How to integrate Facebook login in app - facebook

I am trying to create an app that requires user to login. There should two options in my app, either they enter new details or use Facebook login. I want users to login using Facebook. Is there any tutorial you can point me to?

Have you even tried simply googleing "windows phone facebook login"?
Official FB Resource:
Official MS Resource:
To get started quickly you should also take a lookt at the Azure Mobile Services. This can take care of authenticating users through MS Account, Facebook, Twitter etc.

You can use for windows phone.
You can also find tutoriel to implement a Facebook login


Facebook Login without a Facebook Account nor through a third-party app

Does anyone know of a way to use social logins without having to create an account with a social media website? For Example, I want to use Facebook's Login on my website, but I do not want to create a Facebook account nor an app just to use their login.
Far as I know it pretty much requires (facebook) an App to be created (on developer site for facebook) in order to utilized services with a website.
Unfortunately, in order to maintain a safe development environment, and to prevent the creation of spam apps, it is required that Facebook manage its developer users. This is to allow them to block apps that act maliciously, and to allow permissions to be managed on their server for the app access token. For a more detailed answer, I'll refer you to one on StackOverflow by Lix.

Facebook client login for windows phone 7

I want to make a simple Facebook client for WP7 and I'm looking at how I should do the login.
There's a tutorial here where the client is asked to authenticate through the browser.
I'd prefere doing the login within my application and I need more than just to 'grant acces', I need the users wall feed, friend list, messages etc.
Any idea how to do the in-app login?
I think you cannot authenticate the user directly from your app, with out the help of browser. Facebook won't allow it.
Anyway you can take the help of the Facebook SDK, which helps in the authentication process.
Refer this Blog for the implementation of the Facebook SDK for WP7
And additionally, you can get all the permissions that you need, by specifying the Extended permissions in your authentication process.
There is also the updated article from Nokia if you want to find more here

How to integrate Facebook into WordPress registration/login?

Here's what we hope to accomplish: a WordPress site that will allow users to register/login EITHER with Facebook OR WordPress and have the same access to posts/pages/content. From all the research thus far, this doesn't seem trivial...
Here's our requirements:
User Registration
New users can connect with Facebook by clicking a button and then granting the requested permissions to our Facebook App. The permission-grant is a one-time event.
They will have to log into Facebook if they aren’t already.
When they connect for the first time a WordPress account will automatically be created for them. This integrates Facebook and WordPress.
This free plugin may be a good starting point to integrate the two systems -
Here’s another one that only handles the WordPress account creation based on a Facebook session. What it’s lacking is the ability to use the Facebook session to login after registration (it requries the WordPress username/password).
If the users doesn’t have a Facebook account or chooses not to connect through Facebook, they can manually create a WordPress account.
Required fields are: username, email, password
User Login
If the user has already granted permissions to our Facebook App, they will be auto-logged-in if they have an active Facebook session and visit our website.
Otherwise, the user will have to first log in to Facebook.
The user can choose to login with the username/password they created.
Any words of wisdom on how we can accomplish these requirements?
After several trials, the best plugin for this kind of job is It covers not only Facebook but also Twitter, and Google
Here you can find some details on installing it
Facebook supports OpenID.
There is an OpenId plugin for Wordpress I know nothing about.
The best plugin which integrates Facebook (and also Twitter and Google Plus) is WordPress Social Login.
Definetly . Lightway and secure.
There's a plugin I use on a BuddyPress site named socialsnapin which I think should fulfill your criteria (although I haven't tested it with plain WordPress).
try with keywords on :- facebook login. social login, facebook connect
There are more and awsome plugins for do this.
best i have tried:-
FacebookAll (with all facebook social plugins) By sourceaddons

Is it possible to post to Facebook without using Facebook Connect dialogs?

I would like to post updates to Facebook from my iPhone application. I know that there is a Facebook Connect project, but it requires displaying dialogs for entering user's credentials, dialog for posting content, etc. I would like to be able to get the credentials from application settings and post whatever the user put into UITextView.
Is it possible? or am I stack with Facebook Connect?
You need to use Facebook Connect to authenticate and let the user set privacy settings for your app on their profile. You might technically be able to write all the authentication code yourself (see Facebook's Developers page about authentication) but why bother when the experts have done it for you?
You can then use the Facebook Connect API to do whatever you need to do with Facebook, assuming the user has give your app permission to do so.

Facebook remember me

I want to implement a "remember me" feature on me website using the facebook connect.
On my website, i have the possibility to do the login by two distinct ways:
Normal login
Facebook Connect
When an user performs the login with facebook connect, even if he logs out on his facebook account, i want to keep him logged in on my website. He will only log out if he clicks on the logout button on the website.
Is there a way to do this?
Thanks in advance
Here is a tutorial using PHP that demostrates how to use Facebook connect. If you read the section about the login page, you'll see that Facebook does some funky javascripting that creates session cookies on your domain based on the login status on Facebook. You might be able to manipulate the API to give yourself the persistance that you're looking for.
Good luck, and hope this helps some in your project.