How to find a substring and delete it as well as everything that comes after it - tsql

I've been searching for a way to update some columns of a certain table.
This update would try to find a certain substring and to delete it as well as every other characters that comes after it.
It's easy to delete everyhting after a certain character but I can't find a way to do the same thing with a substring.
Thanks for the help

Considering that:
the column to update is called haystack
the substring to search for is called #needle
Here's the expression you're looking for:
when charindex(#needle, haystack) = 0 then #haystack
else substring(haystack, 1, charindex(#needle, haystack) - 1)
Here's an online test of the two cases (match/no match):!3/d41d8/21209

#substring varchar(32) = 'anySubString'
colomnName =
(CASE WHEN charindex(#substring, colomnName) = 0 THEN
substring(colomnName , 1, charindex(#substring, colomnName) - 1)


REDSHIFT if value in list

I am trying to set some variables on the top of my query via CTEs to make maintenance of a long query more easy to handle.
I have extracted an example of what I am trying to achieve. I am not managing to make 'tags' be perceived as a list rather than a whole string. I have tried split_part but have not managed to get what I require.
WITH tmp AS (
'tag1, tag2, tag3' as tags
CASE WHEN 'tag1' in (select tags from tmp) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END matched_tags
Basically what I need is to have a string 'tag1' and see if it exists in the list 'tag1','tag2' or 'tag3'. This should give me 1 as there is a match
This is obviously not working because it is taking the 'tag1, tag2, tag3' as one string so there is no match.
Can anyone help me with this?
The STRPOS() function should do what you want.
Something like this:
WITH tmp AS (
'tag1, tag2, tag3' as tags
CASE WHEN STRPOS(tags, 'tag1') > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as matched_tags
FROM tmp;

How to use tSQL to match and remove everything after either of 2 strings?

How can I use tSQL to find one of two strings, and if they exist, return everything before found string?
In an ETL process, how would we take the column from source, identify the strings ?uniquecode= OR /uniquecode= and therefore remove those, and everything else after them, in the SELECT statement for the sink column? i.e. matching desired outcome below.
On this SO question I was provided with a solution that finds ?uniquecode= successfully. I just need to find a way to modify it to also look for /uniquecode=
CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('?uniquecode=', SourcePageURL) > 0
CHARINDEX('?uniquecode=', SourcePageURL) - 1)
ELSE SourcePageURL END AS new_source
FROM sql_test;
You may modify your current query as follows:
CASE WHEN SourcePageURL LIKE '%?uniquecode=%'
CHARINDEX('?uniquecode=', SourcePageURL) - 1)
WHEN SourcePageURL LIKE '%/uniquecode%'
CHARINDEX('uniquecode=', SourcePageURL) - 1)
ELSE SourcePageURL END AS new_source
FROM sql_test;

Can you do a sub select within a Case statement

Probably something really trivial but I haven't quite found the answer I am looking for on the internet and I get syntax errors with this. What I want/need to do is to provide a special case in my where clause where the doctype is 1. If it is, then it needs to match the claimID from a sub select of a temp table. If the doctype is not a 1 then we just need to continue on and ignore the select.
I have seen some for if statements but I didn't seem to get that to work and haven't found anything online as of yet that shows a case statement doing what I would like. Is this even possible?
You don't need a case statement, you could do:
AND (#DocType <> 1 or c.ClaimID in (SELECT TNE.ClaimID FROM TNE))
A CASE expression (not statement) returns a single value. SQL Server supports the bit data type. (Valid values are 0, 1, 'TRUE' and 'FALSE'.) There is a boolean data type (with values TRUE, FALSE and UNKNOWN), but you cannot get a firm grip on one. Your CASE expression attempts to return a boolean, give or take the unmatched parenthesis, which is not supported in this context.
You could use something like this, though Luc's answer is more applicable to the stated problem:
when #DocType = 1 and c.ClaimId in ( select TNE.ClaimId from TNE ) then 1
when #DocType = 2 and ... then 1
else 0
end = 1
Note that the CASE returns a value which you must then compare (= 1).

