simple custom video player for ios - iphone

I am developing an app in which I wanna show the tutorial on how to use the app. For that need a custom video player which should look simple with a single play/pause button, a seeker and a stop button.
I have tried some video players like "videoplayerkit". To use this videoplayerkit I have to install cocoapods(libpods.a). It would be very helpful if anyone help me with a custom third party video player that satisfies my need. In short I need something like this in the picture below

You can try out an example app I created if you would like to see an example of a custom movie player, the Xcode project is at AVSync. This movie player looks exactly like the default iOS movie player, but you can have a look at the code to see how a custom set of controls can be made to control a movie player underneath. This example sits on top on a custom movie library, but the basic idea of creating your own controls and having them submit actions is the same no matter how you implement it.


How to use vuforia in unity with sound

I have a problem using vuforia with unity, I have 10 videos in database and when I start the App the sound from the videos start playing immediately even if there is no cards to read from.
Check you AudioSource components are on the target object, so it gets disabled.
If this happens and you still have the problem, add custom code so that it gets muted on OnTrackingLost and unmute in OnTrackingFound.
The class you are looking for id DefaulTrackableEventHandler, you can inherit from that one and add that code instead to our target using overrides or add code there like GetComponent.

How to make video player in swift?

I am making video player in swift. I need add some custom buttons and functionality for standard video player:
1. Playing video from url (server)
2. Showing indicator while loading video like in VK
3. Add custom buttons to control (stop,pause buttons)
I try to use AVKit/AVPlayerViewController, but i cant understand how i can implement my tasks there. Can you give some advise, which is the better way to do this?

iOS 6 in app camera

Im building an app that allows the user to record a video (in app) by pressing a button on the main screen. I don't want the user to be taken to the photo app because the video will only be able to be viewed on the app (Max of 15 seconds) and I can't quite get it. Anyone have the code to do this? A good example of what i want the camera to do is the camera in the app Cinemagram. Thanks for any help.
If you plan on saving the movie to the user's photo library, then you can use UIImagePickerController. In particular, you should read the guide that accompanies the class.
However, if you only want the video to be temporary, then you will probably want to use AVFoundation. You would then need to configure an AVCaptureSession with an AVCaptureMovieFileOutput to write the video to disk. Then, when you are ready to play the video, create an AVURLAsset with the file url that you just wrote, use that to create an AVPlayer to play the video, and add an AVPlayerLayer to your view, with said player, to display the video.
Either way, I would recommend studying the examples that Apple provides.
AVCam and
AVPlayerDemo should be more than enough to get you started (especially the AVCam example project).

How to record a video automatically in Iphone app without user interaction

I am working an iphone app that needs to record a vedio automatically.
I used mobile coreservices framework and using that. I made it to came into video mode and clicking on record option its start capturing a vedio. But I want it automatically that is.. I should able to record a video without clicking on record option. That is when video mode comes up its automatically start record video.
Could any one help?
You can look at UIImagePickerControllers startVideoCapture method which is used to start taking video from the camera, this is to be used when you arent using the camera standard controlors and you provide and overlay view. Here is a reference UIImagePickerCOntroller ref. If this is not enough for you, you might want to look into AVFoundation framework which gives you a lot more control over video capturing process...hope that helps

How to keep MPMoviePlayerController open after movie ended?

If I use MPMoviePlayerController to play video in my iPhone app, it opens, loads the movie, plays it and then closes. Is it possible to force it to stay open after the movie finishes, so that user can replay it using its controls, instead of using controls in parent view? Also, is it possible to start MPMoviePlayerController in the paused mode?
thanks for any advice.
None of that is possible using the available API in the Pre-3.2 OS. One thing you could do is take a scerenshot of the last frame and stick that behind the movie so when it's done playing, it looks like it's still there, then just stick a button on it to replay. you could make an interface that looks/behaves similar to the standard movie player interface just for the play button if you need to.
For anyone stumbling over this now... There is a way to do this. Check out this question :)