Is there a Keyboard Shortcut in Chrome Developer Tools to switch Source File? - google-chrome-devtools

Checking the list
I cannot find any way to navigate through the source files inside Chrome Dev Tools. Anyone with an idea how to switch source files without using the mouse?

Ctrl-P / Ctrl-O shortcut will bring up a Goto-Source dialog.

To my knowledge there is no keyboard shortcut for doing this. I would know since I have recently updated that page multiple times to add or change some shortcuts.
I'm pretty sure there's no command you can configure either.
I'd suggest opening a ticket for it if you would like to see this added.


Is there any shortcut to check the content of the dev tools console?

I am just wondering if there is a shortcut/tool/widget which helps us use only the keyboard to access the information of the console in dev tools.
For example:
I have this array with objects inside.
Is there any way I can only use the keyboard to access the info?
So that I can check these?
I used the tab to navigate to it but it does not open it. Also tried ctrn+h to "hide" it but nothing.
I am using windows

How to make vscode start with a blank file?

I want to use vscode instead of notepad. I prefer to type as fast as possible when launching vscode but i can't seem to find this option to do this. Does anyone know what this option is named after or if it's possible with a plugin?
This can by making a small tweak in vscode settings. All you need to do is open preferences and search for Startup editor. Under the Workbench section you'll find the Workbench: Startup Editor option. Change the value of this option to newUntitledFile.
Thanks to Torge Rosendahl whose comment provided the answer:
The setting you are looking for is workbench.startupEditor

How to activate intellisense in VScode? (c#)

I just want to activate autocompletion in VS code. There's a lot of answers to that questions but NONE of it actually helped me. (so please don't mark as duplicate when other answers DON'T help) Apparently, you have to press "Ctrl+Alt+Spacebar" but this doesn't work or me. I don't see any option in the nav menu to toggle a completion mode either. Or maybe you need to create a file in your folder? I don't know! non of this worked and I don't even know how it did work when I've seen intellisense! So please help me find a way to do this, and it'll better if this would be permanent. Thanks.
First you must have an internet connection.
Then you should find extensions sidebar in vs code(you can open it by press 'Ctrl+Shift+X' or open it in top of the screen, View->Extensions).
After that you should search for C# extension that made by Microsoft(search C# in search textbox and click on first result)
Picture of searching C# extension
Then install that extension by clicking on install button
Wait a few minutes to install (e.g it took 15 minutes for me)
Now you have C# extension.
After that you should close the VsCode and open again.
Now you have auto completion (if not, you probably should press 'Ctrl+Space' while coding)
If you want to have smart auto completion, VsCode doesn't have IntelliCode for C#. IntelliCode is just for Visual Studio.
But you can use Tabnine or Copilot extension(you can search and install it like installing C# extension but you should search tabnine instead of C#)
Tabnine is good but it couldn't help me like Intellicode in Visual Studio.

In VSCode how to stick the explorer to the sidebar?

In VSCode i'd like to make the explorer view always visible even when other sidebar windows are open. Is there an extension or setting that I can change to achieve such behaivour?
I've tried to find extensions or setting but I could not found any.
Sorry, this is not possible in VS Code.
Several people have made feature requests, e.g., which you could upvote.

Change what text editor the "Open this file in GitHub for Mac" link uses

When I click this link it opens up the file in Xcode. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any way to change this. I would like it to open in Sublime or Atom. I've checked the GitHub for Mac preferences menu but there is nothing there related to your default editor. I've tried changing my default git editor but that doesn't work either. How do I set the editor GitHub for Mac uses?
I figured it out. Github for Mac uses the same application that finder would use if you double clicked on the file. You can follow these instructions to change the default application for a given file type
Unfortunately the accepted answer does not works anymore.
I just created simple chrome extension which allows to automatically replace github-mac links to any other existing url provider with template set by user in the options: