Change what text editor the "Open this file in GitHub for Mac" link uses - github

When I click this link it opens up the file in Xcode. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any way to change this. I would like it to open in Sublime or Atom. I've checked the GitHub for Mac preferences menu but there is nothing there related to your default editor. I've tried changing my default git editor but that doesn't work either. How do I set the editor GitHub for Mac uses?

I figured it out. Github for Mac uses the same application that finder would use if you double clicked on the file. You can follow these instructions to change the default application for a given file type

Unfortunately the accepted answer does not works anymore.
I just created simple chrome extension which allows to automatically replace github-mac links to any other existing url provider with template set by user in the options:


Visual Studio Code, how to make local file link open default program

VS Code text editor highlights and allows to follow links, this includes local file URLs:
Ctrl+click opens the file in a new editor tab:
Is it possible to configure VS Code is some way to open the file in default program instead upon ctrl+click / follow link? (e.g. html file in web browser, mp3 in media player etc.)
Any setting, extension or different text markdown will do.
I don't think there is a default way in vscode to set open a file with default program.
However, there are extensions to deal with it. For example: Open in Application

Opening VS Code settings window from extension with specific search query

I am writing a VS Code extension where I want to open the settings window programmatically from my extension. I want the window to already have the search filled out to only show the settings my extension provides, and also a way to select workspace settings vs user settings when opening the window. I know how to run vscode commands from my extension, but I cannot figure out which commands open that window.
You can now pass an argument to the search, e.g.
vscode.commands.executeCommand( 'workbench.action.openSettings', 'editor.formatOnSaveTimeout' );
vscode.commands.executeCommand( 'workbench.action.openSettings', '<your extension>' );
You can open the Settings page using:
And to focus on the search input:
However, I do not believe it's possible to specify a search value, filter by an extension, or choose the scope (user or workspace). You may open a feature request in the GitHub repo.

Fuzzy file opening in vscode

I am exploring vscode after using atom for a long while. One of the things I'm missing is an equivalent of the lovely package advanced-open-file. Is there something similar to this in vscode?
I found the advanced-new-file extension, but it is only helpful when it comes to new files. I would like to be able to quickly open files from all over my local files (not only the workspace).
Edit: I found the option of workbench.action.quickOpen; but it doesn't allow opening files from the whole file system.
Sorry, but currently the answer is no. The problem is that input box doesn't provide a way to listen to key events:
GitHub issue,
so even the extensions can't do that currently. Here's the comment from advanced-new-file extension creator:
Because VSCode extensions don't yet have the ability to do type-ahead autocomplete within the text input box (See, we work around this limitation and provide autocomplete using a two-step workflow of selecting existing path, then providing new filename/path relative to the selection.
The good news is that there is a new API addressing this issue, but it's currently in 'proposed' state and can't be used for published extensions.
One workaround could be typing code -r some/path in integrated terminal and using 'tab' for autocomplete.
The Fuzzy search extension seems to work for me.
It adds a new action to the command palette which allows you to search for files in the current project and open them.

How do I copy all css from a website using Chrome's inspect element.

I'm coding a website and using a Chrome window to view my work. I've tried to copy my changed CSS, so I can save it in my Sublime file, and there doesn't seem to be a way. Any suggestions?
You can actually edit your source files in Chrome.
I.e, you don't need to transfer your changes from Chrome to your editor.
Read this article by Arthur Evans and Tim Statler to learn about workspaces:

Is there a Keyboard Shortcut in Chrome Developer Tools to switch Source File?

Checking the list
I cannot find any way to navigate through the source files inside Chrome Dev Tools. Anyone with an idea how to switch source files without using the mouse?
Ctrl-P / Ctrl-O shortcut will bring up a Goto-Source dialog.
To my knowledge there is no keyboard shortcut for doing this. I would know since I have recently updated that page multiple times to add or change some shortcuts.
I'm pretty sure there's no command you can configure either.
I'd suggest opening a ticket for it if you would like to see this added.