How to swipe out of table view controller (not the cells) - iPhone - iphone

I have a tab bar app. It has 5 tabs. I have the 3rd tab connected to a navigation controller that's connected to a table view controller. Simple enough, right?
Well, I recently decided to implement left/right swipe gestures as an optional way to navigate left and right to each tab in the tab bar controlled app. The gestures work great, except I don't have a way to implement the gestures on the 3rd tab (the one with the UITableView) because there's no implementation file associated with it.
And that's my question: How can I implement the gestures on the third tab so I can navigate AWAY from it by swiping?? I can swipe into that tab, but not out of it. I'm fairly new to iOS dev, and I really appreciate any help!
(Using ARC, Storyboard, & Xcode 4.5.2)
Here's a screenshot of how my Table View Controller is connected to my Tab Bar Controller:
The answer marked correct is indeed correct. It explained to me how to make a subclass of my UITableViewController. But I was also wondering how to implement my TableView programmatically... so after a bit of searching, this link pretty much shows exactly how to do that: Ruchi Raval's post on mobisoftinfotech. However, I ended up just following the steps in the link, and I ended up deleting my original UITableViewController because I had created a new one through the steps in the link and connected it to my NavigationController through the Storyboard (ctrl + drag).
Hope this helps anyone that had my same quesions!

To control gestures on a VC, you'll need your own subclass. Create a new objective-c object named like MyTableViewController. Xcode lets you specify a superclass when creating the files, use UITableViewController.
Xcode provides some template code in the new files -- leave that alone to begin with. In storyboard, I think the tab you're trying to fix has a navigation (vc) whose root vc is a UITableViewController.
Select that table vc and select the Identity inspector (upper right, third tab from the left). You should see a section called custom class. The current class is probably UITableViewController. Change that to MyTableViewController, or whatever you named the new class.
Build and run. Now you control that table vc. Back in it's implementation file, you can add your gesture code in viewDidLoad:.


ViewController for Second View - iOS 7

I'm a beginner to iOS development, so forgive me if this is really basic. It's probably answered somewhere, but I've looked for a long time, and I'm struggling.
I have a second View on my story board that I've successfully linked to the first view using a Navigation controller and stuff, and I'm able to navigate to it. I can also add actions/outlets from elements on my first view by Control-dragging to the .h file.
I have a label on my second view, and I want to be able to do the same: add actions and outlets from elements. But when I try Control-dragging, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong, and how do I fix it?
Hmm, well first of all welcome to Stack Overflow! And thanks for asking the question.
Let me know if I have this right - you have two view controllers to the right (linked with segues) of a navigation controller and currently you can navigate to the second from the first using a button at the top right? Then when on the second view controller there's a nav button at the top left with a little arrow by it? And this should take you back to the first. Is that right?
Now on the second view controller you want to create a button that performs an action, but when you right-click-drag (ctrl-drag) onto a .h or .m file nothing happens?
If that's the case I've seen a few reasons for that. You might try:
You need to make a button, a label can only recieve actions, not create them. Read this article on IBOutlet vs IBAction
Restart Xcode (I know, it's lame, but humor me)
Make sure you're dragging (if on the .h file) between "#interface" and "#end"
Make sure you're dragging (if on the .m file) between "#implementation" and "#end"
Do you have a custom view controller class for your second view? If so, select the second view controller in your storyboard and go to the identity inspector. Set the custom class to your custom view controller's class name. Now you will be able to control-drag IBOutlets and IBActions.

