How to activate intellisense in VScode? (c#) - visual-studio-code

I just want to activate autocompletion in VS code. There's a lot of answers to that questions but NONE of it actually helped me. (so please don't mark as duplicate when other answers DON'T help) Apparently, you have to press "Ctrl+Alt+Spacebar" but this doesn't work or me. I don't see any option in the nav menu to toggle a completion mode either. Or maybe you need to create a file in your folder? I don't know! non of this worked and I don't even know how it did work when I've seen intellisense! So please help me find a way to do this, and it'll better if this would be permanent. Thanks.

First you must have an internet connection.
Then you should find extensions sidebar in vs code(you can open it by press 'Ctrl+Shift+X' or open it in top of the screen, View->Extensions).
After that you should search for C# extension that made by Microsoft(search C# in search textbox and click on first result)
Picture of searching C# extension
Then install that extension by clicking on install button
Wait a few minutes to install (e.g it took 15 minutes for me)
Now you have C# extension.
After that you should close the VsCode and open again.
Now you have auto completion (if not, you probably should press 'Ctrl+Space' while coding)
If you want to have smart auto completion, VsCode doesn't have IntelliCode for C#. IntelliCode is just for Visual Studio.
But you can use Tabnine or Copilot extension(you can search and install it like installing C# extension but you should search tabnine instead of C#)
Tabnine is good but it couldn't help me like Intellicode in Visual Studio.


Adding the run-code option to a new language in VSCode

I'm currently writing my own language and I'm at a point where I would like to publish it to the VSCode-Marketplace so people can test it.
I have written a language extension and a syntax highlighter with the Yeoman-Generator and now want to merge it with my executable file that launches the interpreter, so that a file can get interpreted after clicking the run-code button.
I now have checked multiple articles, like:
How to add a run button in visual studio code? - StackOverflow
How to define or support a code language on Visual Studio? - StackOverflow
Debugger Extension Guide - VSCode API
However, I haven't found anything useful.
Currently, the code-runner displays the following error, when clicking on run, or pressing the shortcut:
(Code language not supported or defined.)
But even after a lot of browsing Google for adding new language support to the code-runner, I found absolutely nothing helpful.
(See this page, idk what Settings/Preferences they are referring to!?)
I also was not successful with tasks, as they don't seem to connect to the run-buttom or debug-button in any way.
My question is: How can I make the run-button execute a custom bash-command, when a file in my language is opened?
Okay, I finally did it.
For anyone wondering:
You have to go to the settings and type "code-runner" into the search bar.
Scroll down a little, and you should find the code runner-executor map.
Click on the "edit in settings.json" button.
Now a .json-file should've opened. There are two possible scenarios: Either, there is a json-object called code-runner.executorMapBy... or not.
If there is none, type code-runner.executorMapByFileExtension and let autocomplete do the job.
If the json-object exists, add the file-extension and a bash command that executes your compiler/interpreter. It gets automatically executed in the directory the program-file lies in.
Now still dont know, how to include the settings in my extension, but that was already a big step. Further help is still appreciated!
There is an open source extension called code runner, you can check source code there.

Visual Studio Code Cobol Extension - Code Navigation using F12

I'm using this Cobol extension for Visual Studio Code:
It works very well and I've got it all set up. The only problem remaining is that I want to use the functionality to press F12 to jump to a definition in my code, so if I click "" in the code of a program and press F12 it's supposed to open the styledocument file, but all the editor does is say "No definitions found for "styledocument"." Our lead developer says the functionality used to be there and it just vanished at some point for no reason.
Is there any way to get this functionality back? It'd be really useful, I'm very new at programming and this would be a godsend as it'd help me find my way around the code at a reasonable pace, as everything seems really difficult right now.
Thank you everyone for your replies!

How can I make Visual Studio Code's auto-complete suggestions appear more quickly?

