iOS 6 the facebook server could not fulfill this access request invalid application - facebook

In some iPhone 5 devices we have an error when trying to call Facebook login:
The error is:
"the facebook server could not fulfill this access request invalid application id"
I many times checked that application id is specified correctly.
Strange, that on other devices same app is working correctly.
Please, could you help, what the reason of that?

All developers of a particular app, should be known to Facebook. While the application is in Sandbox mode (i.e. developer only access), all every user who want to use the Facebook platform, for testing/developing the application, will have to be added as a developer (as shown below) -
Just goto, and add the user, in the list of developers/admins.

More than likely the app is "sandboxed", so only developers have access. If this is the case you'll have to use a developer account on the iPhone.
Go to iOS settings > Facebook
Log out with your "personal" account
Log in with the developer account (to be safe us the dev account that you created the app with)
This worked for me.

I faced this problem. For me the issue was that I hadn't added the iOS platform for the app. Go to the Facebook developer page, then select your app. In the left nav bar go to settings. Then add platform. Ensure that your bundle identifier is correct. Then it should work.

If you have been testing with a sandbox facebook app and then receive this error when switching to the production app make sure you have published the app in the status & review tab.


Facebook iOS SDK login returns to app without showing dialog box

This is to document and share the solution to a problem I faced, hopefully it's of benefit to others as well.
Using the Facebook iOS SDK to perform a Facebook login from my iOS app, it returns to my app immediately from the Facebook app without showing any login screen or dialog box if the user has already granted the requested permissions previously and logged out after that. This behavior is the same whether the login is via the Facebook iOS app or through a webview within the app itself.
This can be a problem especially if your app is trying to support multiple Facebook users, as users may not have already logged in to the correct account in the Facebook app beforehand. By returning to our app immediately without explicitly showing the Facebook account used, users will login with the current account used in Facebook, which could be the wrong account.
This behavior occurs when the "iOS Bundle ID" has been set in the app settings in Facebook
This is also mentioned in Pro-tip 3 (which I believe was just recently added) of the Facebook Login doc.
In order to avoid this behavior, the "iOS Bundle ID" field needs to be blanked out. And from recent experience, this may involve deleting and creating the whole "Native iOS App" section again, as simply deleting the "iOS Bundle ID" and saving the changes does not appear to have any effect. Facebook.Authorize

I'm attempting Facebook Single Sign On with Trigger.IO and when testing with the IOS simulator the following happens:
Facebook Dialogue Opens
User Logs In
User Authorizes App
User clicks Okay to return to the native app.
At step 4 the following Safari notification is displayed and the app is never reloaded:
"Cannot Open Page"
"Safari Cannot Open the Page because the address is invalid"
As far as I can tell my APP ID is correct as the process would never make it to step 4 otherwise. My Facebook app is set up with the following details:
Native iOS App
SSO enabled.
No idea what I'm missing here but any help would be greatly appreciated! I've found answers to similar issues with native apps where the Facebook APP ID should be prepended with "fb", in the plist. But nothing related to trigger.IO
This was a regression in v1.4.10 that we fixed in v1.4.11 - if you've got:
"platform_version": "v1.4",
In your application configuration, you'll pick up the fix automatically.

Facebook deep linking not working on iPhone

I have a problem with Facebook integration in my application. I am working on giving the user an option to post his latest update to Facebook.
I can successfully post the message the Facebook, but I have problems with the "via MY_APP" section - the MY_APP is not clickable from my iPhone. The name of the app appears correctly, the message is published as I intended it to be, but when looking at the post from Facebook on iPhone, users are not able to click the name of my application in order to get them redirected to the AppStore or the application itself, depending on whether they have it installed or not. That usually works on my iPhone for other iOS apps.
When viewing the Facebook profile from a computer, my application name is clickable and it takes me to the app's community page (I set it up from MY_APP->Edit app->Settings->Advanced->App Page as I though it was required in order to solve the problem on the iPhone, but it didn't solve anything).
On the Settings->Basic screen I configured everything correctly (I think):
Native iOS App is chosen as integration type, and the options are as follows:
iOS Bundle ID: my bundle ID (checked it, correct)
iPhone AppStore ID: the ID (checked it, correct)
iPad AppStore ID: the ID (checked it, correct)
iOS SSO: Enabled
iOS Native Deep Linking: Enabled
URL Scheme Suffix: I left it blank
I also edited settings under Settings->Advanced for Authentication tab:
I changed the App Type from Web to Native/Desktop and disabled the sandbox mode.
Do you guys have any idea what is preventing me from being able to click on the application name when viewing the post from iPhone?

How to go to my new Facebook App

I'm testing out writing mobile web app that connects to Facebook.
I follow this guide here and created a app on facebook, and uploaded the code to my own server.
But then, I got to the point where it tells me to search for my own app in My app won't show up, and I found out they won't until you have some users and then it'll be indexed.
So how do I get to my app?
You might have your app settings (on the advanced screen: set to either sandbox mode enabled or Social discover disabled.

facebook connect for ios question authentication application id and secret

perhaps a stupid question, yet...
We're using the "new" ios facebook connect sdk ( and a few questions come to mind.
In the old sdk, you would have to pass a "secret key" (known only to you) in order to obtain a session so that you could use the facebook api, this made sense.
With the new sdk, all you need to pass is "Application Id" and then the user logs in, then he is able to post any message and it will appear as if my application (the facebook application identified by the application id) posted it.
This makes little sense to us, if someone obtains our application id (not mentioned to be a secret anywhere), he/she will (without any problem) have the ability to post as if he was the owner of our facebook application.
Can someone explain this and how this is prevented using this new SDK?
a few more issues we're unclear about are:
in the facebook application
settings, there is a choice between
"Native application" and "HTML5 /
mobile web" currently ours is set to
HTML5/Mobile web (which is the
default) what's the deal here?
perhaps this correlates to the
previous issue?
there are two more settings: "iOS Bundle ID" and
"iTunes App Store ID" it is again
unclear what these are used for.
Currently none of these 2 are set in
our app and we're able to submit to
user walls without a problem using
the "application id" only in our
iPhone app.
Any tips and hints appreciated!
iOS Bundle ID is used to prevent that from happening. You specify the bundle id in your info.plst (e.g., com.your_company.your_app) so Facebook knows that your iPhone app is authorized to use your Facebook appication.
iTunes App Store ID is used to create a link from your Facebook application's page to your iPhone app on the app store.