inmobi ads integration in an iphone app - iphone

I am trying to integrat inMobi ads in my iphone application. inmobi requires the live iphone app url in the configuration. As my app is not published on itunes yet, I am using url of another app which is live. My plan was to change the url in inmobi configuration with the correct url once my app is released
When I try to load the inmobi ad, the response goes into didFailRequestWithError. the error message is -
*"Unable to load__Error Domain=Invalid request. This could be due to an invalid app-id, or the app-id might not be in the Active state."*
is this error message due to wrong url? If yes then how can I enable inmobi in version 1.0 of my app and also test it to make sure that it is configured correctly.
Thanks for your help.

You can certainly test out ads on an app that is not live on the iTunes store.
It would be helpful if you could post some code here. You should check two things though:
The property ID you are using is indeed correct.
You have enabled your Property in test mode. There is a guide available here


Verify Facebook mediation on iOS

I use Admob to monetize my apps and recently I added Facebook mediation. For Android it was verified already (it was a while ago and I honestly I don't remember how).
I see this information fo iOS:
Instructions Copy the line below and add it to your app-ads.txt file
at https:// We've included your business...
The thing is that I have this mediation on a Flutter app and I have no domain.
How can I verify this?
How can I validate this?
You can Publish app-ads.txt with Firebase Hosting
Then release new version of your iOS app and add the link to iOS app Marketing URL in app store connect.

iOS 6 the facebook server could not fulfill this access request invalid application

In some iPhone 5 devices we have an error when trying to call Facebook login:
The error is:
"the facebook server could not fulfill this access request invalid application id"
I many times checked that application id is specified correctly.
Strange, that on other devices same app is working correctly.
Please, could you help, what the reason of that?
All developers of a particular app, should be known to Facebook. While the application is in Sandbox mode (i.e. developer only access), all every user who want to use the Facebook platform, for testing/developing the application, will have to be added as a developer (as shown below) -
Just goto, and add the user, in the list of developers/admins.
More than likely the app is "sandboxed", so only developers have access. If this is the case you'll have to use a developer account on the iPhone.
Go to iOS settings > Facebook
Log out with your "personal" account
Log in with the developer account (to be safe us the dev account that you created the app with)
This worked for me.
I faced this problem. For me the issue was that I hadn't added the iOS platform for the app. Go to the Facebook developer page, then select your app. In the left nav bar go to settings. Then add platform. Ensure that your bundle identifier is correct. Then it should work.
If you have been testing with a sandbox facebook app and then receive this error when switching to the production app make sure you have published the app in the status & review tab.

App is misconfigured for Facebook login IOS Facebook app installed

I saw this linkenter link description here
But it doesn't solve my problem.
I downloaded the latest Facebook sdk 3.1.1
The original SessionLoginSample provided with sdk works fine.
I made the following changes and the result is: App is misconfigured for Facebook login
Where is my mistake?
I created a new sample Facebook app following step by step the Facebook doc:
Facebook App Image on Flickr
I loaded in xCode the original SessionLoginSample and I changed only the bundleId and the Facebook ID:
xCode plist image on flickr
i experienced the same problem many times.
First make sure you have your Facebookappid set in your property list correctly.
Then go to facebook account settings and delete your ios app from applications.
then go to developer settings of facebook for your ios app.Make sure the app id is correct and also make sure that the bundle identifier is also same as your propertylist in xcode.It should be working afterwards
UPDATED : You do not need to delete the app.Try delete the app from your Facebook settings first.Then go to your Facebook app on iOS and log out.Remove your own app from the device and reinstall (without loving in to your account).Then you try to connect from your own app Facebook will prompt and ak your username and password and it will not return to your app.You clsoe the app and return to your own app manually.When you try to connect again in your own app FB it will ask you for permissions.
I reproduced the problem somehow and fixed like this.
By the way i also set the App Type: setting in advanded settings to Native/Dssktop.
Make sure you configured your app properly as per the following guidelines Check whether you bundle id is as per you configured in the Native ios settings of app configuration.

Testing Facebook Native iOS App

I would like to integrate Facebook into an iOS application I am building, however it seems there is no way to set up a Facebook 'Native iOS Application' with an iOS application that is not already published and available in the App Store.
When I Set up a Native iOS Application for my Facebook App from my Facebook developer's account it requires that I fill in my App Store ID. However when I submit I get the following error message:
Your iPhone App Store ID is invalid because the iTunes App Store
reports your app as being unavailable for iPhone and iPod touch.
I have set up my application on iTunes Connect, but I have not submitted my binary yet as I am in the process of building it, so I assume that this message is due to it being unavailable on the App Store.
This seems like a catch 22 situation. I can't test my app until its in the App Store but I can't get my app in the AppStore until I have tested (and built) it. How can I test my iOS application with Facebook before release?
I've been there, but the solutions is simple.
Don't fill out the Facebook 'Native iOS Application'!
For testing all you needed is the Facebook appid.
Later on in the Deep Linking portion of the iOS Facebook Tutorial, it also mentions the AppStore ID and that you can use somebody else's ID temporarily to get all the data to save. They just say to make sure you use your own id when you finally do publish the app.
I dont think facebook Native iOS App settings are necessary. I have done facebook login with it in two of my apps and without it in one of my app and all are running well. Here are workaround by me:
Native iOS Facebook SSO won't return to app

Facebook Authorize not working on free version of app

I have a free and paid version of my app on itunes but as the free version has in app purchase I cant use the same bundle id across the two apps and therefore the only way I can see of adding facebook to the free app is having a second facebook app registered?
I have done this but for some reason when calling [facebook authorize: permissions] my app boots up the facebook app but returns straight away to my app, not getting in to any of the handleOpenUrl functions or even asking the user for permissions. The code is identical line by line to the paid version of my app with the only difference being the appID that is used. Any ideas what would cause this? Facebook did work on both apps until the recent updates.
After further playing around with this code I have found it works if I tell it to not use the FB App and to instead use safari authorisation. Still failing to see why I can use the app on one app but not another :s
Log in to and check your iOS bundle ID for your free app carefully. Make sure the bundle ID you tell Facebook is exactly what your app thinks it is. If it's not identical, the new Facebook app will not allow your app to authenticate.
You can have multiple iOS apps use the same Facebook app. Check this link..
There are three steps:
Add the additional bundle id in your apps "iOS Bundle ID" file in your faceBook app settings.
Then in your iOS apps, use the 'urlSchemeSuffix' option in the 'initWithAppId' method.
Modify the URL Schemes property in the info.plist.
The link explains it in detail. No need to register a 2nd app with Facebook.
Hope this helps.