I have more than sufficient resources free:
but Visual Studio Code is taking several seconds to show an auto-completion list, even when I have typed 80% of what is to be completed.
How can I make Visual Studio Code's auto-complete suggestions appear more quickly?
It is possible that you have some VS code's extension enabled that is slowing down your system.
To check if that's the case open Command Palette (Ctrl+shift+p) and type "Disable all installed extensions".
Check if the experience is faster and more responsive now. If that's the case now you need to find the extension that is slowing you, for doing so follow these steps:
open Command Palette (Ctrl+shift+p) and type "Show Installed Extensions", now from the list you will have to spend some time activating and deactivating extensions until you find the one causing the troubles.
NOTE: You can show suggestions at any time pressing Ctrl+space and Ctrl+shift+space, so you can try forcing it when it's not showing.
An out of blue suggestion, but you can try light weight editors like Sublime text 3. The response time in auto-complete there is one of the best I have ever seen.

visual studio code editor not autocompleting, colour coding or giving suggestions

UPDATE: I solved my own problem. Solution is at end of this post
Original Post:
Hi, I had Visual Studio Code (VSCode) installed a long time back for use with Unity but ended up not using it and opted for Visual Studio instead because that was what my Unity course was using.
I am now learning HTML so I now want to use the Visual Studio Code as the editor.
When I type out my HTML code, VSCode is not autocompleting any of my code or giving me any suggestions or colour coding the text.
Troubleshooting steps done:
I completely uninstalled Visual Studio Code including the user data folders: .vscode in users and Code in Appdata/Romaning (which were advised on the visual Studio code website uninstall instructions).
I then installed a fresh version. But the same problem persists.
Update: I have learnt that the feature that I have an issue with is called Intellisense. CTRL-SHIFT-R is supposed to refresh this feature module. So did this and I get the message "No refactorings available". So perhaps I am missing a module or plugin that I am supposed to also install?
I'd appreciate someone's help to solve this.
Many thanks.
PS This is my first StackOverflow question, I hope it's not a forehead slapping debut!
I just solved my own problem...and it's probably a beginner's mistake...
I discovered at the bottom right corner of the editor, this a menu tray. One of these items showed "Plain Text". On clicking it, it showed a list of programming languages. Naturally HTML was one of them and I upon clicking it. The editor Intellisense auto completion, suggestions etc kicked in.
If I may comment, I wonder why this element is somewhat conspicuous. It's not obvious for a beginner to know to click on "Plain Text" at the bottom right corner without scouring the interface or try to find a third party tutorial video. Perhaps, I can give that as a feedback to the developers.
I just solved my own problem...and it's probably a beginner's mistake.
I discovered at the bottom right corner of the editor, this a menu tray. One of these items showed "Plain Text". On clicking it, it showed a list of programming languages. Naturally HTML was one of them and I upon clicking it. The editor Intellisense auto completion, suggestions etc kicked in.

How to hook into the Visual Studio IntelliSense completion keys to change when it triggers

Visual Studio 2015 does not have a way to only select IntelliSense when I press Enter or Tab anymore in C# for 2015. It's available for JavaScript but not C#.
I'm trying to create a MEF project and hook into the IntelliSense to change this behaviour for C# files. Just to get started, I tried to implement this sample plugin from Microsoft:
The sample compiles, but it does not work. Nothing in the code is triggered from the debugged IDE. The samples tells to start a new text file and press "a" to get demo IntelliSense, but it never trigger.
Here's the code project if anyone want to look into it:
Could someone guide me in the right direction here, the documentation in this area is very fluid.
There isn't a supported way to use the APIs to customize this. The behavior you're looking to change falls under the Roslyn project on GitHub so you're more than welcome to file a bug there as feedback. You're also welcome to send a pull request, but at this point it's really tricky to make a change to the editor components of Roslyn and apply those to your locally installed Visual Studio. It's something we're working on fixing but it's not done yet.
The workaround is to press Ctrl+Alt+Space when inside the editor. That will toggle into the correct IntelliSense behaviour. Not a very easy thing to find, but it saved my day. They should probably give better information about this toggle feature, and make it more visible.. Still, it will not be remembered after closing the IDE, so you have to do it every time you start the IDE.