Assemble transitive closure of a main file in scala sbt project - scala

I'm working on a scala sbt project, and I am at a point where I want to assemble the whole thing to share a .jar-file with others, so that they can use it on their side. For my local testing, I'm doing so using the sbt-assembly plugin, that works nicely.
When sharing, I would though prefer to only share the parts that are important for the other party (the project has huge components that irrelevant at the current point, and I'd prefer not to share these for various reasons). Concretely, they will be executing one particular main file, so it would be enough to pack everything that this file depends on.
Is there a way to accomplish this? I'd also be interested in doing this on the code level (i.e., create a copy of the project that only contains dependencies of that main file), but also while assembling or even modifying the jar file after assembly is okay. I did not find the tools to achieve any of these.
As I said, I'm dealing with a scala sbt project, and I'm working with IntelliJ IDEA; I'd also be happy with an IDE tool that does the job.


Recommended way of placing dependent jars in ContentNavigator

we have some dependent/common jars of the plugin which we are currently placing in .lib of ContentNavigator application and referring the same in build.xml of ContentNavigator. while we placed the jars in local and tried to give the local path in build.xml it didn't worked out.Can anyone suggest what is the recommended way of doing it?
I've applied the following approaches:
Embed/extract all the content(.class files) of the dependency-jars within the navigator plugin. While the upside is that you have a nice bundle containing all your dependency-classes, it might cause some problems with signed jar's. Or on files that are duplicate amongst your dependencies.
Make use of the "Shared Library" concept. You basically "attach" jar's to the classloader of your server/JVM, Application(ear) or module(war). In your case you would probably attach the shared-library to the navigator.ear, allowing all plugins to access the dependencies you register as a sharedlibrary. One huge downside is (in my experience) that you need to reboot websphere every time you update one of the library-jars.
A third option is to move the functionality out of your ICN Plugin, and let another EAR/EJB do the work (and reference to it from the plugin using a jndi lookup).
I personally prefer option 3 because it's the cleanest way to bundle your functionality&dependencies in an EAR. But option 2 will be a good call when libraries are truely common and won't be updated often.
p.s. In your question you mention the build aspect of your software as well (e.g. "how to correctly reference the dependencies"). You might want to look into the concepts of "dependency management" (using Ant, IVY is a good choice, but i would suggest moving to Maven, or Gradle)

How to compile LESS into CSS when files are saved in Eclipse

I'm developing a struts2 webapp for months now using maven to manage my dependencies and I've just discovered LESS. I have installed and configured the LESS plug-in for Eclipse but it's really annoying to right click > run as > LESS compiler every time I save the .less file due to a modification of its content or something...
The thing is that I've been researching on how to plug in grunt.js (recently discovered task runners too) into maven (as explained here) but I think it's quite hard and I wondered if somebody knew an alternative to this.
In my struts2 project I have both the front and back-end of my webapp.I know it's not the right approach and if I could start all over again I would separate them into two different projects, but now it's too late (disadvantages of the learning proccess, we're not born knowing it all).
Having said all this, how can I set up a kind of task for watching my .less files and automatically compile them into .css when saved/changed?
I also found this ant task here, but I dont really know if it's what I'm looking for.
There are a lot of Java Less compiler (see Java Compiler for Less CSS?), so you can execute one of them by your build tool (e.g. Ant - maybe you need to write a simple Java application, which use the chosen compiler).
If you use Maven (or can switch to it) to project management, then you can use one of lesscss-maven-plugin:
see more...
It is possible to create an ant task to compile certain .less files into CSS whenever they are modified, and more or less is what I was looking for, but grunt seems to be more flexible as you can tell it to watch all your files with .less extension and in this solution I've found you have to declare in an .xml file the .less files you want ant to watch.
This is not explicitly what I was looking for so I'll leave this question open for now as I'll keep researching on how to make this solution more dynamic and see if it is possible to avoid the fact of defining every .less source and .css target you want.
Link to solution here

