How To Pause Video and show one UIVIEW and again continue with different Video - iphone

hi i want to play a video and it pause after a fixed time like 3:12 mm at the same time i want to show one view to user where form is there and when user fill form and submit the button then again play the video.

My Suggestion is use two instance of videoPlayer object. so when pausing first one make it 2nd player to play the video.
And Please use hidden property.


AVPlayer music stops when going to other view

im making a radio app and I have a swrevealviewcontroller with 3 views
enter image description here
this is the code of my first view, in trying to play music from a link with AVPlayer.
I can start and stop the music from playing with this code but
when I open the menu and click on a menulink my music stops playing.
I cannot find a solution for this, I have already added the bacground mode in capability.
btw every view controller already has one class assigned to it.
can somoene pls help me
Your AVPlayer variable is located within the class. So when you leave that viewcontroller - that variable no longer exists. Make it global (outside of the class) and that should work just fine.
everything is working now by adding the player and the functions outside of the class, so now it's a global player with functions to start and play it

simple custom video player for ios

I am developing an app in which I wanna show the tutorial on how to use the app. For that need a custom video player which should look simple with a single play/pause button, a seeker and a stop button.
I have tried some video players like "videoplayerkit". To use this videoplayerkit I have to install cocoapods(libpods.a). It would be very helpful if anyone help me with a custom third party video player that satisfies my need. In short I need something like this in the picture below
You can try out an example app I created if you would like to see an example of a custom movie player, the Xcode project is at AVSync. This movie player looks exactly like the default iOS movie player, but you can have a look at the code to see how a custom set of controls can be made to control a movie player underneath. This example sits on top on a custom movie library, but the basic idea of creating your own controls and having them submit actions is the same no matter how you implement it.

Showing UILabel on iPhone video application

I need to show some text on the running video in my iPhone application. I am using AVFOUNDATION.FRAMEWORK to stream my videos. What exactly I need is that, for example, if my video length is about 5 minutes then I want to show text on the video from minute 3 to minute 4 then at the end of the video for few seconds.
I have placed a UIView with UILabel on the video view, which is properly showing the text on it but it is constantly there. I want to limit this text so that whenever I want to show it on my video it comes up.
Is it possible?
I think you should set a NSTimer with delay and fire it when you want to show the label and again use another timer to hide it and so on. ie, set timer according, you will have to manually set it.

iPhone:Event when start video recording button clicked?

I like to know, are there any events can get triggered in our program whenever user is clicking on Camera start/stop buttons to record/stop the video?
From my application, it is possible to launch Video camera and start video recording and come back with the recorded video. I am using UIImagePickerController and didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo to get the data. It works fine. I want to handle something whenever user starts the video recording by clicking on built-in camera start button. Is it possible?
Please advise.
Thank you!
This is not possible using UIImagePickerController's default interface. You could however create a custom view (including a record button) and show it over the controller using the cameraOverlayView property. When the user presses your custom record button, call start/stopVideoCaptureā€”this would provide you with the information you're after.

Is it possible to play a video on iPhone and have a subtitles synchronized with it show up?

I want to add a "subtitles" to a video played in an iPhone app. I don't want those subtitles encoded into the video itself - ideally I'd love to have a view showing the video (with pause, play, volume and such standard controls) together with a view displaying the text that changes together with movie time changing.
If I drawn that, it's something like this,
So, basicly, I would need a way to get a method called when movie is playing, and then synchronize the text displayed on the label with the movie timing.
Anyone used a solution that was able to do it?
I've recently done something that syncs graphics to times in an audio track. The way I did it was by using the currentPlaybackTime property of the MPMediaPlayback interface (which the MoviePlayer controller should also conform to). This returns the seconds elapsed in the media, in a double (typedef'ed as NSTimeInterval). The actual synchronisation in my app was not done in notifications, as I couldn't find any resembling a "tick", but instead I created a timer, calling a function queried the currentPlaybackTime, and updated the graphics based on this.
In terms of your implementation, I would assume you have some kind of system for associating label text (subtitles) with a particular time. You could then compare the text's time range with the time returned from currentPlaybackTime to find the correct text to display.