facebook type left slide bar layout should appear in all view controllers

I have implemented Facebook type left Slide Bar layout in my first view of iphone app. Now, I want to implement this throughout all view controllers (screens) in application, means irrespective of the view the left slide bar should appear on clicking the menu button at the top in all views.
My app contains 25-30 viewcontrollers and my slide bar layout should appear in all views..
Can anyone suggest, how can I include above FB Layout in all views
Thanks in advance
Simple, The one view controller in which you have implemented the FB layout and is working. Make it the base class on top of UIViewController. And as for the rest of all the ViewControllers, inherit them from the MasterClass that you just created. Doing this will make the swipe gesture that brings forth the slide bar available to all of your 30 view controllers.
Lets see, we have UIViewController, now first of all you create a UIViewController's subclass: say FBViewController ..In this FBViewController you implement the FBLayout such that the swipe and all is working ..on it ..test your app first using only this FBViewController as rootViewController and check all the functionalities.Once everything is working fine, grow on it. What I mean is this.
Say you are creating a Tabbed application, where all the three tabs are supposed to have the same FBLayout style. Then do these steps.
Create FBViewController, it inherits from UIViewController (using UIViewController subclass template, also check the generate XIB button) also have an XIB for it FBViewController.XIB (fully implement FBLayout in it. This will be your base class)
Then Create three more ViewController classes (FirstViewController, SecondViewController, ThirdViewController) again from the UIViewController subclass template, but for these three dont check the generate XIB button. these three will use the XIB of the base class FBViewController (If you are wondering how, then go to step 3 :))
Go to header file of FirstViewController class you created, there you can see #interface FirstViewController: UIViewController replace it with #interface FirstViewController: FBViewController, but before it import FBViewController.h to the header file. Repeat the same for the Other two classes- SecondViewController, ThirdViewController. Since these three will inherit from FBViewController. In their viewDidLoad [super viewDidLoad] will load FBViewController and generate the view. after [super viewDidLoad]; line you can implement ur own methods.
In the three classes just change the initWithNibName method to change the tab bar name and title.
In appDelegate go to didFinishLaunching method and put these three view controller in a tabBarController, set the tabBarController as rootViewController.
And we are done. If your FBViewController is working fine. You will see that all the three classes behave the same way. Thanx to the power of Inheritance.
Cheers, play a bit, have fun.
I had the same problem. I was using a facebook-style menu, and needed it in all view controllers.
You can use a Container Controller. A Container Controller can have the base layout, which I defined in a nib, containing a navigation bar and a bar button item to toggle the menu, and then add child view controllers and remove them as you need them. That way, you can throw whatever view controller you need to the container controller and it will display it.
You can also add gesture control to slide open/close the menu easily.
You will have to make the Container controller your self, it is not standard. I think it is better solution than inheritance, since if you use inheritance you can't make a for example UITableViewController, all your controllers will be of the type of yuor master class. Of course, you can fix this anyway with delegates.
It may sound a bit tricky, but see this tutorial which I used:
It wasn't accutally that hard.
EDIT: You can just use a UINavigationController as well. Just set the base view controller to the view controller you want to display, and you can prevent it adding the back button etc to the nav bar by overriding the default methods. Make a UINavigationController as rootNavigationController. Might be simpler.
I'd highly recommend using an open source solution that handles all the edge cases for you - it's both the easiest, most robust and most maintainable (since the community will keep it up to date fro you). ViewDeck seems to be the most popular solution though I have also had success with PPRevealSideViewController. They both provide a very robust implementation that would take a long time to do yourself (e.g. you can optionally enable swipe on the navigation bar or even content area to open the menu). Furthermore they separate the sliding logic and the revealed menu (which can be any view controller you like, but most likely a table view controller) out of your other view controllers. That way any viewcontroller can have a side menu without duplicating any code - separation of concern is great :)
You can make a SharedInstance for SideView class. I am doing same thing for iAD to show throught-out the application.
Please see the the link of iAdSuite ,In which the BannerViewController is SharedInstance so they are easily used for all View Controller

UITabBarController functionality with UITabBar

I'm making an app with interface builder using storyboarding.
I want to have a tab bar where no item is selected. This can be accomplished by setting
TabBar.SelectedItem = null;
But if you try to do that, you get the following error:
'Directly modifying a tab bar managed by a tab bar controller is not allowed.'
So I can't use the standard UITabBarController. I've created a custom UIViewController, and added a UITabBar. Switching between tabs is working fine, and having no selection is also working as it should.
But I have no idea how to show my other view controllers from my custom view controller with the tab bar. Remember that I'm using interfacebuilder, so I can't just create my view controllers in code as new objects and add them to the view. (as suggested in UITabBar funcionality without UITabBarController)
So how do I show my own views without using the UITabBarViewController?
Edit: Still haven't found a solution, but I did a hacky fix. Simple create an other tab bar and place it on top of the original tab bar. Listen to those events and use SelectedIndex to change the view displayed. Then add some function that will select / deselect the items on your own tab bar.
In fact, even if you design your others UIViewControllers from IB, you can instantiate them from code. You'll probably have to play a bit with frame and autoresizing properties to make them fit the part of your main view you want them to display inside, but it's possible.
So, knowing that, a simple solution is to create a simple UIView (we'll call it 'tabFrame') in your main UIViewController, which fill the screen from the top of your UITabBar to the top of the screen; instantiate the UIViewController corresponding to your tabs and add their view as subview of tabFrame. Now you just have to catch item selection from tabbar to hide or show the desired subviews.
Hope I'm clear enough, else don't hesitate to question!
EDIT: pointed out this morning that in storyboarding context, you can effectively instantiate viewControllers / scene from code, but for not loosing designer settings it must NOT be done through directly calling their constructors, but through StoryBoard.InstantiateViewController("vc_identifier") calls, after having set identifiers to VCs in storyboard editor.
See for example

