UIWebview size problem with UINavigationController - iphone

I have a Tab Bar application and in there I have a Navigation Bar going back and forth between 2 views with a back button (1st view - home, 2nd view - google map website link). On the second view, when I implemented a UIWebView and gave it a google map url of my company's location, when I ran it in iOS Simulation, it ran the google map application in the UIWebView, but the problem is that in the bottom left corner, the zoom in button is showing, but the zoom out button is hiding 2/3 if the button image, so I was wondering how can I adjust the UIWebView screen size to fit in with the UINavigationController? Hope someone can help and please let me know if you do not understand my question
*I posted a picture to show you on my iOS simulator what I'm talking about, the botton left corner is where my zoom out is not fully showing

Why don't you use the MKMapView and display the Google map directly? Showing the Google maps web site seems rather strange to me, because using the native map view is way nicer and you have more control.


iOS 7 SDK view from bottom like maps app

Could anybody please inform me which type of view is shown in the iOS 7 maps app when you touch the small info button in the right bottom corner? It only covers half the screen and I want to reuse it, but have no clue what to search for.
That appears to be a UIActionSheet.

custom image picker as seen on Pinterest and other similar apps?

How can I simulate the tab-bar/camera behavior in the picture?
I have seen many apps which shows the very similar behavior, and I suspect there could be a library for it?
You can tab on the camera icon in the tab bar controller.
It opens camera, and you can also access your album by clicking the button on the right.

iOS development, show UIScrollView area on top of current view

Has anyone used the Instagram app lately?
It has a very neat feature, where, while you are using camera, you can touch the 'eye' button, which pops up a small scrollable UI area that contains different filters that can be applied to the camera video.
Can anyone help me on what kind of UI element I should use to get such popup?
The one on the Instagram app looks like a simple UIScrollView with custom subviews added in. What these subviews contain and how they look is completely up to you and your design.

Basic iPhone App w/ Thumbnails, Full Images, Video

I'm trying to determine the best starting structure (navigation, windows based, something else) for my iPhone app. I'm a complete noob with everything Apple (just got the mini a couple days ago).
I currently have three apps on Android and want to port to iOS. The apps are very basic. Here's a quick description with fake examples.
1st Screen - 2 Buttons (Cat / Dog) - Users selects one (Dog)
2nd Screen - 6 thumbnails of Dogs (all visible on screen) - User selects one.
3rd Screen - Full image of user selected thumbnail. Full image is clickable.
4th Screen or pop up - If user clicks full image, a 3 second video clip (mp4) plays. After playing, automatically goes back to Full Image screen.
In XCode 4, what would be the best starting point? Navigation, Windows, Single View, or just blank and hammer it out?
Ideally, I would like this to be dynamic where I only create the basic views and variables based on the user selection drives what is displayed.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I would go with navigation based app but hide the navigation bar or at least the back button so that the user can't go back on their own. This will work well because you can get the nice slide animation between screens. And you can use multiple views easily so you don't have to worry about trying to cram all of your stuff into one view and animate it.

Thumbnail Image in Info View of Maps app is UIImageView or MKMapView or Something else?

The thumbnail image shown in the info view of Maps app is UIImageView or MKMapView? Or it is something else? I have posted the screen shot marking the thumbnail with red circle.
Screen Shot (Taken from the Maps app):
I want to display a thumbnail image like this when a pin is selected in a map view of my app.
How can I do this?
I noticed the following things about this thumbnail:
Considering it as an Image: I set the map view type to "Satellite" and opened the info view using the pin. But the thumbnail is still showing in the "Default" type (as in the screen shot) as always. So I guess the thumbnail is not taken from the map using renderInContext: method. So where does it come from?
Considering it as a map view: While the Info view is opening I noticed that the thumbnail is loading like how a map view loads. I mean, I can see the empty grids before the actual thumbnail is displayed(loaded?). So I guess this can be a small map view.
Note: I Implemented this using MKMapView with the frame size 64x64. But the "Google" watermark is displayed on the map.
What is it actually? I want to implement this in a right way. I need your guidance.
It could be an MKMapView but clipped to a smaller superview. I'm sure Apple was able to get permission from Google to use that thumbnail without the Google logo (probably because the main map view shows the watermark prominently).
The official Twitter app for iPhone (formerly Tweetie) also shows a static map thumbnail sans Google logo when viewing a tweet with a location. Tapping on the map shows you a full-screen map that does show the logo. Maybe they also got special permission, or maybe it's ok because the full-screen map shows the logo. But I am not a lawyer.
Finally, as an alternative to MKMapView, it's possible to get a map image directly from Google using the Google Static Maps API. But that also requires showing the Google logo (in this case it's even more prominent).
It's most likely an internal API that we don't have access to. Even if you were able to somehow take the watermark out of the thumbnail, Apple would reject it. Check out this post:
This person got his app rejected because his image of a map did not have a google watermark.