Segue to another view controller with label connected crashes - iphone

I am using a storyboard to connect two different view controllers. When I click on the cell I want it to segue into another view controller (what it usually does). But anytime I link a link a label with an outlet and try to segue, it crashes.
These are some images you may need:
Thanks in advance.

Click on your terminalsviewcontroller file owner in storyboard and select the connections inspector. Check for a connection called key test that has an exclamation point next to it and delete it.


How to visualize if a button is set to trigger segue to another View Controller?

By holding Ctrl, clicking on a button and dragging it to another view controller, it's possible to establish the segue to move view controllers. Once this segue is created, is this connection declared somewhere in the code or in the parameters list?
I'm opening someone else's project and I can only figure out which buttons are activating which segues by running the simulation and manually testing. When I go check the code or the segue's parameters, I can't find anything that would indicate which button is linked to which view controller transition.
In Main.storyboard, click on the viewcontroller that you are interested in inspecting. In the top right there is a right arrow that will show you all the segue relationships and outlets
You're using Storyboards, correct?
To exemplify:
You just need to:
(1): click on the specific ViewController,
(2): then click the Connections Inspector (2) - it's icon that has an arrow with a circle around it -,
(3): and finally you'll see all the related connections (3) to that specific ViewController. This applies to all UIView(s) as well.

Why is the IB Action set to exit as object?

I am creating an app that requires notifications. I created a settings page with a switch to toggle notifications for the application. I tried to link the switch to ViewController2 using an #IBAction, but it keeps connecting the object to Exit, instead of ViewController. I am getting really frustrated because the #IBAction won't stay connected. I am not sure what is going on, but if I could get help that would be amazing.
The images are linked down below to Imigur.
This is the connection to ViewController2
This is what occurs when I connect the IBAction to ViewController2
You can see there is no action option for the connection in this image.
When you attach #IBActions (or #IBOutlets), you do not want to attach them to Exit on the View Controller.
Follow these steps to add an #IBAction:
1) Make sure your View Controller's class is linked to your file, then go into the Assistant Editor making sure you selected Automatic.
2) Hold Control (^) and drag the button to your ViewController class.
3) Add the button as an #IBAction. - It's also recommended to use UIButton as the sender, instead of Any.
It should look like this:
If you have questions, let me know!
The problem might be that you are supposing you can form an action connection from a UISwitch in the scene of one view controller to a different view controller. You can't. You can form outlets and actions only between a view controller and the interface inside the same scene of the storyboard.
Click on the top bar of your problematic ViewController (the overview of what is getting displayed on screen), click the top left icon (called View Controller).
On the right click "Show The Identity Inspector" icon and you should see class. Change the text to 'ViewController'. Hopefully it should auto fill.
This will solve the problem.

Simulator wont start on home TableView

I've created a table view which is embeded in a Navigation Controller as such and connects to another view controller. I've the connection from the table to the navigation controller as a modal segue and the segue from the table bar to the View Controller as a push segue yet I am still getting the error:
Unsupported Configuration
Scene is unreachable due to lack of entry points and does not have an identifier
for runtime access via -instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:
This worked last week and now its not. Ive tried adding storyboard IDs but thats not working. I appreciate any help.
Did you check your start point in your storyboard? In other words, on the left side of your starting navigation controller, do you have the arrow pointing to it? If not, drag it until you make it point to the navigation controller.
Also, if you're doing that dynamically, have you provided your UIViewController/UITableViewController/UINavigationController Storyboard IDs? Please, double check that by clicking on your view controller in your storyboard, then in the Inspector (right side of Xcode window), go to the third tab and make sure you have set the ID and make sure they are consistent with your code.

iOS 5 - add Splash/Launch view with storyboard

i create project with storyboard base uitabbarcontroller,
i try to add splash view that will show until server request will finsih,
so i create a new view controller class called "SplashViewControler" with xib file
and i try to add as subview to windows object.
the SplashViewControler not show...
any ideas how to Implement splash view with storyboard ?
I'd add that SplashViewControler to your story board. Then, using the story board designer, make the SplashViewControler the initial scene by checking off the "Is Initial View Controller" property of your SplashViewControler. Then, create a segue from your SplashViewControler to whatever your next view controller is. Make sure you name that segue. Then, when your server process is complete, fire that segue manually:
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"YourSegueName" sender:self];
I may be wrong but I think the HIG talks about not doing splash screens this way. You also need to consider how you will handle a server timeout or error from the server...

iOS5 - how to use storyboard to transit from UITableViewController to another ViewController

Using Storyboard I want to transition from UITableViewController to another ViewController on the click of Detail Disclosure button. I created a proper segue, but the transition does not happen when I run the application. Creating a segue from UIButton to a ViewController works properly. I tried embedding Navigation Controller in UITableViewController, it did not help.
Look forward to somebody helping me with this, as I have already spent four days on it.
Here's the most complete example I have found. Most have fallen short by not providing an example of how to go from the list of records to the detail of the selected records.
and here's the link to part 2 of the above tutorial:
It should work without any code on your side
Ctrl click the prototype cell (table cell) and drag it to connect with the detail view. This will pop up a segue window. I chose Push since I have a navigation controller - but you can use Modal as well.
Note the segue name should show "Segue from UITableViewCell to ).
I've put in the disclosure icon on the Table cell as well.