iPhone Dev: Tab View controller. Buttons on first view don't show actions in File's Owner

Hey all, I'm really new to iphone development and am getting really frustrated. I know ASP and Javascript and i'm trying to do this objective-c. I took a course on lynda and now i'm trying to hook up a tab view.
I placed buttons on the first view of the tab view controller. I then went into the header file and created the - (IBAction) for the 4 buttons on there and added the function in the implementation file. The problem is when i go back to Interface builder and try to connect the actions to the buttons, they don't show up. I have no actions listed in the File's owner so i can't do anything. Can anyone out there please help! thanks.
You're doing it backwards (IMHO). create the Actions and Outlets (don't forget to save the source), then create the items in IB (note that you have to refresh IB so that it can re-read the source.
In tab view controller app make sure that class of view is your ViewController class and also in MainWindow.xib make sure all tabs are referencing respective ViewController

Easy custom UITableView drawing

I found the code in Matt Gallagher site ( ) for this really neat design for a Table View... Im very new to Cocoa and Im having a hard time figuring out how to wire the darn thing in IB...
I loved the design and wanted to use something similar in a more complex structure... Nav Bar / Tab Bar with a few other views / TableView for the data in the first view... I found lots of tutorials to do that and got it working... When I tried to use that design in my project, things went crazy... in My MainWindow.xib I cant have a UIView where the arrow is pointing...
the nib looks like this:
Tab Bar Controller
Tab Bar
Nav Controller
Navigation Bar
Table View Controller
Table View
---->>>> (UIView for the backgroundImage )
Navigation Item
Tab Bar Item
UIView Controller
Tab Bar item
can anyone guide me in the right direction??
Thanks !!!
It sounds like you're not having issues with the table view as much as the construction of the hierarchy around the table.
Instructions for creating the hierarchy would be as follows. I think you've diverged at around step 9:
Start with new copy of the default iPhone "View" template
Throw away the view controller class.
Open the MainWindow.xib and delete the view controller there too.
Find the controllers in the
Interface Builder library palette (they're
the yellow spheres at the top of the "Cocoa Touch" library in "Objects" mode whose icons contain
other objects).
Drag the tab view controller into
your MainWindow.xib file at the top
Expand the tab view (triangle next to its name in the list view of the xib)
Drag a navigation controller into your expanded tab view (if this works, it should appear as one of the tabs along with the two view controllers that are there by default)
Expand the navigation controller
Drag a view controller (not a table view controller) into the navigation controller. It should appear as the content of the navigation controller.
Select the view controller (single click).
Press Command-4 (or select "Identity Inspector" from the "Tools" menu).
In the "Class Identity" popup menu, select EasyCustomTableController (this assumes that the current xib file is part of an Xcode project and this Xcode project already has EasyCustomTableController added to it).
Add a UIImageView to the view controller's view (this is your background image)
Add a UITableView to the view controller's view (this is your table). Add this view so it is after (and hence on top of) your image view.
There should be a tableView outlet on the view controller. Connect this to the table view.
Connect the app delegate's viewController to the tab bar controller (back in Xcode you can optionally change the type of this property to UITabViewController)
Should work.
The trick is that UITableViewController can't be used if you want the view to contain more than just a table. For this reason, you must use UIViewController and recreate the functionality that the UITableViewController adds. See here for how this is done:
Thank you Matt (kind of cool that you answered)!!
I really appreciate the help... I've been messing around with it and got it to work using a UIViewController in another view (being created from the tableview)... Once I had the UITableViewController in the navigation I dropped the imageview & used a gray color; it looks great!! The initial screen has the rows big enough that scrolling is not an issue... I will go back and try to change that now...
I do have to say that IB is by far the most challenging step in app development for a newbie coming into Cocoa Touch !!! Yikes!