iOS 7 SDK view from bottom like maps app - iphone

Could anybody please inform me which type of view is shown in the iOS 7 maps app when you touch the small info button in the right bottom corner? It only covers half the screen and I want to reuse it, but have no clue what to search for.

That appears to be a UIActionSheet.


How to hide the three dots displayed on the top area of the ipad swift

I was not able to find the name of the icon displayed on the top of the iPad, but I want to know how to hide the three-dots stuff in a specific view controller programmatically.
I think it is possible to hide the split view control button.
In the info page of your application's target it should allow you to set that the application Requires full screen.
This should remove the dots from the top.
Though it will mean that your application cannot support split view.
Tested on Xcode 13.1 and iPadOS 15.2
I am afraid, you can't. It's part of Apples new internal UI.  wants to make sure that users have a set of gestures/options that are the same on all apps (like swiping up to send an app into background) to help users navigate.

Xcode 7 - WebView app not in fullscreen displayed

I've been working on a webview app, and it runs just fine other than the fact that the app is not being displayed fullscreen but in the top left corner (see image).
Does anyone know if this is some sort of setting for the screen?
Any help on the matter would be much appreciated

adding adbannerview to bottom of ipad

I am trying to ad adbannerview in my ios application i have alredy added it for iPhone which displays correctly at the bottom of the device but when i am trying to do the same for iPad it displays in middle of the screen
please help me out
Thanks in advance
Use autolayouting from Interface Builder and keep the view for your 'Ad' to be Bottom aligned and thats pretty much it.No matter what device you want to support it always will come at the bottom.
Something like this :

MPMediaPicker bottom part not responding to the clicks

I am using MPMediaPicker to play music from iPod Library in my app and facing a very strange issue:
The bottom of my media picker sometimes doesn't respond to the clicks,not even the built in tab bar of MPMediaPicker.Also I can't choose some songs at the bottom of the list.This may be very basic but I am unable to get it right now.
Please help!
Resolved the issue by presenting the MPMediaPickerController in a UIPopoverController

UIWebview size problem with UINavigationController

I have a Tab Bar application and in there I have a Navigation Bar going back and forth between 2 views with a back button (1st view - home, 2nd view - google map website link). On the second view, when I implemented a UIWebView and gave it a google map url of my company's location, when I ran it in iOS Simulation, it ran the google map application in the UIWebView, but the problem is that in the bottom left corner, the zoom in button is showing, but the zoom out button is hiding 2/3 if the button image, so I was wondering how can I adjust the UIWebView screen size to fit in with the UINavigationController? Hope someone can help and please let me know if you do not understand my question
*I posted a picture to show you on my iOS simulator what I'm talking about, the botton left corner is where my zoom out is not fully showing
Why don't you use the MKMapView and display the Google map directly? Showing the Google maps web site seems rather strange to me, because using the native map view is way nicer and you have more control.