Managing a scala project with a Makefile

First of all, I know how to write a basic/intermediate level
makefile. In my c++ projects I use a makefile that does a lot of stuff
automatically. The most important to me is that it automatically
detects all source files (which are always in the same folder) using
wildcards, uses that to predict the name (and location) of all object files, and compiles appropriately.
Recently I've been trying to achieve the same effect with my scala
projects, but I've hit two obstacles.
Copilled class files which belong to packages are stored inside
subdirectories (like com/me/mypack/). This is a problem because
Make needs to find these files to check the timestamps (and I
have no idea how to do that automatically).
Some source files (such as those defining a package object)
generate class files with different naming standards. Again, Make
needs to know where these class files are and I don't know how to
do that automatically.
The consequence of this is that the "problematic" source files are
recompiled every time I run make (which is aggravated by scala's long
compile times). I'd like to know how to fix that without having to
manually write out the entire list of expected class files.
EDIT As an extra note: I'd like to avoid placing the source files in subdirectories. I like keeping them all in the same directory for several reasons.
You should use sbt or Maven for Scala. These are designed specifically for the way Scala and Java work, and they will be much easier to set up and use. They also provide many more features than make does.
These tools are used for a variety of things. Compiling is a big one, but they are also important for dependency management. Also, sbt (and probably Maven?) does "incremental compilation", so that only classes that have changed are recompiled, which speeds up compilation.
I personally use sbt, but I know people who prefer Maven.

How best to structure and build Clojure apps with plugins?

I think (see below) that I would like to structure a Clojure project as multiple modules, with ordered dependencies - just like Maven lets me do with multi-modules projects.
But I can't see how to do this with Leiningen - all I can see is the checkouts fix described in the FAQ which doesn't seem to be as powerful.
Will lein do this? Should I be using Gradle instead? Or is this kind of thing not needed?
Some more context: I am wondering how to architect a modular application that supports plugins (which I imagine means jars dumped on the classpath). And am wondering to what extent I can structure that as a core + plugins (I am thinking I should be able to do something with Clojure's dynamic code loading and not have to go with Java/OSGi). So I guess the driving motivation for a single project comes from wanting some way of packaging everything (the core + default plugins) as a single blob that is easy for the end user, but which can also be divided up (and which is built and tested in fragments, testing the logical independence of each module). More general advice about this is welcome
A possible solution that wasn't mentioned below is using a Maven plugin - I assume that supports everything Maven does, but compiles Clojure, so will work with nested modules, etc.
First, it does not seem like Leiningen supports a module hierarchy like Maven does. The checkouts are the next closest thing it has. It should be sufficient though to develop a modular application in Clojure though.
For the project structure, I would have an API project, a "core" project, the plugins themselves, and a separate packaging project. The core and the plugins should only depend on the API. Which build tool you use to create the packaging project is up to you. Gradle would probably be more effective at handling the packaging, however having the "checkout" functionality Leiningen offers could make development of the system as a whole easier.
I would take a look at the code for Leiningen and Noir to figure out how to effectively handle this.
For dynamically loading the plugins, I would start with looking how Noir handles it in two of their files:
server.clj has namespace loading for all files under a particular namespace. Under the hood it uses tools.namespace, but you can easily see how it's used to require every namespace under a particular base. This is how Leiningen handles custom tasks as well - the base definition for the task should be in the leiningen.$task namespace.
core.clj has what I would use for plugin registration. In summary, use a map under an atom and add plugins to that map. I would advice wrapping the registration with a macro to keep your code cleaner.
What I listed above should be sufficient if you don't need to handle adding plugins at run time. If you don't have every plugin on the classpath during start-up, I would recommend utilizing pomegranite to add entries to the classpath. You can see an example in classpath.clj.

Basic maven issue- building a java/scala library

I'm sure I'm just being obtuse but I've bought the OA book, a couple of others and I'm still just as dense as before....I'm trying to build a scala library with maven and the scala plkugin, but I think this applies to Java as well.
It has no main code module, it's just a library. If I have a class such as com.busygeeks.binklebots and source files under it, I created
When I try a maven:compile, it completes successfully, but doesn't actually build anything.
I know it's very basic -- but I'm missing it. How can I say "Take everything under src/scala and build and jar it"
It looks like you might just need a main directory in there between src and scala.
If you really wanted to, you could specify a custom layout with the java and scala directories immediately under src. But you almost certainly don't want to, for the reasons given in the Maven documentation linked above.