I have imported, from git, a large build that has a bunch of 3rd party dependencies. The annoying thing is, that there is no javadoc attached for any of the 3rd party apis! Is there any way to automatically add javadoc to an Eclipse project's libraries (all referenced libraries, not just one)? It would take way too long to add all the javadoc one by one.
Although I'm using gradle to build, it uses maven under the hood and generates a pom. I would figure that there's a way to generate javadoc from all referenced libraries in the pom, rather than have to add them each one at a time via the eclipse build path.
My instinct says there's not simply by asking 'how would we know remotely where the javadoc is kept', but I have to ask just in case someone knows a way. I'd hate to add all the javadoc manually and figure out there's a faster way.
Have you seen this answer? Maven – Always download sources and javadocs
If that doesn't work, then probably the sources are unavailable for the dependencies you added (and you'll have to do it manually, as far as I know).
I'm working on a scala sbt project, and I am at a point where I want to assemble the whole thing to share a .jar-file with others, so that they can use it on their side. For my local testing, I'm doing so using the sbt-assembly plugin, that works nicely.
When sharing, I would though prefer to only share the parts that are important for the other party (the project has huge components that irrelevant at the current point, and I'd prefer not to share these for various reasons). Concretely, they will be executing one particular main file, so it would be enough to pack everything that this file depends on.
Is there a way to accomplish this? I'd also be interested in doing this on the code level (i.e., create a copy of the project that only contains dependencies of that main file), but also while assembling or even modifying the jar file after assembly is okay. I did not find the tools to achieve any of these.
As I said, I'm dealing with a scala sbt project, and I'm working with IntelliJ IDEA; I'd also be happy with an IDE tool that does the job.
we have some dependent/common jars of the plugin which we are currently placing in .lib of ContentNavigator application and referring the same in build.xml of ContentNavigator. while we placed the jars in local and tried to give the local path in build.xml it didn't worked out.Can anyone suggest what is the recommended way of doing it?
I've applied the following approaches:
Embed/extract all the content(.class files) of the dependency-jars within the navigator plugin. While the upside is that you have a nice bundle containing all your dependency-classes, it might cause some problems with signed jar's. Or on files that are duplicate amongst your dependencies.
Make use of the "Shared Library" concept. You basically "attach" jar's to the classloader of your server/JVM, Application(ear) or module(war). In your case you would probably attach the shared-library to the navigator.ear, allowing all plugins to access the dependencies you register as a sharedlibrary. One huge downside is (in my experience) that you need to reboot websphere every time you update one of the library-jars.
A third option is to move the functionality out of your ICN Plugin, and let another EAR/EJB do the work (and reference to it from the plugin using a jndi lookup).
I personally prefer option 3 because it's the cleanest way to bundle your functionality&dependencies in an EAR. But option 2 will be a good call when libraries are truely common and won't be updated often.
p.s. In your question you mention the build aspect of your software as well (e.g. "how to correctly reference the dependencies"). You might want to look into the concepts of "dependency management" (using Ant, IVY is a good choice, but i would suggest moving to Maven, or Gradle)
I'm developing a struts2 webapp for months now using maven to manage my dependencies and I've just discovered LESS. I have installed and configured the LESS plug-in for Eclipse but it's really annoying to right click > run as > LESS compiler every time I save the .less file due to a modification of its content or something...
The thing is that I've been researching on how to plug in grunt.js (recently discovered task runners too) into maven (as explained here) but I think it's quite hard and I wondered if somebody knew an alternative to this.
In my struts2 project I have both the front and back-end of my webapp.I know it's not the right approach and if I could start all over again I would separate them into two different projects, but now it's too late (disadvantages of the learning proccess, we're not born knowing it all).
Having said all this, how can I set up a kind of task for watching my .less files and automatically compile them into .css when saved/changed?
I also found this ant task here, but I dont really know if it's what I'm looking for.
There are a lot of Java Less compiler (see Java Compiler for Less CSS?), so you can execute one of them by your build tool (e.g. Ant - maybe you need to write a simple Java application, which use the chosen compiler).
