples\Sample_xWebsite_NewWebsite.ps1. Could I use an existing website to build a file like this? Or do I have to type everything in manually?
I'm basically trying to jump in and try some things without reading from end-to-end. I was hoping Get-DscConfiguration would somehow read my IIS configuration and create such a file.
For example, in SQLServer, you can create a database and tables using the graphical user interface of SQL Studio Management Studio (SSMS), then export a script to re-create those same tables on another server.
Is such a concept possible with DSC, or am I missing the boat.
There is nothing like this at the moment.
Keep in mind DSC is very new and quite sparse. The DSC Resource Kit is created by people at Microsoft, but isn't supported or all that official.
You could write a script to parse an existing web site and export it to a configuration in a PS1, or even directly into an MOF (it's a text file too), but there is nothing close to this functionality existing at the moment.
Your best bet is probably to type it out manually at this time.
There is a tool that creates a DSC configuration from an existing machine called GuardRail but I think it will not support the experimental xWebAdministration Module. As briantist said, it wouldn't be too difficult to create a powershell script that uses WebAdministration commandlets to produce a DSC configuration.
In fact a workmate asked me the same question today and I'm considering writing one. If you I'll update my answer in a few days with a script that will do this.

Location of Websphere Application Server config files

I have a Websphere Application Server v8.0, and my job requires me to change the location of my JDBC data source to different values to test in different environments. I traditionally would do this via the admin console and change the settings via the Resources > JDBC > Data sources section, but I'd like to write a script to change these settings. When I run the admin console, where do the settings get stored? I can run the console vis-a-vis the Servers tab in Eclipse (Rational Application Developer) or by navigating to localhost:9044, but I don't know where the settings are stored - which I'd need to write said script.
Can anybody help me out?
From what I remember of WebSphere Application Server, the settings are ultimately persisted to the file system - however you shouldn't be changing them this way because application server config is a messy and complicated business and by directly changing settings you risk destroying your app server.
I'd recommend checking out this redbook, particularly Chapter 8 which describes how you can configure your app server with scripts. Also I seem to recall plans to display the equivalent scripting commands in the admin console.
If it helps, I had a quick look locally and found a reference to my JDBC data source in "resources.xml" located within the websphere directory at...
<server profile root>\config\cells\<aNodeCell>\nodes\<aNode>\servers\<aServer>
In the past I've used xml config to read values for convenience, but not often to update. Instead I have made use of some of the jython script options available and can echo Jim's response to check out the options there in case there is something that would be a viable alternative.
There is another link that may be of interest Configuring data access with wsadmin scripting. I've not used this particular feature of wsadmin myself but it does appear to show promise at first glance.
If you want to write a script, then rather than looking at file system write a proper jython script, which will do your modifications in the similar way as you would do it via console.
To make writing script easier you can use:
Command assistance in the console - the Help portlet on the right shows last invoked command in jython
Script library, which already provides some scripts - Automating data access resource configuration using wsadmin scripting
And basic scripting commands - Configuring data access with wsadmin scripting

Can I use Eclipse XQDT to debug Marklogic modules/xquery?

Hi Markloggers out there,
I am working now a coupe of months with Marklogic, developping xquery, modules, applications on the ML app server etc etc. I use eclipse a lot, I have XQDT up and running for several marklogic servers. We use the console also.
What I miss is a debug functionality... in Eclispe with XQDT I cannot get the debug function working?
What I need is a nice and clean way to quickly test and develop modelules and functions...
This is my basic lib from the ML example documentation:
xquery version "1.0-ml";
module namespace lib = '';
declare function lib:user()
I have this is my XQDT project in eclipse, I have setup a marklogic XDBC server locally and it works ok.
Now I want to use the above module from a file again in the XQDT project in eclipse. But without going to steps of uploading the module to the db etc etc...:
(: XQuery main module :)
import module namespace lib = '' at 'lib.xq';
XDMP-MODNOTFOUND: (err:XQST0059) Module /lib.xq not found
Question 1: Is there a way to find the module without putting it in a module root? In the docs it says from a XQDT project I could source a module but I cannot get it to work...
Question 2: I can execute arbitrary xquery to the local Marklogic server but if I set a debug flag anywhere in a xgy file in the XQDT project and press the debug button I get a popup saying "The Debug Engine is not properly configured". Can anyone explain to me if it is possible to use the debug option in eclipse XQDT with Marklogic 7 ?
It's best to limit yourself to one question per SO post. After all you can only accept one answer.
Now I want to use the above module from a file again in the XQDT
project in eclipse. But without going to steps of uploading the module
to the db etc
That's a problem. You can evaluate an ad-hoc query directly. But if it references a library module, that library module needs to be available to the server. You're going to have to copy it to the server sooner or later anyhow, so do it sooner. I don't use an IDE myself, but can't you set it up to do that for you?
Question 1: Is there a way to find the module without putting it in a module root?
Not in the broadest sense of "module root", no. The docs at talk about how this works. Somehow or other, you need to make the library module available to MarkLogic.
I can't address your last question. I don't use an IDE, and even if I did I probably wouldn't use a debugger. Instead I xdmp:log messages to ErrorLog.txt, and occasionally I'll plant an breakpoint-like error() call in my code.