Simulator wont start on home TableView - iphone

I've created a table view which is embeded in a Navigation Controller as such and connects to another view controller. I've the connection from the table to the navigation controller as a modal segue and the segue from the table bar to the View Controller as a push segue yet I am still getting the error:
Unsupported Configuration
Scene is unreachable due to lack of entry points and does not have an identifier
for runtime access via -instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:
This worked last week and now its not. Ive tried adding storyboard IDs but thats not working. I appreciate any help.

Did you check your start point in your storyboard? In other words, on the left side of your starting navigation controller, do you have the arrow pointing to it? If not, drag it until you make it point to the navigation controller.
Also, if you're doing that dynamically, have you provided your UIViewController/UITableViewController/UINavigationController Storyboard IDs? Please, double check that by clicking on your view controller in your storyboard, then in the Inspector (right side of Xcode window), go to the third tab and make sure you have set the ID and make sure they are consistent with your code.


How to visualize if a button is set to trigger segue to another View Controller?

By holding Ctrl, clicking on a button and dragging it to another view controller, it's possible to establish the segue to move view controllers. Once this segue is created, is this connection declared somewhere in the code or in the parameters list?
I'm opening someone else's project and I can only figure out which buttons are activating which segues by running the simulation and manually testing. When I go check the code or the segue's parameters, I can't find anything that would indicate which button is linked to which view controller transition.
In Main.storyboard, click on the viewcontroller that you are interested in inspecting. In the top right there is a right arrow that will show you all the segue relationships and outlets
You're using Storyboards, correct?
To exemplify:
You just need to:
(1): click on the specific ViewController,
(2): then click the Connections Inspector (2) - it's icon that has an arrow with a circle around it -,
(3): and finally you'll see all the related connections (3) to that specific ViewController. This applies to all UIView(s) as well.

Segue to another view controller with label connected crashes

I am using a storyboard to connect two different view controllers. When I click on the cell I want it to segue into another view controller (what it usually does). But anytime I link a link a label with an outlet and try to segue, it crashes.
These are some images you may need:
Thanks in advance.
Click on your terminalsviewcontroller file owner in storyboard and select the connections inspector. Check for a connection called key test that has an exclamation point next to it and delete it.

How to swipe out of table view controller (not the cells) - iPhone

I have a tab bar app. It has 5 tabs. I have the 3rd tab connected to a navigation controller that's connected to a table view controller. Simple enough, right?
Well, I recently decided to implement left/right swipe gestures as an optional way to navigate left and right to each tab in the tab bar controlled app. The gestures work great, except I don't have a way to implement the gestures on the 3rd tab (the one with the UITableView) because there's no implementation file associated with it.
And that's my question: How can I implement the gestures on the third tab so I can navigate AWAY from it by swiping?? I can swipe into that tab, but not out of it. I'm fairly new to iOS dev, and I really appreciate any help!
(Using ARC, Storyboard, & Xcode 4.5.2)
Here's a screenshot of how my Table View Controller is connected to my Tab Bar Controller:
The answer marked correct is indeed correct. It explained to me how to make a subclass of my UITableViewController. But I was also wondering how to implement my TableView programmatically... so after a bit of searching, this link pretty much shows exactly how to do that: Ruchi Raval's post on mobisoftinfotech. However, I ended up just following the steps in the link, and I ended up deleting my original UITableViewController because I had created a new one through the steps in the link and connected it to my NavigationController through the Storyboard (ctrl + drag).
Hope this helps anyone that had my same quesions!
To control gestures on a VC, you'll need your own subclass. Create a new objective-c object named like MyTableViewController. Xcode lets you specify a superclass when creating the files, use UITableViewController.
Xcode provides some template code in the new files -- leave that alone to begin with. In storyboard, I think the tab you're trying to fix has a navigation (vc) whose root vc is a UITableViewController.
Select that table vc and select the Identity inspector (upper right, third tab from the left). You should see a section called custom class. The current class is probably UITableViewController. Change that to MyTableViewController, or whatever you named the new class.
Build and run. Now you control that table vc. Back in it's implementation file, you can add your gesture code in viewDidLoad:.

How to add initial view to Storyboard file?

I started an "Empty Application" template, this means that I had to add my own storyboard file. Problem is, it is completely blank, and I can't figure out how to get the first view on there, so I can start designing my interface.
Anyone know how to get that first view on there?
When you create a new Storyboard file, all you need to do is click/drag the UIViewController object from your right hand side of tools into your Storyboard and then you're all set to begin work on your new Storyboard.
Just in case you can not start from scratch :
Select your View Controller
Open the Attribute inspector (right pan by default)
Go to View Controller section
Select Is Initial View Controller checkmark of the Initial Scene option
In the latest version of Xcode (12.2), this is how you can add initial view to story board
Click on + Icon,
search "View Controller", Drag and drop View Controller.
Go to Edit->Show Library then drag and drop a type of View Controller that you need.

iOS: Cannot get view to display with Navigation Controller

I'm trying to display a controller loaded from a NIB in my navigation controller (iOS 4/Xcode 4), but it is not working. Interface Builder doesn't allow me to choose any of my nibs; when I try to manually type one I get this error:
warning: Unsupported Configuration: Navigation Controller NIB Name set to MyViewController.nib (This view controller is not intended to have its view set in this manner)
What's this all about? One thing to make note of: I manually added the Navigation Controller after creating a view-based project. I decided that I should use one after I had already created the project, instead of choosing Nav-based from the beginning. Perhaps I forgot a setting?
I think you're trying to set the NIB of the navigation controller itself.
This is not what you want to do: you instead want to set the nib of the root view controller of your navigation controller. To do this, you should expand the navigation controller via the navigation panel (the left hand panel with a list of all the objects in your current NIB).
Selected 'Root View Controller', and then set its NIB and class as appropriate.
The reason you're getting an error right now is you're actually trying to set the navigation controller's NIB, which XCode is quite rightly not letting you do.