If you use Maven (or can switch to it) to project management, then you can use one of lesscss-maven-plugin:
see more...
It is possible to create an ant task to compile certain .less files into CSS whenever they are modified, and more or less is what I was looking for, but grunt seems to be more flexible as you can tell it to watch all your files with .less extension and in this solution I've found you have to declare in an .xml file the .less files you want ant to watch.
This is not explicitly what I was looking for so I'll leave this question open for now as I'll keep researching on how to make this solution more dynamic and see if it is possible to avoid the fact of defining every .less source and .css target you want.
Link to solution here
Considering that I am developing an end-user software program (as an uberjar) I am wondering what my options are to make it possible for the user to download a plugin and load that during runtime.
The plugin(s) should come compiled and without source code, so sth. like load is not an option.
What existing libraries (or ways of Java...?) exist to build this on?
EDIT: If you are not sure I would also be satisfied with a way that costs a reboot/-start of the main-program. However, what is important is that the source-code won't be included in any JAR file (neither main application nor plugin-jars, see :omit-source of Leiningen documentation).
To add a jar during runtime, use pomegranate which lets you add a .jar file to the classpath. Plugins of your software should be regular Clojure libs that follow certain conventions that you need to establish:
Make them provide (e. g. in an edn) a symbol to an object implementing a constructor/destructor mechanism such as the Lifecycle protocol in Stuart Sierras component library. In runtime, require and resolve that symbol, start the resulting object and hand it over to rest your programs plugin coordination facilities.
Provide a public API in your program that allows the plugins to interact with it in ways that you coordinate asynchronously e. g. with clojure.core.async (don't let one plugin block the entire program).
Make sure that the plugins have a coordinated way to expose their functionality to each other only if they desire so to enable a high degree of modularity among your plugins. Make sure that your plugin loader is capable of detecting dependencies among plugins and is capable of loading and unloading them in the right order.
I've not tried it myself, but you should in theory be able to get OSGi to work with Clojure.
There's a Clojure / OSGi integration library here:
If I were to attempt to role my own solution, I would try using tools.namespace to load and unload plugins. I'm not entirely sure it will work, but it's certainly in the right direction. I think one key piece is that the plugin jars will have to be "installed" in a location that's already on the classpath.
Again, this is only the start of one possible solution. I haven't tried doing this.
I want to use the "Web Tools Editor" that is part of the Web Tools Plattform in my own RCP-Application. I think i have got some understanding on the RCP plattform by now, but I still have no clue how to access the functionality of the pagedesigner (org.eclipse.jst.pagedesigner) after adding it as a dependency to my project. Has anyone some experience in adding components of the web tools plattform into an RCP-Application and can give me a hint or something?
There's a difficulty with these sorts of requests (I am, myself, trying to include this or that feature that I saw in the Eclipse IDE, every so often).
The trick is to try and identify the component you want to bring in, and then try and pull it into your project, without bringing in too many dependencies.
The first step used to be quite hard, but since 3.4 it is a matter of using the Plug-In Spy - hold down Alt-Shift-F1 on whilst your desired component is in focus should give you a tooltip showing you the class, the bundle, etc etc.
The second step is altogether more tricky and is where I usuaully fail to get any results:
if you are lucky then you can just include the bundle in the launch configuration/.product of your app. Once you hit Add Required Bundles, you are not left with 3000 bundles (i.e. your RCP is now Eclipse).
usually, this is not the case, because the Eclipse team haven't refactored the bit of code you're interested in out into an RCP safe bundle. If so, then you're going to have to do that yourself.
Again, if you are lucky then that will mean moving some classes out of the eclipse bundle into your own, including internal classes, and that will be the end of it - i.e. the dependencies of your desired functionality are all within the bundle.
If you're unlucky, then you need to isolate/reimplement the bit of functionality that is required, and change your version of the copied code.
It is hard laborious, and pretty difficult to upgrade. I realise that none of this is what you want to hear.