I can't pay with Paypal through WooCommerce - paypal

When I check out the products I wish to purchase from my store it directs me to Paypal's page and I need to log in to my paypal account in order to purchase the items. However, every time I try logging in it says "Please check your email address and password and try again" which is very concerning since it works when I log in through Paypal's website. I'm so confused and started searching for answers online and I found out I might have to use IPN or API.. all those stuff and I have no clue what is going on... please help!

Sounds like maybe you've got WooCommerce set to run in test mode but you're using your live PayPal account credentials to try logging in. That won't work.
If you are indeed set to test mode you need to create test accounts to play with at http://developer.paypal.com.
Alternatively, just set WooCommerce to run in live mode and then your live PayPal account credentials would work, although, you'll need to a live PayPal account separate from your seller account because you can't pay yourself.


When check out with Paypal the site still lead to sandbox.paypal.com

After I finished configuring the Paypal checkout plugin, I continue to proceed checking out, first time I can check out with my account even though the url that Odoo or Paypal lead to was sandbox.paypal.com, but with the second time I check out it don't work anymore though I can still login my account at Paypal.com, it said "Wrong username, password" times after times after I tried to login with my account at the sandbox.paypal.com url. Someone please help me, thanks in advance!
Edit: I found this but I dont know how to get it to work with Odoo Paypal button.
Testing on the Live System
It is a good idea to test on the live system to make sure the switch to the live system doesn't introduce any problems. Some things to consider when testing on live:
You will need access to a Personal account with a credit card linked and a verified Business account.
Switch from the sandbox URL https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr to the live site URL https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr.
Pre-fund the Personal account to avoid incurring charges on the credit card.
Test transactions can be as little as $0.01 USD.
Payments may be refunded resulting in a full fee credit.
It is good practice to log all IPNs received in a log file or database.
If the redirect URL is sandbox.paypal.com, you need to login it by your sandbox account, not live account.
Refer to https://developer.paypal.com/docs/integration/paypal-here/sandbox-testing/managing-sandbox-accounts/ to create a sandbox account or modify existing sandbox account's password.

Where do I put the IPN url in the sandbox of Paypal?

I have an asp.net website that is supposed to allow users to make payments with Paypal. I want to test it with the Paypal sandbox.
So I created a developer/business account at "developer.paypal.com'.
Using this account I created a lot of fake email accounts, some personal, some business, for testing. But now, I want to tell the website to enable IPN, and also, to send IPN notifications to a particular URL. I don't see a place on the site to do that. (I assume this would be in the sandbox site, not in the real site).
Any help is appreciated.
Try enabling it on the account level (log into the sandbox account and set it there). There is an IPN simulator as well.

woocommerce integration not working

When I check out the products I wish to purchase from my store it directs me to Paypal's page and I need to log in to my paypal account in order to purchase the items. However, every time I try logging in it says "Please check your email address and password and try again" which is very concerning since it works when I log in through Paypal's website.
It is not set to a test account. And I have tried using various paypal accounts.
Any advice?
WooCommerce is a great feature for Wordpress sites. I personally use the MagicPay gateway (see link if you want to check it out) with my online store, it integrates perfectly to my site and my customers don't have to have Paypal, they can just punch in their credit card numbers...
When I signed up they have a guy there who helped me with the integration.
Hope I helped!

OpenCart: Paypal Session Time-Out

I am using the standard paypal payment method with my opencart website. When I go through the checkout process and get redirected to the PayPal website, I get to login and choose my payment source on the paypal site. However, when it starts processing, it just returns "Your session has timed out, please log in again." and logs me out of Paypal.
Any help would be appreciated.
I had facing this problem also. If you are using sandbox mode, You should be gave test account for buyer(buyer account must be business account) and also seller account must be individual account(personal). for example xxx#gmail.com is buyer account you should put it in admin panel paypal extension,then you should login in E-store website with seller account(yyy#gmail.com) and proceed to paypal it will works well.
Some times the cookies that Paypal sets are really annoying, try cleaning all of them, it helped me with other Paypal related errors.

paypal sandbox merchant account error

I have a website that I'm trying to hook paypal up to with a php script. php builds the query string and then submits to https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr with the query string attached. I can verify that this works fine. I haven't processed a payment but it directs to PayPal with the correct quantities and prices, etc.
However when I change to https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr I get an error when I try to process that says there was a problem with the merchants PayPal account.
I have created several test accounts on PayPal sandbox but from what I can tell looking around it seems I need another merchant account in the sandbox? If so, I don't see how to do this. I'm guessing I need to change the "?business=mycode" portion of the query string but I don't know how to figure out what to change it to...
Anyway I looked around a while and can't find the answer, can anyone help or direct me to another post that answers this (I looked but couldn't find it, or at least didn't understand it if I did)?
When changing back from live to sandbox, all you should need to change if using a non hosted button is the URL to reflect the environment that you are trying to test with and the value of the business variable. This can be set to either your email address of the actual test or live seller account or the merchant id. If you have not already created an account for testing. You can do so by going to PayPal's Developer Site, and creating a developer account. Then once you have done this, you can log into the developer account and go to the Applications tab. Once on this page, click the link for sandbox accounts on the left, and create a preconfigured test seller account. This will generate an email address linked to a test account. This will be the email address that you will need to use. If this doesn't work, can you provide the string that you are submitting over to PayPal or the button code that you are using and I will take a look at it.
There is error in API key for sandbox testing in Paypal... It is due to corrupt key generation which is not properly decoded on sandbox server when you send a purchase request.
I tried using following sandbox public credentials and it works fine for me
username: sdk-three_api1.sdk.com
password: QFZCWN5HZM8VBG7Q
key: A-IzJhZZjhg29XQ2qnhapuwxIDzyAZQ92FRP5dqBzVesOkzbdUONzmOU
however I tried several times using the sandbox merchant account that i have created myself.... but was unable to ACK success.