Centura Gupta Team Developer Automation Possibility

Is there a automation tool which can automate the software build on Team Developer (v6.0).
I have tried with multiple automation tools to spy the table object in the application, it identifies it as Gupta ChildTable. But I am not able to retrieve the values from the row.
For example:
1. I have 10 rows in the table(grid) with 12 columns. I need to find the value "AAAAA" contained in first column and select that particular row via Automation.
2. I have 10 rows in the table(grid) with 12 columns. I need to find the value "AAAAA" contained in first column and click on particular cell in that row to input the data via Automation.
Thanks in advance.
Use VisTblFindString . This function ( and many others ) are included into your TD code if include 'VT.apl' in your include libraries .
VisTblFindString will return the Row - so then you simply set context to that row using SalTblSetContext( hWndForm, nRow ) , and then you can refer to the contents of each cell by name to return the value.
nRow = VisTblFindString(hWndTable, nStartRow, hWndColumn, sString)
Handle: hWndTable
Number: nStartRow
Number: hWndColumn
String: sString
Locates a string value within a column.
The string must match exactly, but case is ignored. Searching ends when the last row in the table is checked. A SAM_FetchRow message is sent for all rows that have not yet been fetched into the cache.
You can use the pattern matching characters understood by the function SalStrScan. The percent character (%) matches any set of characters. The underscore character ( _ ) matches any single character.
hWndTable Table window handle.
nStartRow Row number at which to start the search.
hWndColumn Handle of column to search. Use hWndNULL to search all string columns.
sString String for which to search.
Return Value
Number: The row number if sString is found, or -1 if not found.
Set nRow = VisTblFindString (twOrders, 0, colDesc, 'AAAAAA')
Call SalTblSetContext( twOrders , nRow )
( Now you can get the value of any cell in nRow by referring to the Column Name )
e.g. Set sCellValue = twOrders.colDesc or Set sCellValue = twOrders.colId etc.
Rows ( or anything what-so-ever in a TableWindow - even the cell borders , backgrounds , lines, row headers etc ) can be treat as an 'Item' or 'Object' by TeamDeveloper . Recommend you use MTbl - it is an invaluable set of add-on functions that make dealing with Tables a breeze. I know of no sites using TableWindows that don't use MTbl. In terms of rows , you can define any row as an Item or Object and manipulate it accordingly. See M!Tbl ( a TableWindows extention ) and specifically fcMTblItem.DefineAsRow( hWndTbl, nRow ).
BTW , you can also use MTbl to completely change the look and feel of your TableWindows , to give them a real modern look.
Very rough napkin code, don't have TD on this computer. Not that you can copy&paste this easily anyway due to the code structure, only line by line.
tbl1 is the name of the table, col1 is the name of the column, substitute to fit your program.
Set nRow = TBL_MinRow
While SalTblFindNextRow( tbl1, nRow, 0, 0 )
Call SalTblSetContext( tbl1, nRow )
If tbl1.col1 = "AAAAA"
Call SalTblSetFocusCell( tbl1, nRow, tbl1.col1, 0, -1 )
This should run through each row, check whether col1 has the chosen value, and then activates edit mode for that cell - provided the column is editable.

Remove last character from string column in SQL Server CE

In SQL Server Compact, I'm trying to remove a trailing comma that came from a goof which affected several thousand rows of a NVARCHAR column.
UPDATE myTable
SET col = LEFT(col, LEN(col)-1)
WHERE col LIKE '%,';
throws the error:
There was an error parsing the query. [ Token in error = LEFT ]
Can SQL Server CE not parse that query? Or, can someone offer another approach?
Note: I tried this in CompactView, I'm not sure if that's the problem.
Based off this example I was able to get it done using SUBSTRING:
UPDATE myTable
SET col = SUBSTRING(col, 0, LEN(col))
WHERE col LIKE '%,';
The proposed solution with using SET col = SUBSTRING(col, 0, LEN(col)) is a bit unclear.
This is working as a side effect of the SUBSTRING second parameter starting_position being "1 based". So 0 in this case is kind of negative (you could also use i.e. -3 and 4 characters would be stripped then instead of 1).
IMHO it would be much more clear to use this:
UPDATE myTable
SET col = SUBSTRING(col, 1, LEN(col)-1)
WHERE col LIKE '%,';
Which shows the code's intent
UPDATE myTable
SET col = SUBSTR(col, 0, (LENGTH(col) - 1))
WHERE col LIKE '%,';